Dear Diora : please don't do porn, we luv ya
dont thrash into porn industry like every other voluptuous women in hollywood, keep it real, keep it simple, n keep it bouncy..yyyeeaah Diora. we sure do luv ya baby
sharedont thrash into porn industry like every other voluptuous women in hollywood, keep it real, keep it simple, n keep it bouncy..yyyeeaah Diora. we sure do luv ya baby
shareLook dude, you make some valid points. I don't disagree with u 100%. Maybe I do generalize a bit much, but on the same token I think there is much as well that you're a bit oblivious to. Never forget, the bottom line is money green, in ANY business. Porn is no different. Most, not all, but most of these women are nothing more than a paycheck to a lot of pornographers. The porn industry has more coke and meth problems than any industry. Hell, most pornographers actually supply and addict both men and women to these drugs. Some already do it I know, my point is pornographers encouraging them to do so.And I would be a Diora fan no matter what unless she became an utter bitch, which will never happen, however, I do admit I wouldn't watch any of her scenes. Just would really get to me. She's better than that, *beep* random drug addicts from 9-5 everyday. She's capable of more and you don't go down a ladder, you go up. JMO. Truly amazed by the collective stupidity of people today....