I JUST met him about an hour ago!
I was walking to the Gelsons down on Santa Monica Blvd., for lunch. I walk in and guess who's at the ATM, JEMAINE!!! I nervously walked over and said how awesome he was and the show was too. He smiled and thanked me, that was it.
So my boss comes in about 5 minutes later and I excitedly tell him that I just met Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords (my boss knows how much I love them, I sing the Robot song at least twice a week). My boss sees him and walks right over to him, starts saying "My assistant loves you would you take a picture with her?" MORTIFING! Anyway, to make a long story a little longer, my boss took two pictures of us with his camera phone. Everyone in the store was staring at us. He was so cool, we chatted for a minute and I told him how inspiring I thought he was and he just smiled with his pearly whites and beautiful green eyes and shook my hand and thanked me once again.
That made my whole year! I'm supposed to go out with the I like tonight, but he'll probably flake, but I don't care I MET JEMAINE CLEMENT TODAY!!!! When my boss emails me the pics I'll post them for all you fellow Jemaine lovers to see!
In the words of Ice Cube "Today was a good day"
"And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view"