Favorite role?

Okay. I thought I'd start a positive thread, where hopefully we can talk about what we do like and not what we don't and put the arguments to one side.

I love Alex as an actor. There are very few actors I like as much, in fact only really Tom Hardy, Emily Blunt and Michael Fassbender. I don't like everything Alex has done but do find him pretty mesmerising in nearly every role, even if its in something I find generally is not to my taste.

So I wondered; what's your favorite role of his guys?

Mine is Oyster Farmer and Steve McG. I also liked him in The Shield.

Oyster Farmer I love because he's this down to earth Aussie kid trying to get the money for his sister. He's cocky but vulnerable deep down and he plays that beautifully. I also like a lot of the other actors in it, it's quirky, beautifully shot and overall a really great, indy type film.

Steve McG I love because he's so bamf. I'm not massively into procedurals and tv shows like HFO but the cast make this one stand out for me, the core four are amazing. Grace Park was the name that drew me in and she's part of the reason I stayed but the main reason was Alex as Steve.

I love how stoic and reserved McG is but how Alex gives him emotion too and depth.

Yes he looks hot but that's not why Alex pulls me in. Hot looking guys are everywhere on tv shows and in movies but they need something more to really make me take notice. Alex has that. He's got a lot of talent imo.


No problem! :-) Hope you enjoy it, though I'm sure you will. ;-)
