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Top Ten Sexiest Men of the Buffy/Angel 2004

Doing a bit of research, I just discovered the Top Ten Sexiest Men of the Buffy/Angel universe in a fan poll by Bufy the Vampire Slayer fanzine (2004).

Apparently this list goes:

1) Spike
2) Angel
3) Wesley
4) Xander
5) Giles
6) Riley
7) Oz
8) Lindesy
9) Andrew
10) Gunn

I'm surprised that Spike is at the top, that Giles is above Riley, and that Andrew is even on the list. At least Conner is not on it.

Had I been aware of this poll, I would have voted. And my own version of this list would be:

1) Angel
2) Riley.... (and really, I put Angel and Riley in a dead heat)

Here are the eight others I would have on the list, but I have a hard time putting them in order: Xander, Oz, Wesley, Gavin, Lindsey, Giles, Spike, and Knox.

I guess I'm just surprised by the results of this fan poll.

And Honorable Mentions to both Ben and The Groosalugg.


Spike had hollow cheeks and a lean body.
I like more meat.


Why would you be surprised Spike is top? You might not think he’s hot but a LOOOTTTTT of the fan base does. Hence the shirtless scenes.
