So, he jumped on the batshit conspiracy theory/extreme anti-establishment bandwagon a couple of years ago. Now, he can just cry that "deep state elites" are trying to take him down. and his new fanbase will eat it up.
That's certainly one theory doing the rounds. Prior to Covid he seemed to think he was a cross between Che Guevara and Jesus. Suddenly, he went after the right-wing conspiracy dime. He's clearly a serious narcissist, however, and like most serious narcissists he probably doesn't actually have any principles -- hence it being such a simple transition for him to have made -- so I have no reason to believe he was any more sincere about the leftist populism than the rightist populism.
I suspect he followed the easy money... but it's certainly a way of ensuring he continues to get his narcissistic supply. But he would have achieved the same adoring, unquestioning fanbase status if he'd joined the cosplay communists too, so... who knows?
There is certainly an amount of naïvete about his choices.
I mean, what did he THINK was going to happen? How can you be so clueless that you will go against the REALLY POWERFUL entities of this world, and think nothing will happen to you? The second he made that decision to start spewing truth about corporate lies and rich families getting rich by exploiting the 'ordinary people', he was doomed.
No one can tell the truth for long without the Powers attacking them. That's why they rather show us 'Superhero movies' so we don't think about what those heroes SHOULD be doing and focusing on.. they always fight some external monsters, galactic entities or thanoses, but they never turn their focus on the government and corporations and expose all the corruption to the people.
Russell didn't seem to realize the consequences of covering himself in honey and then poking a beehive while standing in a fire ant nest.
I don't know how he could think he would get away with it.. I always knew they would get him eventually, but was shocked as to how long it took. He was basically able to preach a really long time, and give the audience a few pretty golden nuggets of information about corporate and governmental corruption (though he was a bit wishy-washy about things sometimes, which seemd a bit spineless)...
Of course they would eventually get him one way or another. It's interesting that in modern times, they don't need to 'liquidate' dissenters as much as in the olden times, because they have this really powerful smearing tool available that removes any clean spots from their windshield - the social media.
Trial by social media can possibly be even worse than a normal trial, where you need actual PROOF and EVIDENCE and you are judged by your peers... in social media, allegations from strangers are sufficient!
It's a horrible precedent and spells doom for us all in the long run.. if women's pointing fingers have THAT kind of nuking power, no one is safe.