MovieChat Forums > Alex Pettyfer Discussion > For those who believe the tabloids that...

For those who believe the tabloids that Alex is an on set diva....

From an extra on the set of Endless Love -

"Remember guys this is a party. Lets do drugs and run around naked" -Alex LOL
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Alex Pettyfer is so hilarious. Dude is awesome.


Apparently, it lost him a bunch of roles. That is quantifiable by all the above articles. Again, I am merely pointing out the reality, whereas people on his board (and NOT on any other board I frequent) seem to pretend every bad thing sad about him is a complete lie with the fervor of the most ardent Beliebers.

I like facts. I like Alex, which is why I first came to these boards. I simply acknowledge the reality that he has been a difficult actor to work with, and do not blindly follow him like some Scientologist following David Miscavage.

I like lots of difficult stars. Or stars who have had scandals. But people are not on the Madonna or Mel Gibson or Schwarzenegger boards denying that they did the things they actually did.

Except for Tom Cruise (see above) and I did not think Alex had a cult.

Defender of the weak, and enemy of the weak minded.
