MovieChat Forums > Prince Harry Discussion > Is he on EVERYONE'S shit list at this po...

Is he on EVERYONE'S shit list at this point?

From what I've seen, the pre-release response to his book and interviews are overwhelmingly negative, with lots and lots of nasty personal comments directed Harry's way. The bulk of these comments don't seem to be coming from staunch royalists either, it seems that most of the world has just decided that Harry is a twerp and a whiner, and they don't like him any more.

So if anyone still likes Harry, are you willing to talk about your feelings or opinion? And BTW I don't count supporting his decision to leave the royal family as a favorable opinion, personally I think he had every right to leave if he was unhappy with his life, but he's still a twat.


It is beyond me, how anyone could even consider defending this little cretin and his nasty, race-baiting bitch of a wife. Sure, the whole royal family is a joke, but come on...


It's not just that he left the royal family (I could care less), but he and his dopey wife still want the royalty perks despite behind assholes toward them. They wanted royal designations for their children, for example. They just seem like media grubbing whores to me.


He had everything, and he just threw it all away.


Interesting mixed review on the BBC web site. Perhaps indicates how selectively the quotes are drip fed by the large and noisy anti-Harry brigades. It's not without criticism but also acknowledges the stresses and unhappiness.


Oh, everyone with sense admits that being royal can come with stress and unhappiness.

But since we've all got our own stress and unhappiness to deal with, without the consolations of free palaces and vast inheritances, we don't give a shit about his.


Harry seems a bit whiny, but the royals don't seem to have an issue throwing people under the bs at a drop of a hat.
