MovieChat Forums > Benedict Cumberbatch Discussion > No more message boards after February 20...

No more message boards after February 20th!!!

Where else are we gonna gush and chat about future projects??


Oh c'mon. I don't know why you got so defensive, there ARE thousands of trolls on IMDb. Like, real nasty ones, posting illegal content. I visit like 6 IMDb boards on a regular basis and have reported illegal streams and torrents dozens if not hundreds of times. And this is still nothing compared to crazy ass stuff going on in Marvel/DCU movie boards, The Walking Dead/Game of Thrones types, and I assume politics/soapbox/whatever those are. There's actual hate speech going on, links to all kinds of illegal sites (not just streams for movies/TV), doxxing, catfishing, stalking, etc etc etc.

The reasons IMDb is giving are BS, they are closing the boards because they don't have resources to hire enough administrators or ways to control the content of people's posts at least somewhat. Which is fine, Amazon is a private corporation who are free to do what they please, but it's still quite disappointing. Just don't pretend there aren't trolls on the site because you don't like Cumberbatch fans, that's either delusional or disingenuous.

Where to begin? As you are well aware there are real trolls, the ones who start abusive threads and post illegal content, just as you describe, and no, I have no problem with anyone reporting those, and the ones whom people accuse of being trolls just because they don't like them and rush to file reports whenever they see a post, without even reading the post. And you know full well who on this board does the latter.

As for Cumberbatch fans, I have no problem with most of them, and you know that. You also know that there are Cumberbatch bullies on this very site. You've experienced their nonsense yourself. And now, once again, you're defending them.

And it is extremely childish of Dreamsincolour to wish a business would fail, putting thousands out of work, just because she cannot have her way.
