MovieChat Forums > Jessica Lucas Discussion > ''you can't be both black and beautiful'...

''you can't be both black and beautiful''

Was reading over this thread a bit

I guarantee to anybody, that if you find me a non black woman, I can find a black woman that looks better. any non black woman!!!

anybody up for the challenge?


It's not possible for black people to be light skinned without being mixed. Africa is too close to the equator for black people to naturally have light skin.

I don't usually do this, but....


Don't tell US about US. Anything is possible. It has NOTHING to do with being near the equator you moron. But it does have EVERYTHING to do with melanin. Plain and simple. Ever heard of Albinos? They occur in any race, they aren't a race of their own, they just lack melanin.

Go to the continent of Africa, and visit the different countries therein, and maybe you'll have your mind as well as your eyes opened to facts instead of conjecture. My God, at least Google it before you talk out of your ass.

