New Baby = A New Challenge
I'm happy Diora is pregnant but I do see this as the turning point in her career. She's relied almost entirely on her looks and body to this point. She can of course get back in shape post-baby but my gut tells me she will focus her time more on being a mom versus being a sexpot.
In a way, I find this all very sad. I think Diora just needed to be offered the right role. A breakout turn that could have capitalized on her looks, body, and sexiness. I saw Diora as potentially a modern day Catherine Deneuve. Maybe that day would have never come, but at least there way always serious potential for it to happen. Even her very recent appearance in the British GQ gave me hope that it would potentially lead to more auditions and hopefully even that big breakout role.
And it goes beyond her face and body. If you follow her on Twitter you see clearly that she is very bright, funny, and kind. She could have played a variety of roles, and maybe she still will moving forward, but that potential to really be a huge actress, I fear, is essentially over. I mean, she could land and nail a big dramatic role down the role, but my point is that I think the obvious star making turn would have been something sexy and sultry and while it still remains a possibility, I honestly think such a thing is never going to happen now.
Who knows, maybe Diora will surprise us and kill it in Hollywood post-baby. But my gut says she'll focus more of her free-time on her child versus her career and that of course won't help her professionally.
I hope she proves me wrong.