MovieChat Forums > Thomas Brodie-Sangster Discussion > dwarfism type T ( in case ur slow - that...

dwarfism type T ( in case ur slow - that's for Thomas...his name...)

why is he so frkn tiny? is he a dwarf or a test tube baby? maybe an elf...he's a very pointy child...he might be an elf...maybe he's just czechloslavakian or something like that...maybe he came out of a flower? tom thumb...cabbage patch kid? yeah. genetic flop?

BTW-jk...i'm not that three a.m. maybe...ok...i'm done posting now...(i know ur all goin thank god...)haha...

(Thomas ur my midget hero!)


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The OTHER sparx.

Yes.. he's an elf.. most definitely. Second choice.. Czechoslavakian.

And Jess.. He's not our 'midget' hero anymore. :-(

Now he's just our 'Hero'... I'm sad.. I want my midghet hero back. *Cries uncontrolablly*

Too lazy to go look up how to spell Czechlo... w.e.


true true...sad yes...(Czechoslovakia)


I'm from Czechoslovakia (which, by the way no longer exists). I'm 6'4". So, try offending someone else.


lmao! it was a random hyper joke, country popped into my head first. it's fun to say. take a chill pill.


The OTHER sparx.. (BTW.. we're 2 different people.. just signed in on 2 diff computers under the same name... so we dont' have split-personalities)

How can you be from Czechoslavakia if it no longer exists, eh? LMFAO. And how 'bout not getting so defensive. People insult America all the time, but you don't see us getting pissed off. And yeah, you should take that as a complement, 'cuz if you're from the country (which doesn't exist?) then you are living in an AWEsomely named country, anyway!


How can you be from Czechoslavakia if it no longer exists, eh?
It existed when I was little, duh! And it's spelled with an 'o', Czechoslovakia. It separated into two countries, Czech Republic and Slovakia.


how could it be a personal offense to the country if we didn't even remember that the country doesn't exist anymore?
