Okay I walk into my college library and I head to my special place in the library and what do I PASS. I'll wait okay I pasted Bust magazine. It was a article about the guys and what they are up too. You all must see and what they have to say. Lets just say I was told more then three times to keep silent in the library. Please read all and let me know how long you were laughing. Bret says stay sweet! lol Our J dog says love Jemaine! Also its april may okay

Me love movies. Long time lol.


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You're right; it was a great article. Jemaine looks so fine at poolside! I also loved the Tiger
Beat-esque pin up photos--stay sweet indeed!


"Is Bust magazine available in Canada?" I wonder..

Treat each day as if it were the last. Please be a child sponser for World Vision.


I'm pretty not sure if it is! lol. Try the internet and see if you can read it on the internet. I love Canada. I think I might come up this summer. Hows the night life up there? I've always came with my parents. I if I do come up I want to check out the night life. I'll check if the Bust is on the internet.

Me love movies. Long time lol.


The nightlife? Nice and cool, I suppose. I haven't had any complaints so far, this April. I don't live too far up North. ..but I wouldn't mind living further up in the summertime. Tobermory area, for example, is JUST beautiful.

Treat each day as if it were the last. Please be a child sponser for World Vision.


http://www.conchords.net go on their site and you will be able to read the article. Along with seeing them on maxim magazine. Later

Me love movies. Long time lol.


I can't wait to come up lol

Me love movies. Long time lol.


A friend of mine who previously said that Jemaine could make love to her for 2 minutes providing that he put a bag over his head (very nasty, I know) now thinks he's pretty faced based on those Bust pics. I, however, always recognized & appreciated Jemaine's off kilter handsomeness. Anyhoo, what's with that staple on his belly? It looks like he's got a bit of his hand in his stripey pants but it's difficult to make out - grrr...so tantalizing.....

Redheads not warheads
