He rescues animals
And now I like him even more.
Whether an artist is a nice person or not doesn't influence my feeling about their work, but it gives me a little feelgood vibe if I find out they're nice.
And now I like him even more.
Whether an artist is a nice person or not doesn't influence my feeling about their work, but it gives me a little feelgood vibe if I find out they're nice.
Wonder if he's taken in as many stray cats and dogs as I have over the years!! ha ha
That is a definite plus in my book. Nice to know that someone cares about animals. That gets my respect when I know someone does charity work.
I would guess so! His latest is a female bobcat that looked a bit put out by having a selfie unceremoniously taken of her. Didn't even have time to do her hair... lol
Good for him, I love animals too. Nice that he mostly keeps it to himself and isn't a smug prick about his activism like Sean Penn, Bono and Angelina Jolie.
He's really one of those that fly under the radar for the most part. He doesn't have anywhere near as many followers on Twitter than almost any other well known actor, and he seems to treat his followers like real human beings. He answers them if it warrants one, and seems really nice and approachable.
I really like him!!!
Well, Tits Welliver isn't Sean Penn, Bono or Jolie, is he? Pretty easy to be under the radar when you are already under the radar.
Don't get me wrong. I really like this guy which is why I'm here. His turn in Deadwood was great, and I was happy to see him on Chicago: PD. But he hasn't even gotten to Liev Schreiber status yet.
Love the guy, but he's not that big of a star and incidentally takes care of animals? A lot of people do and get no recognition. Why should he? Animals aren't people, so you are just indulging yourself by singling them out for special treatment.
When people are dying on sidewalks and animals are given life saving treatment, I wonder what is going on.
Fuck people.
There is 8 billion of them and no will to stop in sight.
Unless they are uncapable, when they are given life saving treatment, I wonder what is going on. They are and should be well able to take care of themselves.
Animals, on the other hand, are usually victims of people.
shareIn general, people suck. They make stupid decisions that bring hardship on themselves and others. Animals are innocent victims of human stupidity and cruelty. They can't help themselves.
shareHow good is that!