MovieChat Forums > Jesse Williams Discussion > For those of you calling this man a raci...

For those of you calling this man a racist..

I want you to dispute one thing that he said as not being true. If you can't do that, then you need to be shutting up.


hes racist b/c he fails to mention the real elephant in the room which is 'black on black' crime

Last movie seen -
Room: 10/10
Kshanam: 9/10


That does not make him racist simply because he did not mention that at the BET awards.. How do you know that he has not mentioned it before. Are you racist for not mentioning white on white crime? You know 87% of whites are killed by other whites.


How about supporting a totally co-opted movement in Black Lives Matter. Telling me that I can't criticize them is a complete and utter joke. The speech did nothing to help improve race relations, just further the divide. I don't think he is racist, he is just another celebrity that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, spouting his ill informed rhetoric. Just a puppet on a string.


That does not make him racist simply because he did not mention that at the BET awards.. How do you know that he has not mentioned it before. Are you racist for not mentioning white on white crime? You know 87% of whites are killed by other whites.


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬



Nobody's saying you can't criticize anybody about anything. He's not even a "celebrity"--he's not even a big name, he's just a part of the cast of one of the most popular network TV shows today, GREY'S ANATOMY. But he is a former history teacher turned actor who has been an activist for some years now, and he just produced a documentary about the Black Lives Matter movement (which he's involved in) that was shown on cable over a month ago. Did he say anything that wasn't true? No, so why the hell are you and other white people so damn mad about his speech? What the hell is your problem with it? If you give zero fcks about what he said, they why the hell are you even commenting on it? Why the hell do you even care then?

A lot of black people, including myself, enjoyed the speech and loved it because pretty much everything he said was the truth, and it spoke to pretty much all of our current issues. That's probably why and other white folks are mad, because you can't dispute most of what he said, and you know it. He was speaking about issues that pertain to US as black people---once again, it wasn't about YOU. Some white people can't stand to hear about something that isn't about THEM for once, or that critiques ANYTHING about them and white supremacy. And another thing-----black folks have been saying things like this for years at black awards shows, and no one gave a damn what was said outside of black folks watching the show.

The main reason and only reason his speech even became a big deal in the mainstream is because when Justin Timberlake tweeted an appreciation of the speech, some black folks who had old issues with his got mad at him about that old issue with Janet Jackson and when he accidently exposed her nipple during the Superbowl years ago. Basically,it was was that he had thrown her under the bus, in that he didn't even really defend her, or have her back when the media literally jumped all over her about it. I thought the whole situation was blown way the hell out of proportion myself. And there are people who feel that Justin Timberlake, talented though he is, gets way more attention and airplay because he's a white boy singing R&B than an equally talented black R&B singer (which is true, and has been true historically for most white artists in any black musical genre---getting more fame for doing the exact same thing musically black folks have already been doing--the main exception being the late great R&B singer/songwriter/composer/musician Teena Marie) usually would. That's where the dislike for him on twitter was coming from, just to let folks in general know who didn't understand what the hell all of that was about.

And of course, a lot of people are completely ignoring the points Williams made in his speech and are screaming that he's a racist,or some such bull****. Talking about racism isn't racist----only stupid idiots think that. And to say that he's stirring up racism is ridiculous, for the simple damn fact America had had racial strife damn near from the beginning of its existence. (Which is some more dumb s*** some white people claim to try and devalue/ignore black people's issues.) His talking about it didn't stir up any damn racial problems that weren't already here to begin with. It's clear from these comments that a lot of white people just think that everything's all good in America since they themselves aren't having any problems, and obviously a lot of them haven't been exposed to frank and real talk about the issues Williams mentioned from a black point of view. And then, some of y'all just hate to hear anything white people do be critiqued,no matter what it is. Alright, I'm done talking (phew.)


look another apologist who doesn't understand proportions.


That you DON'T recognize his rant as racist says an awful lot about you -- none of it good.


Because it's not racist at all. You're just mad that he called white people on some of their racist bull****. And it was white people who started racism in this country and profited from it (and still continue to do so to this day.) Problem is, y'all never want to take a moment and look at things from a black person's point of view---all a lot of white people give a damn about is how they see things, and their point of view already dominates the media, like it always has.


That does not make him racist simply because he did not mention that at the BET awards.. How do you know that he has not mentioned it before. Are you racist for not mentioning white on white crime? You know 87% of whites are killed by other whites.

It's a ridiculous strawman argument, a derailment (in my humble opinion), for people to constantly bring up black-on-black crime in response to a very threatening problem to the safety of countless American citizens, police brutality. First of all, if we're talking about gang violence for starters, where much of the black-on-black crime takes place, gangs do not have the power and the legitimacy of a badge, a uniform, and protection by authority figures. Second of all, gang violence does not take place everywhere, but police brutality can happen absolutely anywhere, from the sticks to the urban North. Third of all, these two issues both face a problem to innocent civilians and both need to be legally addressed. They can both be faced head-on. They can both be condemned. They can both be challenged in legal and constructive manners by responsible, moral, and upstanding American citizens of all races and backgrounds. It is not an 'either/or' thing. It should not be used by whoever as a silencing tactic. And I am speaking of generalities, not of anyone in the thread.

It is our duty as American citizens to condemn and address violence against innocent people wherever and however it happens. Anything else, does not represent what we are as a country. I come from a military family, WWII veterans (grandpa and uncles), Navy and Army service, father and grandfather, White and Black, served their country. I grew up in the military community seeing many African-American men and women working in dignity and honor and being accorded the respect they darn well deserved as citizens and patriots. I have a good idea of what we should all be like as a country. How insane racism is, especially the kind that leads to people's deaths. Therefore, I have a committed belief that this country can be better and should strive to BE better. Black Americans lying dead on the pavement, attacked and slaughtered by the people who are there to protect and serve them as Americans, is a violation of what this nation is all about, and un-American to the highest order. No amount of "bu-bu-bu whaa about the black-on-black crime???" can change this undeniable fact. Jesse utilized his very American freedom of speech to express his thoughts on these attacks on our country's citizens.


Thanks for the beautiful posts. These fools trying to deflect from the issues Williams brought up by throwing the black-on-black crime issue kill me with that, because black-on-black crime has been going on in certain (not all, I said certain) black communities forever (mainly poor,underserved, inner-city areas) and white people never gave a damn about it then, so why act like they give a damn now? And that had nothing to do with what the hell Williams was talking about anyway. I mean, come the hell on.
