A letter to Chloe


I know the chances of you reading this are slim, and I know that this may end up getting drowned out by creepers and *beep* But on the off chance you do find this, I have only one thing to say:

I am so, so sorry.

I am sorry all the hard work you put into campaigning for Clinton turned out to be for nothing. I'm sorry that your message of unity and acceptance was drowned out by one of hatred and bigotry. I'm sorry that you've put in all this effort and cast your vote, and that you still couldn't break through. But, most importantly, I'm sorry you and your family now live in a country where you are no longer seen as equals or even as people. My heart breaks so hard for you and your mom and your brothers, and I cannot imagine the confusion and heartbreak you must be feeling.

Should you desire to exit the spotlight to protect your family, I will understand completely. And while Canada may not be ready to accept American immigrants just yet, I will welcome you and your family into Vancouver with open arms and can promise you that all of you will be safe there.

A Fan


I'm not convinced trump is the great businessman he & his supporters seem to think he is.
Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
