MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > Do us sane people underestimate the addi...

Do us sane people underestimate the addictive euphoria of woke virtue signalling? Can these people ever be saved?

The thrill of being the "hero". The social media hearts and thumbs up. The storming around with placards, screaming, bringing about "change". All of this wokedom is seriously appealing to those with a personality tending toward the narcissistic. Simply dealing in reality doesn't make these people feel special, and so they will press forward with an alternate reality (cops gunning down blacks for fun, men in dresses being actual women, campus rape culture etc) in which they get to "fight" against the bogeymen in their imaginations.

Can truth even hope to cut through such addictive euphoria?


You could have posted your little tirade in the politics section , 'cos the other right wingers get upset seeing Floyd pop up all the time .


Lmao yeah, I forgot that anyone who deals in reality in 2023 is "right-wing".



We live in a world where celebrities matter. Where we look up to celebrities in regards to all what they have accomplished. Their fame, the norm they set, their values, their support for liberal policies that tell us blacks are good, black is a visible driving force. What is addictive euphoria is Jennifer Aniston, The Rock, Bruce Springsteen, Tim Chalamet & Ariana Grande support the negro, they cherish Floyd and show support for BLM!! And America follows! The love is strong now. We are at peace, finally!


In spite of everything, I want atheism to take over the world as an ideology and destroy everything all the religions have "achieved."


Hopefully not Zionism! That we need to guide us.


Porsche911 (1706) 17 minutes ago
We live in a world where celebrities matter. Where we look up to celebrities in regards to all what they have accomplished. Their fame, the norm they set, their values, their support for liberal policies that tell us blacks are good, black is a visible driving force. What is addictive euphoria is Jennifer Aniston, The Rock, Bruce Springsteen, Tim Chalamet & Ariana Grande support the negro, they cherish Floyd and show support for BLM!! And America follows! The love is strong now. We are at peace, finally!"

We're so at Peace that you can't even walk the streets of Chicago without being mugged by a black man and if you think I'm making it up, look no further than this:

Well?? Go ahead and try to defend this shit??


If the negro rob, steal, rape, kill or molest it’s the white man’s fault!


They just seem angry to me.



Ever since the late '60s, our education system has been conditioning American kids to hate America and to view its heroes as evil opppressors. Now, we are seeing the fruits of that come to full ripeness. It's all the result of covert Soviet programs to destabilize the USA. The seeds they planted have far outlasted the USSR, and now serve to benefit other enemies of America.


Can they be saved? I don't care. Put them on old retired ships and use them for torpedo practice.
