MovieChat Forums > Michael Kenneth Williams Discussion > After all he went through...

After all he went through...

Why? Why go back to the drugs? Such a pity coming from a decent actor. My first notice of him was "wth is that crack/scar/fracture on his face?" and was easily a memorable mark to recognize him by.


Why? Why go back to the drugs?

You're never truly clean. That goes for any addiction.

Great actor.


After his stunning, extraordinary, depiction of Omar, expected more of such from him, me. Am saddened & shocked beyond expression by this passing, far too early. R.I.P., Michael.


yes once u touch that dragons tale during the first time u use u can never get to that same point ever again. the urge to chase the dragon and touch that tale again will always be with u like a devil on a shoulder. and if u ever do manage to touch that tale again that dragon will turn its ugly head and you will feel the fire instead of the warmth u felt during the honeymoon phase of drug addiction. dont chase the dragon, chase the Lord


Nice one.


RDJ made it :/


He ain't made it yet. He's still got the gauntlet of declining fame, lost looks, failing health and old age to get through. All classic relapse triggers.


How do you know he has failing health?


He doesn't. That's in everybody's future.


How do you know? He's lied before.


RDJ may be sober, but there's a reason recovering alcoholics say "X years sober."

Sadly, people can return to their old habits easily. Part of it is the thought "I've been clean for X years, I feel great, I can handle it, just one for old time's sake, I'm such a different and stronger person now." With drugs they often try a dose they used to be able to handle and that is far too much for their current level of tolerance.
