"Jennifer Lawrence Anne Hathaway Cate Blanchett Marion Cotillard and Nicole Kidman"
Hm. Cate Blanchett is excellent if well cast, but I sometimes think in trying to stretch she takes roles that are not necessarily a good or convincing fit for her.
Marion Cotillard I have seen little of, but yes in what I have seen she is very good.
Nicole Kidman needs a good part to do well. I don't think she does much more than that. Yes, though, I do think she is very good.
Anne Hathaway I would hardly think is in anyone's top tier. She puts in workmanlike performances, but that's about it.
Jennifer Lawrence - I can see why some really like her, and I think she is very good. Just not at the top.
My top right now including the problematic mention of Cate Blanchette would still be Kate Winslet on top more for past work, with Jessica Chastain and Amy Adams right behind her. Perhaps Julie Delpy also deserves mention here, and fwiw I did think Patricia Arquette was a very deserving Oscar winner when that is not always the case.
Some others include the excellent work Sienna Miller did in American Sniper. she has had a somewhat uneven career but i have always been impressed with her work.
Keira Knightley I find immensely attractive and that may skew my assessment of her. But she has also done excellent work, as in Dangerous Methods. I also found her to be the best part of The Imitation Game.
Kelly Macdonald has not had a great deal of great film parts while she worked in Boardwalk Empire, but she imo is a wonderful and underrated actress.
And in mentioning actresses who have spent more time in tv I think Elisabeth Moss and Christina Hendrick deserve mentions for their work in Mad Men.