MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > If Rottenhouse went free so should Luigi...

If Rottenhouse went free so should Luigi Mangione

After all, blubbermouse got off scottfree despite the letter of the law being explicitly clear that it’s not self defense if you didn’t need to be there or could’ve ran away.

Ergo, FREE LUIGI for dispensing social justice!


But look at Kyle's little chubby cheeks though! Let's buy him a present.


Lets buy em both a present


I already found the perfect gift for Luigi!


You think that botched back surgery makes him piss his pants uncontrollably?


No it's probably the realisation that he's going to be behind bars for decades after getting arrested that makes him piss his pants


The dudes in constant back pain, he is already in a prison of his own body. That is why he gave up all his privilege and took one for the team by killing that CEO. He will be remembered as a folk hero


He will be remembered as a folk hero

lol by a minority of commie spastics maybe but don't worry Project 2025 will re-educate those losers, no he'll be remembered as the pissy pants assassin who exposed yet more of the the left's hypocrisy over gun control.


This isn't left vs. right, I fucking hate liberals and voted for Trump yet support Luigi.

My momma died from cancer when I was a kid and I saw how heartless and fucked up the system is. The best doctor in town didn't want to help her because we didn't have "good enough" health insurance. My parents had about 100,000$ in cash saved from years of honest hard work. The doctor said treatment would cost over a million and didn't want to see my mom. I remember being 12 hearing that and deciding I would take the dishonest way in life. Doesn't matter if I end up dead or in jail, the worst feeling in the world is being powerless to help the person you love due to lack of capital. I took a dark road an was a millionaire by age 22 but it was much too late, I had to bury my mom at 16


Idgaf who you voted for or that your momma died of cancer, if you support shooting someone in the back of the head because of it you're evil and retarded and I want fuck all to do with you.


Yes I maybe "evil" by your standards, I wasn't born this way, the cold world made me lose my warm heart


You'll find it's evil by the majority of people's standards, cold blooded murder isn't an acceptable act to normal people.


Your watching too much fake news bud, the jew run puppets are acting like only a small minority support him, most average people don't give two shits about that ceo. He had it coming, FUCK HIM....


You're delusional and a danger to people if you think shooting someone from behind is justified because you have a sore back, get fucked lol


It is good message for the community, if your crazy and disillusioned on life don't kill innocent people like those fucked up school shooters be like Luigi and take out your frustrations on a ceo who deserves it


"Phew my back's sore I guess I have no choice but to murder"

What a weak faggot Luigi and every single one of his supporters are


You sir are the faggot, licking the boots of your overlords...


"Aww my mommy died of natural causes now I support murder"

Fuck off retard


Good day to you faggot, enjoy licking boots ya biaaaattch


Yawn, go cry about insurance faggot


Hmmm. If you've kept up with this story, you would know an insurance claim for this injury has not been found. Could be because scions of 1%-ers don't need insurance. So why is he a hero?


His family is rich as fuck, I don't think he had problems getting surgery. I think it was the surgery that fucked him up so bad he had nothing to lose, his constant pain had life so miserable being put in a jail cell for his crimes was the last of his worries. Nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose


This is utter horseshit fantasy at this point, prove any of that.


I don't have to prove anything, it is a hunch, I am not claiming it as fact bud...


So you made up a story to try and justify the killing, cool I can call it utter horseshit fantasy then.


Back pain is debilitating, I know that as a fact. It really doesn't matter if it was simply the pain or the lack of insurance claims pushed him over the edge.

A morally corrupt ceo is dead, a message has been sent, that is what really matters at the end of the day, happy story 😎


Boo hoo, not as debilitating as a bullet from behind. Luigi will never see freedom again and braindead retards can cheer on murder all they want, it just signals to the non freaks to steer clear of you.


Luigi can't enjoy freedom anyways cause his back is fucked, he is missing nothing


Yes he is a weak faggot isn't he you're so right.


The weakest faggot is the ceo who has been adjusted by the adjuster




"made up a story to try and justify the killing" Yes, that is exactly what DMT has done.


He said 1 thing I agree with, it isn't a left/right issue. No it's a good/evil issue and Luigi's supporters are doing incredible mental gymnastics to excuse evil. I won't have it and I won't take any moral lectures from these insane evil people.




I noticed you ignored my question: "So why is he a hero?"


Cause he did what other wanted to do but couldn't


You need therapy and a dictionary


where do you get those wonderful dugs? or more likely, when did you get off your med?


Rittenhouse was running away, you f'ing moron. He shot in self-defense, at criminals who were attempting to kill him. Mangione, in great contrast, waited until his intended victim, who was no threat to him, walked into view, then shot the guy in the back. It's astounding that you are so stupid you can't comprehend the vast difference.


It's the drugs I posted about above.


Rittenhouse was running away like a bitch after pointing his rifle at bystanders you f'ing moron. He shot a guy that threw a plastic bag after being provoked by aiming his gun at them.
Mangione, in great contrast, waited until the mass murderer CEO, who was a threat to millions of people walked into view, then dispensed social justice.



Yeah that's not what happened. The mob was trying to start a dumpster fire and burn down the entire business. Kyle put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. The criminals were so mad, they chose to attack Kyle instead. Joseph Rosenbaum threw his bag with all of his belongings at Kyle, since he had just be released from the mental hospital that day, and he charged at Kyle and said I'm going to kill you. He was shot, and nothing of value was lost.


Wrong, he was aiming his gun at people on the street and goaded them into reacting. What a cowardly lil bitch he is. Not self defense. By your logic you can walk around aiming your gun at bystanders and then claim self defense? Coward, micro-dick republitarded logic


Seriously, people defending a kid who brought a gun to a place he didn’t live to threaten people and act like a god is a hero to the Right. It’s sick.


That’s also false, his father lived in Kenosha. The narrative that his mom dropped him at the protest, and he brought a weapon crossed state lines is a flat out lie, repeated by the msm.

And no he’s not a hero, but he should’ve never been charged in the first place.


I didn’t say he crossed state lines did I? That changes nothing I said.


Luckily the rest of what you said was false anyway so it doesn't matter.


So, he didn’t bring a weapon to a protest and threaten people with it 🤔 huh, guess I must be thinking of another Kyle Rittenhouse.


Correct, he didn't threaten a single person with his weapon, and it's not so much that you're thinking of another Kyle Rittenhouse and more that you're completely fabricating things about this Kyle Rittenhouse. Glad I could be of service to the handicapped again today.


Didn’t you get banned for being a troll?


Didn't I just expose how you were lying about Kyle Rittenhouse again and now you're trying to deflect to something irrelevant?


No you absolutely did NOT expose anything. You don’t even know what that means. It was proven in court that he was brandishing his weapon.

Don’t you ever get tired of being humiliated?


"It was proven in court that he was brandishing his weapon." Please provide links from credible news sources that document your claim.


Sure, here’s a transcript:



Thank you. I agree CNN is a credible news course. What don't see in the article is where "It was proven in court that he was brandishing his weapon."

Please give me your definition of brandishing and point out where the testimony proves that.

Thanks again.


Now I exposed you again, thaks for playing and losing yet again. What you posted was more fabrication. Winner = me


That’s false, I just told you what happened. They weren’t just minding their own business, and he walked up to them and pointed a gun. They were on the lot causing chaos, and attacked him when he put out the fire. It’s in video.


lol what a horribly wrong interpretation of distorted events you have. There’s video evidence of him pointing his gun at people who never even approached him. Succ iiittt!


Please post said evidence. I have not seen it. Maybe you're talking about the guy saying Rittenhouse motioned for them to get off the car. But that doesn't count as video evidence.


It was shown at the trial


If the video you speak of was shown at the trial, then the jury has a different interpretation than you. Can you explain that?

Also, then it should be simple for you to support your claim by providing a link from a credible source.


Something about the video being too grainy, idk, the jury was dumb. Anyway, it’s all on the internet


In other words, you can't provide credible evidence of your claim. Nothing new here.


[–] AnthonySocksss (822) 2 days ago
Rittenhouse was running away like a bitch after pointing his rifle at bystanders you f'ing moron. He shot a guy that threw a plastic bag after being provoked by aiming his gun at them.
Mangione, in great contrast, waited until the mass murderer CEO, who was a threat to millions of people walked into view, then dispensed social justice.


How exactly was this man a threat anymore now in 2024 than long before this Mangione kid was even thought of and no one had a problem with United Healthcare?? How?? Look, this kid is a Marxist and if you read his so called Manifesto, you'd know this


Yeah I agree


You can explain it to these people over a hundred times and they still won't listen. They'll just cover their ears & scream and continue living in their own delusions. You got a better chance with a bricked wall than an unhinged leftist.


Republitards are the biggest intellectual cowards in the world! Basic facts apparently don’t register in your peanut brains, so you have to hide on the internet behind a keyboard! 🤣 🤡


Men have a penis and women have a vagina


You Libtards are the ultimate cowards, you abuse women & groom children and then have the audacity to accuse the otherside of lacking humanity when you people have none to begin with and this is coming from someone that isn't part of any political party but you people assume anything that thinks you're insane is a republican and you wonder why Trump won. "Fact" doesn't go with anything you lefties say, you people don't even know what a woman is.


What a weird outburst. I think you might be a closeted tranny from all your obsessive talk. Typical of the mental derangement of MagaTards 🤣


Ummm false equivalence. One was self defense while the other was first degree murder.


I'm sure he's kidding.


I don’t think you know what first degree murder is, you corporate bootlickin bitch 🤣


Ummm yes, shooting someone in the back is literally first degree murder you idiot.


No it’s isn’t tardo, read what New York law ACTUALLY IS for first degree


Self Defense and First Degree murder are not the same thing.


Who’s talking about first degree murder?


First degree murder is premeditated which is what Lugi did.


Nope, you should probably read up on the New York law. It’s second degree at best


If you know NY law on murder, why this mystery tap dance? People here are saying he is guilty of intentional premeditated murder and you seem to argue he’s not charged with that. You tell us to read NY law instead of just explaining your point. Has he not been charged with an intentional premeditated murder in NY?

It gives the impression you’re only arguing bar exam technicalities about the degrees of murder crimes under NY law to avoid admitting this guy has been charged with intentional, premeditated murder


He's just a stupid leftist, what do you expect.

In his mind that's "self defense".


Since when did republitards become such corporate bootlicking cunts? Scared of your own shadow? 🤣


I'm not a republianything.

And since when it's ok to murder someone because it works for a corporate? Even if he is the CEO.

Dude, get your meds. I assume you've already been in mental health institution based on your nonsense.


You sure have a lot of republitards talking points. Did you ever consider the fact I’m not leftist but a social libertarian?

Did you ever know that corporations murder millions of people? The CEO was collateral damage.

You should go to bed now grandpa, it’s past your bedtime and you have dementia


Saying that killing someone in cold blood is murder is a "republitards talking point" is evidence of extreme retardation.

You should had been aborted while your mother still had a chance.


It’s only okay to kill people if your name is Kyle I guess.


No, it's ok to kill people in self defense when you are attacked and threatened to be killed.

Name has nothing to do with it.

Sigh, why are all leftists so stupid?


Indeed, especially if she had the same abortion attitude as him.


Did you ever consider the fact I’m not leftist but a social libertarian?

lmfao, you're as far left as it gets.


I’m a libertarian you ignoramus, I voted for Ron Paul in 2012. MAGAtards see “spooky leftists” under their bed at night 🤣


And you're still a leftoid that voted for a libertarian.


Apparently me being a registered libertarian just broke your brain. Anything that’s not “leftist” doesn’t compute in the MAGAtard neuron


But you are a leftist, no one is denying that except you; own it.


You’re in denial I am a libertarian. No one is denying that except you; own it.


Keep telling yourself that. You're a leftoid; all day, every day. Cope


Keep telling yourself that. I’m a libertarian, ya MAGAtard;
all day, every day, go cry about it bitch


Apparently an imbecile like you doesn't know that libertarians CAN be on the left. or on the right.

And that's right, your negative IQ doesn't help your ignorance either. Fucking imbecile.

And your username checks, you are a sock (socdem) and a sock puppet.


Nice job educating yourself. You can also read up some more and realize they CAN be in the middle too. Now go and finish your homework, lol doggy 🤣




tvfan_____mega-retarded_______ brain damaged_________sped


You are the one I educated, I know a shitload more than you.

You are the one shouting "I'm not a leftist, I'm a libertarian" you inbred moron. Like that means anything to the left-right dichotomy. Exactly, you retard, it DOESN'T.

Now gtfo, you're an useless nullity.


The only left right dichotomy is the one inside your schizoid brain, sheep. Keep having a meltdown about the fact I’m libertarian. And seek a mental crisis counselor for your random outbursts


the fact I’m libertarian

The fact I’m a leftist-liberal.

There, fixed it for you.


Ron Paul is a “leftist” lol mkay then, tardo. I guess Rush Limbaugh was pretty much a commie then too, right?


It doesn't matter what Paul is or isn't, the fact remains that you are a leftoid.


The fact remains you are a retoid


Idiot, I have no problem with you being a libertarian.

You're a leftist libertarian. Can you understand that? Moron.

Being a libertarian DOESN'T mean that you cannot be a leftist you negative IQ imbecile.


Oh silly, you have your left and right mixed up again. I think you’re looking at it upside down while drunk. Time for you to go to rehab again


Are you illiterate? I said he wasn’t charged with first degree murder. What part of that is wrong? You’re the people doing the tap dance in order to not admit Rottenmouse couldn’t claim self defense according to the letter of the law.


Hey Johnny Foreigner is this supposed to be English?


Events have mooted your trivial point on the subject of posters using the term, “first degree,” as shorthand for intentional, premeditated murder. He’s now charged with first degree murder which hopefully satisfies your insistence on bar exam technicalities in a MovieChat thread.


Poor C💙LT has such a hard time with reality.


Left wingers have got to be the most dumbest people on the planet, it's amazing how stupid they are. If the CEO was a racist child molester looking for a trouble, you'd want Mangione to get a death penalty because you lefties admire people like that.


“Most dumbest”

Nice self projection there,


Lol right?!


Look at that, a gender confused rainbow hair color Trump obsessed incel is here to give you support.


Which is what you lefties do on a daily basis.


so much copium from you, how cringe


Rittenhouse is free, Penny is free, Trump is POTUS elect, woke shit is dying, AnthonySucksssCocksss continues a losing existence. lol

You're allowed to REEEE some more like a spastic now.


I’m busy laughing at your continuous meltdown 😭😂


Yes dribbling retards like you tend to laugh all the time, we used to put people like you in padded cells but fucktard liberals got upset and let you all out to shit up society.
I allow you to REEEE some more now son.


We’re all laughing at you losers over at FILMBOARDS


Yes I'm sure you and the voices in your head are laughing, likely while saliva is pouring from the side of your mouth as you frantically scratch your scalp.


^ cringe response m8


Tbf you could copy paste that as a response to every single one of your posts dumbfuck, but seeing as you're the absolute cringe master I'll take your word for it.


Your entire life is inoperable cringe, the doctors should just take you out back and Old Yeller you 😂


Lame and gay af


You just described your whole existence, GJ!


Look how desperate for my attention you are, sad cunt lol


Damn took you a whole minute to reply, are you just staring at your notifications like a sped all day? 🤣


Wow that was quick lol, sad


A fitting name for that clown 🤡


Don't insult clowns like that, clowns at least make people laugh unlike that walking tumor!


It’s embarrassing that you are calling other people stupid in the same sentence that you say ‘most dumbest’ 🙄


They were just trying to join you and speak on your retarded level so you thickos could understand what was being said too. Equality.


What's real embarrassing is that you people don't even know how many genders there are and can't communicate without screaming your lungs out.


the law being explicitly clear that it’s not self defense if you didn’t need to be there

Thats the law? Well apparently it's not murder if they didnt need to either lol.


Some guy threatened me at a 7-11 but I had to run away because I was only buying lotto tickets that I really didn’t need. The problem is he was a track star like Usain Bolt and everywhere I ran, he chased me down. Each successive confrontation occurred at a place I didn’t need to be and when I could run away. So, I am still running away to this day because I remembered the MovieChat definition of self defense by AnthonySocksss


Apparently you’re too retarded to understand the letter of the law that Rottenfaget wasn’t “running away” but in fact was standing his ground and also didn’t need to be there with a gun in the first place, retarded faget 😆🤡


Your bullshit doesn’t hold up when it’s all on camera. And if you are going to reference the law, he was found not guilty in a court of law.

He also had just as much right to be there as anyone else. Protesting is protected by the first amendment, and the right to bear arms by the second. He wasn’t the aggressor in anything, which is why he was found not guilty


Wrong faget, he was aiming his gun at bystanders, the letter of the law explicitly says it doesn’t count as self defense. Doesn’t change any of those facts, lol


You don’t know what murder or self defense is, tardy


Yes I do, because the courts agreed.


The “courts” also agreed Trump is a felon 🤣
