As a black women, all you have to do is to look at American history to see why black people have so many problems--a long history of being stomped over by racism as well. We didn't just wake up and start having these problems on our own. And, sorry, but it dosen't matter how biracial Lucas is, here in America she's only seen as a lovely black women,period. FYI,you said you were Canadian---black people here in America already know what out problems are and have been trying to solve them forever in our own communities--you just never hear about it on the news, that's all. It sure as hell dosen't mean we haven't been doing anything about it. And,BTW, some of those flash mobs of folks looting were white kids, too, so don't act like it was only black kids doing it. Hell, just over a month ago,there was a bunch of either white or Mexican kids caught actually pretending to have accidents by dropping and spilling gallons of milk all over a supermarket aisle---they thought that s*** was funny and were dumb enough to film themselves doing it and put it online---which got them arrested and having to pay damages.
FYI, I have a biracial sister and several biracial nieces and nephews, and they are all proud of who they are. So there isn't anything "dumb" or stupid" about interracial relationships--they're a part of life, so would you please GTFOOH with that bull****? This is the 21st century---and FYI, all interracial marriages aren't about somebody wanting to just get with a white partner---however, Asian-Americans marry white folks at a higher rate than anyone else in the States, mainly because a lot of them have bought into that whole the "white man is automatically better since they run everything" bull****. Hell,even Latina/os and other people of color buy into that RACIST bull**** NOT just black people. Seriously,even though I totally agree everything you say about how black people are treated in films, you come off like you hate black people. I mean, damn, I'm from Detroit where despite the violence and crime, you got people here who fight to make the city a better place all the damn time/uplift the community, and get a lot of credit in the local media here, but the national media would rather her about how *beep* the city is rather than see any of the good things that are also going on---I see them happen all the time.
And black people have been traditionally at the bottom of the ladder economically because white folks fought like hell to KEEP us there since they brought us here in chains as their chattel slaves. We were never supposed to compete with them in the first damn place. We aure as hell didn't want to be there or stay there, but that's how THEY wanted it for the first 300 years we broke our damn backs in the fields to make this country what it is. We have a totally different history from Canadian black people, so remember that---we don't need a brother from somewhere dogging us the hell out---particularly if you can't contribute any solutions to the problem. To me, anybody who can't do that just needs to shut the hell up then---and frankly, you aren't saying anything black folks haven't already heard since the time we're been here.