Every few days, more light is shed on the “claims” Meghan made in her Oprah interview. The latest is her claim that she and Harry were actually married three days before the big televised event wedding.
That is 100% false, according to their marriage certificate.
She is a pure manipulator. She got Harry to leave his family. All she wants it to be a rich, random celebrity. She will say or do anything to make it happen.
I think it's strange that she debunked the report that she made Kate cry, by explaining that it was actually Kate who made her cry. But that interview did not debunk the report that she demanded a tiara be released for her to practice her hairstyle with her hairdresser. That makes me think, hmm, maybe the tiara story is true. That is the danger of speaking out to debunk specific claims: then anything you do NOT debunk starts to have the ring of truth.
Even though she was frustrated that the Palace debunked specific things about Kate, in my view, most of those things were debunked for other reasons. For example, the thing about her hair extensions mark being a scar from childhood surgery, that was clearly going to come up again and again because the scar is quite prominent. They would have had to explain it eventually.
If they wanted a totally private wedding with no public hoopla, why the hell didn't they have a totally public private wedding without public hoopla? And spare the British public and Prince Charles the millions of pounds that were spent on their internationally televised wedding?
That's the two of them all over, *saying* they want privacy, but turning around and demanding celebrity and public attention at every possible opportunity.
Yes I didn't understand why bring up the whole thing about three days before the wedding. It just seemed like a deliberate slap in the face to the British public, as if she was saying: haha you suckers think we really got married that day but we were ALREADY married! And despite all the media backpedaling that it was just a rehearsal, the clear impression of viewers was that she was saying that was when they really got married. The need for all the hurried fact-checking and backpedaling by the media is an indicator that this was the impression she was clearly giving.
It is so hard to tease out the truthtellers from the storytellers on both sides, but drama and destroyed relationships seem to be repeatedly associated with her.
B/c the FIRM demanded they have a public wedding! You don't know a damn thing about this disgusting monarchy. The courtiers and the tabloids control the royals. Harry said they are stuck. He also basically said he was raised within a racist institution, did the work and educated himself on race relations, tried to educate his disgusting family members in the same process he was educated, but they weren't having it! They want Harry to abandon his wife and children and go back to being Williams lapdog and scapegoat, b/c william does not know how to do shit but cheat on that wife he has been cheating on since they were at university!
Seeing as Princess Beatrice actually had a small private wedding last year, with the full approval of "the Firm", I'm calling bullshit on the FIRM demanding these publicity-loving twats forgo a private wedding. They love fame and publicity, just so you know, they just want the fame on their own terms and not the Royal Family's.
As for the idea of Harry trying to "educate" his family on the evils of racism, I actually laughed out loud! Harry is a low-IQ idiot who barely got through high school with the aid of the best tutors money could buy, I wouldn't let him "educate" me on the correct way to cross the street or drink water. But I'd encourage him to try, out of sheer snarky evil, whenever he made some silly claim I'd ask him for details or his sources. It'd be fun to encourage him for a while, until I got tired of holding in the giggles.
I thought Princess Beatrice's wedding was really beautiful. The picture of her and her husband standing six feet away from the Queen and Prince Philip was adorable. Her dress was really pretty. Everything about it was just so lovely, and I thought it was so nice that they just went ahead with the wedding despite the pandemic and scaled it down to follow the rules. It also conveyed a really nice sense of solidarity with young people of this generation whose plans for their futures have been disrupted by the pandemic.
Yeah, it was a lovely and tasteful little wedding, and it was nice to such a sweet, safe, celebration of love at a time when people were so burdened with fear and isolation. I understand that the happy couple were offered a choice between a tiny precaution-filled wedding then, or a big splashy wedding when it was safe, and they opted for safe, small, and soon. And it was very private, no photos released except the bridal party and their monumentally expensive floral arrangements, so I assume they were also offered the choice of how public they wanted to go.
Which does rather kill the idea that Harry and Meg were forced to have a great big televised wedding, presumably they could have had a private wedding like Bea's if they'd wanted one. As for claims they were forced into anything, well, the thing is that I presume that if they wanted a budget of $45 million (according to google), then they had to do certain things the Firm's way, and it seems that Harry and Meg just HATE having any conditions attached to the money other people spend on them or give them.
Meghan doesn't seem to be the "forceable" type; more the "attention junkie" type.
It would have been fun to watch if they had actually been forced to live up to their hype, and had to be little Meghan and Harry Windsor, struggling to make it on their own with no help from anybody -- no stipend from Dad, no mansion given them by friends. Just Harry twiddling his thumbs -- because that's all he's suited for -- and wifey trying to scrape out a living on her meager talent. I suppose she could have sold it as a reality show.
Stay tuned on the reality show front! I think that these two will do anything for a buck... enough bucks.
And yeah, Meg doesn't seem the "forceable" type, which would be entirely for her credit if she weren't so interested in living high at other peoples' expense. As it is, she seems to expect other people to give her shit-tons of money, with her giving little or nothing in return because she doesn't like strings attached to anything she gets, and she doesn't understand that the biggest sorts of gifts ALWAYS come with strings attached.
According to eyewitnesses at Givenchy, she was an absolute monster behind the scenes. She was always changing her mind, screaming at her dress fitters, she even slapped one of them when she was displeased, she was very cruel to Princess Charlotte and pitted her against Ivy, Jessica Mulroney's daughter, encouraged Ivy to be mean to her, and refused to let her bridesmaids wear stockings or socks in the hot weather for the wedding. She didn't even want Charlotte and George in her retinue, but that was one area the Queen and Prince Charles insisted upon, because they were related to the groom. MeAgain's jealousy over Catherine is hideously disgusting to behold.
Now Catherine wasn't actually there for the bridal dress fittings. She had a lot of work to do, and she had just given birth to Prince Louis. Princess Charlotte had a baby-sitter bring her to the dress fittings, but after much bullying by MeAgain, Catherine eventually had the girl pulled out of those, and it's pretty clear why she cried. A 40-something diva, being an absolute jealous bitch to a 3-year-old just because she has the title of "Princess," and her mommy will be Queen one day? Catherine tried bringing her flowers to make amends, and Meghan repaid her by slamming the door in her face.
So who really made who cry?
For those who refuse to believe me, check out the entire story here:
It's okay, I'll post an individual "bridezilla" post and transcribe what's written on there. But for now, I'd like to make some positive posts about movies or tv shows first.