This man is a hero
His victims were criminals, one of them a pedo...
He did what everyone else wants to do to kiddie diddlers.
His victims were criminals, one of them a pedo...
He did what everyone else wants to do to kiddie diddlers.
shareThe loser is anybody who is so blind to truth they actually lionize a snot-nosed teenager who fired on unarmed protesters.
shareYou've watched the videos?
shareThey weren't unarmed and they weren't "protesters". They were rioters who tried to shoot him/beat him to death.
shareBut he put him self in that position. No one asked the snot nosed little shit to "protect" their property.
sharePeople were begging for protection, and since the police's hands were being tied civilians stepped in. Believe it or not most people don't like it when mobs start burning the country down.
shareNot his job stupid. As much as your racist ass wants to celebrate him. He's a snot nosed punk who thought he could take the law into his own hands. This isn't the Wild West on the 1800's
shareWhat he did was illegal. Doesn't matter who he shot. It's not self defense when you cross state lines with an automatic weapon looking for street justice. Man take off your redneck colored glasses
shareIt is self defense when a mob tries to shoot you and beat your head in with a skate board. And it wasn't an automatic weapon it was a standard AR15.
shareIt's the job of every citizen to stand up to mobs of arsonist antifa fags. And I'm not celebrating anything, I wish none of this had ever happened.
shareNo actually it's not a citizens duty, it is why we fund the police with our taxes. That is the reason why we have things like the police and our judicial system so that it doesn't come down to a person's opinion on right and wrong.
shareWhat's your opinion of those who invaded the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. back in January? Heroes? Or villains?
shareAre you really that dumb you can't see it was self defence? I suggest you go and watch the videos....
shareHe had no reason be there. He crossed state lines to do exactly what he did. No reason in the world for him to go there other than that.
shareI wonder if you consider that argument also applies to the busloads of people that were moved to place to place to burn neighbourhoods down?
"He crossed state lines to do exactly what he did" That's quite the statement. Do you genuinely feel he set out hoping he could take a life that night? To have his entire world come crashing down? To be demonized? Sit in jail for years whilst people fight to put him away? Basically end his life of freedom. Come on. No one can be that stupid to think that.
Even if you don't think he should be there, he didn't attack anyone, his life was threatened and he returned appropriate violence. When you have rampaging mobs of violent looters and arsonists, I see no issue with traveling somewhere to help businesses protect themselves. You may not agree someone should be allowed to defend themselves from a violent attacker, but there is zero evidence that anything he did was anything other than self defence. It's all on video...You'd have to be detached from reality or have an agenda to argue otherwise.
Not his job. Not self defense when you show up with an automatic weapon looking for street Justice. He went there to kill. He put himself in that spot. Man you racists really are thick
shareAnd who's job was it then? The police? Ha. They were 100% cucked. These businesses were crying out for protection. People were being assaulted left, right and centre. Livelihoods burned to the ground. Looking for street justice? lol. Justice for what exactly? He was there to protect and he was attacked. He took actions to prevent his life from being taken. I'd do exactly the same.
You didn't answer my question. You're saying you genuinely believe he went out that night with the desire to take a life/lives? Knowing what would happen to him.
What element of this is racist to think you have the right to call me a racist? A white guy was attacked by multiple white people and he rightfully shot three of them. If you're finding racism here, there is something wrong with your brain.
We don't have mob rule and vigilante justice for a reason. We fund the police and fire department for the purpose of crowd control and protection. This is no longer the wild west, if you want it to be there are plenty of countries that run by might makes right policies. Can you guess which ones they are and how well that works out for a society?
shareI'm not sure what argument you're making here. You're saying there shouldn't have been a mob of rampaging looters and arsonists running through the neghbourhood causing mayhem? And that the mob should not be attacking someone if they think that person is in the wrong? I fully agree with you.
shareOf ‘course’ there shouldn't have been a mob of rampaging looters and arsonists running through the neghbourhood causing mayhem. The answer to that problem is the police not an armed teenager.
shareWhat a sad state of affairs it is when the police refuse to do their job, forcing children to take up arms to protect communities. Those police officers should be ashamed of themselves.
shareNobody forced that wannabe vigilante to take his weapon drive from home and play The Punisher on the streets.
shareYou're still living in fantasy land I see.
If the police won't do their job, it comes down to the people. Or would you prefer the mob just burn down another town? I'm sure you'd change your tune if this came to your town. Your door. Would you just stand back and let these animals burn your house down?
Why was a 17 year old out there with a gun in the first place?? It wasnt even his state...
shareAgain, I'm sure all the rioters, arsonists and looters weren't from out of state?
shareCorrect. But Kyle was their for glory. Hes the one that killed. Hes a little shit...
shareHe put his life on the line to protect local businesses from being destroyed. That is all. He is braver than most people.
shareOh BULLSHIT. No one fucking asked him to. A 17 year old only does shit like this for ATTENTION not out of the goodness of his heart. Not all those rioters or protestors killed. You kill you should be punished. He put himself in that situation. There was also an curfew yet here is this arrogant little piece of shit out there with a gun.....
sharelol. You can keep saying it but it doesn't make it true. A curfew? You keep on saying this stuff like it only applies to Kyle. How about the hundreds of arsonists, looters and thugs roaming around violently assaulting people? They put themselves in that position even though there was a curfew.
I guess you're a commie? I suggest you go and do some research on history before you fall further down that pathetic hole.
It doesnt only apply to Kyle you moron. But hes the one caught on video killing. How can your feeble mind not deduce this. The only reason why you are defending him is because you are a Trump supporter. And before you say it I'm not a Democrat. Both parties are full of looney tunes.
I gurantee you Trump only supports those who will support him until he doesn't have tim Ask those morons the proud boys how they dumped trump after he would not pardon any of the moronic insurrectionists....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So you can see that Kyle was only there because of all the hundreds of arsonists, looters, thugs, paedos and rapists rampaging through the streets? No one asked them to be there and yet here we are.
I'm defending him because he is in the right. He was attacked and the result was legal self defence. Political alignment has nothing to do with it. It genuinely terrifies me that people like you are incapable of seeing what's happening. Even when it's on video and in HD. How is your brain not processing this? I wonder what else you are mistaken on and what the consequences are. Are you on any medicine? Did your mother drink/do drugs whilst she was pregnant with you?
It's "there", illiterate leftist.
shareAntifa and BLM have been financially supported to travel all over the country for the past few years. Most of the protesters we saw on tv were brought in from other states.
I think what he did was incredibly dumb but once he was under attack I don't blame him for protecting himself. He has that right.
And I do blame BLM and Antifa for going around like thugs and destroying private and public property all over America. The criticisms of those two terrorist groups should be exponentially louder.
he was just taking out the trash
shareYa know aside from the fact that this teenager was being foolish to put himself in that situation, he absolutely conducted himself in a textbook example of how to "legally" defend yourself with a rifle. He did not fire the first shot. He made every attempt to flee. Every round from his rifle found its intended target. He fired the very minimum number of rounds necessary. He attempted to surrender himself to law enforcement at the earliest opportunity.
It is actually quite astounding that he handled himself and the rifle with such expertise.. of course the thug that shot his teacher in the back and several others was out on bail the very next day..
He has the spirit of the American Heroes that won every War in American History 🇺🇸
shareIf his last name was Baldwin the media would be blaming everyone but him for killing someone.