MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > Something I just realized.

Something I just realized.

The autopsy report revealed that when he died, he had fentanyl, cannabis and methamphetamine in his system. George Floyd was in the driver's seat of his car when the police first approached him, so that means there was a very good chance he was about to drive under the influence of drugs. How come no one talks about this?


I know some shows I watched brought it up but it wasn't mentioned hardly at all in the MSM.


Yeah, it's strange. I kept hearing "he was trying to get his life back together". I mean, he had drugs in his system about to drive him. If he had driven home and killed someone because he was high, there wouldn't have been any protest. I don't know why people are praising George Floyd more than any of these crimes. Ahmaud Arbery is a better role model because he had no criminal record.


How come no one talks about it? Because its an inconvenient truth that doesn't fit the narrative of a poor black man killed by an "evil white racist" cop. That's why.


But even the people who are on the side of the cops aren't bringing it up.


it's rather obvious, don't you think? The narrative, my man...


But it's easy ammunition to use for the people who think George Floyd wasn't murdered.


You're a racist.... 😜


Only against purple people.


As the lawyer for Grimace of McDonald's fame, Barney the dinosaur and Thanos I ask that you apologize for your statement and retract it. :)


Never! I'm a proud purplist.






I'm pretty sure the fact that he was murdered a few minutes later was a much bigger and more important story.


It is more important but that doesn't mean we can't bring it up.


Why? Shouldn't his state of mind be brought into consideration?


Still, doing drugs doesn't allow a cop to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes and murder you.

It actually makes Floyd look 'more' like a victim because he was sick, he had an addiction which is a disease.


Addictions are not diseases. Addictions are choices.


I never said it did. I just said that no one seems to be talking about the fact that he was about to drive under the influence. Who knows, maybe he could have killed someone himself driving home.


I'm 1000% a Trump guy, but what that cop did was wrong. Murder is murder, even though Floyd was most likely a piece of shit.


addiction is not a disease, it's just nicer than saying fucking junkie, so liberal pansies latch on to it.


People ARE talking about it. They’ve BEEN talking about it, you’re hardly the first to bring it up. Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc, has had a bunch of people who didn’t buy into the propaganda point out that he was drugged, sick, and dying long before the cops got to him.

The problem is the MSM and censorship.


I mean the DUI part, not that he had the drugs in his system.


The drugs too, and covid, all of it. People have brought it all up, but the MSM doesn’t care, and the mob doesn’t care.
