Why are crybabies talking about plastic bags?
shareAt this point, it seems to be the last strawman they have after "muh border crossing!!1" is off the table... though some still parrot that bullshit as well, so.
shareThey will pull all the cards out of the deck and invent some new ones to rationalize their hatred for a child defending himself against career criminals.
Remember, these are the same people who think you're a terrorist if you ask your child's teacher not to brainwash him or her.
Rosenbaum had threatened to kill any of the armed group, if he caught them alone, and he had caught Rittenhouse along and was lunging for his weapon.
Your talk of "white males feeling their control slipping" is race baiting bullshit.
Yawn. Try harder lemming. If you had an ounce of objectivity you would’ve watched one of the thousand videos of exactly what happened, Kyle being attacked.
I guess the whole “I hate everyone equally” then proceed share how they drink Democrat koolaid is the new strategy they’ve been instructed to try.
This is like 4th idiot in the last week to try this “registered independent” garbage.
Great post here idiot. Why don’t you educate yourself before you embarrass yourself for the 17th time.
u mad bro? must get tiring hating everyone who isn't white or republican. WHereas I detest only a small vocal minority of pointy hat wearing losers. Maybe you're one of them?
shareYou don’t know what color I am or who I hate. Nothing in my post refers to skin color.
Enjoy being a racist dumbass. Another lemming with nothing of substance to offer so falls back on his Demokkkrat masters playbook of calling everyone rrrrrrrrrrrrrrracists!
Democrat-pointy hat wearing losers?
sharebased on your obsession with Kyle, I suspect you have a crush on this hero, and you're deflecting your suppressed homosexual desires into hate. You just can't shut up about him. Just fap to his pictures online and get over this obvious crush based on your MANY replies about this kid:
u mad bro? must get tiring hating everyone who isn't white or republican. WHereas I detest only a small vocal minority of pointy hat wearing losers. Maybe you're one of them?
posted 21 minutes ago in Kyle Rittenhouse
Most of those are not noirs. They’re neo-noirs.
posted 4 hours ago in General Discussion
Think deeply about all the evil or insane acts you think you’re capable of. Imagine acting them out.
posted 4 hours ago in Fargo (1996)
You must have crippling trust issues
posted 4 hours ago in Kyle Rittenhouse
I’m not doing your own research for you kid.
posted 6 hours ago in Kyle Rittenhouse
It’s really sad that you’re unable to Google something so basic. Are you sure you need help with this? Do you know how to use a search engine properly?
posted 7 hours ago in Kyle Rittenhouse
I’m not saying he’s “lying,” but he was distorting the truth. The reality is the movie has over 2000 VFX shots. A lot of that goes towards the explosions and effects you see in the movie. Fury Road has about as many “practical stunts” as your average Marvel movie, it’s just the rest is done by computers.
posted 7 hours ago in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
So you lack the intellectual capacity to know how to use a basic search engine. Hilarious, but predictable.
posted 7 hours ago in Kyle Rittenhouse
Yeah he would, he’s trying to market his movie. Spielberg and Lucas said the same thing about Crystal Skull (hint: they were lying).
posted 7 hours ago in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
It’s common knowledge, but you can always Google it you lazy trailer trash.
posted 7 hours ago in Kyle Rittenhouse
I've gained a stalker. I feel so much achievement.
shareI just cut and paste your reply history. Very minimum effort. Nothing like the effort and time you've put into your crush on Kyle. Even now, just mentioning his name, you feel it down there, don't you? I'll bet you can't wait to post on his board again, so you can look at his hero face while you do. Every reply is just an excuse to eye fuck him, isn't it you dirty dog?
shareI said you're a stalker, not that you were any good at it. Admittedly subpar effort on your part. Try better next time.
shareOh look, another reply on Kyle's board by you. Do you have both hands on the keyboard, or does one wander south when you see his picture? I'm sure you'll have another reply soon, just to have an excuse to look at him while self pleasuring. This gay obsession you have with Kyle doesn't feel healthy. Let's see if you can restrain yourself and not reply...
shareBur(p)k speaks from experience.
shareSOME AMERICANS... not all of us... trump LOST that election (8 million votes, bitches!), no matter how they cry about it now, they know it too, but are using their PRIVILEGE to "cry" and garner sympathy from everyone else.
To think, we had to put up with four years of "HA-HA!!!" from these scum bags, and now, they aren't strong enough to take what they dished... what a surprise that a privileged, coddled, bunch of fucking fat morons are unable to physically defend themselves... they need them guns!!!!
The rest of US have probably contributed tax-wise, or by serving in our US Military, have saved your fucking country's ass once or twice, so I'd stfu if I were you, OP!
Anytime you find yourself amped up... make sure you're not one of them "dumb shits" you accuse US of being.
shareWe put up with 8yrs of it with Obama. Without crying or stealing an election. Or four years of mainstream media propaganda. If the media was "fair and balanced" and criticized all players equally, Trump would've won by a landslide and you'd have no talking points to parrot.
share-We put up with 8yrs of it with Obama.
You say it like there were DEATH PANELS for you health insurance - THERE WEREN'T!
You say it like we turned into a commie country - WE DIDN'T
YOU ACT AS THOUGH IT WAS MISERY, but OBAMA SAVED THE ECONOMY. And if you had any brains or willingness to EVOLVE, you'd applaud it as REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLES were utilized to great success by OBAMACARE. And although conservative people like to complain about it, what has your orange tub of pig lard delivered in health care....??? all yap about REPEAL... but NOTHING!!!
You all act like we regressed.... and all because your law and order feelings were hurt by what Obama said about Trayvon Martin...
Meanwhile, the ass hat you love shits on law and order behind closed doors! He's cheated numerous business partner, been sued left and right, and has laid his tubby fkn hands on women without their permission. All you people love about him is he's WHITE.
A pathetic and flaccid white...
And I bet Melania pisses on you turds more.... cos she lives with the bag of shit... she knows!
Oh the "if you don't like Obama you're a racist" argument. That's original.
Obama started us down the road to socialism with Obamacare. It's a disaster.
Obama stirred the fires of racial strife.
Obama literally started this class war that Biden and the democrats perpetuate today.
The list of Obama's failures is long but I don't expect you to accept them. You're hung up on race and blinded by YOUR hatred.
-Oh the "if you don't like Obama you're a racist" argument. That's original.
I called you racist??? I have law enforcement family and friends... I know what was said, and you don't have to be racist to have taken offense to Obama "covering" for Trayvon by saying he could have been his son... nor do you have to be racist to see that as a slight against law enforcement, but it wasn't. it requires faith, but you folks only have faith in the faithless!
-Obama started us down the road to socialism with Obamacare. It's a disaster.
Socialist programs like SOCIAL SECURITY don't equal "socialism". Fire protection, police protection, sanitation... those are all social programs... do they equal SOCIALISM????
I don't want socialism! But I am also not so closed-minded that I won't utilize the useful aspects of programs that benefit the COMMUNITY, not just myself. Or my "congregation"...
-Obama stirred the fires of racial strife.
The inability of the talking heads on conservative media to ACCEPT Obama is what "stirred the fires"... and inability to ACCEPT that Obama was YOUR PRESIDENT! And it did not matter that YOU DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM!
-Obama literally started this class war that Biden and the democrats perpetuate today.
The only "class war" I see is between the haves and the have nots, but there are a bunch of havenots fighting tooth and nail for the haves based on RELIGION, CULTURE, and WHAT DADDY VOTE FOR...
The wealthy don't care about you.
-The list of Obama's failures is long but I don't expect you to accept them. You're hung up on race and blinded by YOUR hatred.
I'm hung up on our stagnation and inability to move past and evolve. You know shit about nothing. And you talk out your ass. see ya.
You have no idea what the Rittenhouse case is even about, you ignoramus!
sharespoken by a true idiot