Thomas is my baby lol. omgsh he is so cute though! i cant believ he's older than me.how tall is he again?
but yeah he's extremely sexy 2 me!!!!!!!! he looks like the dude in chronicles of narnia to me.


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child molester?!?!?!yuck. he looks like he's 5! MJ


princessfrances isn't a child molester just b/c she thinks he's hot, i mean, bear in mind that he REALLY IS 17.

and no, i don't think he looks like any of the guys from the chronicles of narnia. :)


I would understand if she actually *knew* him, and like got to know him and his personality. But, I mean, how could think a guy who looks like he's 5 (well, lets throw in an extra 5 years, so say 10) is hot? Maybe if you are 5-10 urself, in which case I apologize. But, what does his age matter if he doesn't look it?

BTW: That was written along time ago when me and my friend were really hyper and wrote the other "Dwarfism Type T" thread, lol. This should have been lost to message board history.. but you know.. still stand by what we said.


sparx- ya, i guess you have a point..

but like u said, none of us really actually KNOW him (or most of us anyway..) and I'm guessing YOU don't know him either, so all that stuff you say about how he looks is a bit harsh don't you think?

anyways, I know that realy didn't have much to do with the subject, but I'm just saying.


Exactly. But wouldn't it make less sense to say someone is hott when you don't know them, compared to saying someone looks young? Anyway, this is completely off topic, and I'm pretty much done with this thread.... and as I said before, it was a joke and if u've read any of my other posts (minus the dwarfism one which actually wasn't written by me, lol), then you'd see that I've actually said that he's not ugly, and he is growing up.


i agree that he looks young...but he's seventeen, my age now.


you didn't spot the bit where she says he's older than her?

in other words, she's a teenage (or preteen) girl with a crush on a teenage boy.

where's the child molesting in that???
