MovieChat Forums > Kerry Washington Discussion > Says she almost died filming Django.

Says she almost died filming Django.

Please. I like her but actors should shut up when they try to talk about how much they suffer for their "art". Yes, I'm sure playing a slave getting whipped might be no fun for a woman who can imagine it happening to her ancestors, but get real! Acting isn't ever going to put an actress at risk of dying.


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Tell that to Ed Harris when James Cameron almost let him asphixiate during the Abyss. Or Shia who, if he'd tripped during the scene in Transformers, or even stumbled, would have been blown sky-high. Or any number of actors who have had similar experiences.

You're an idiot, put simply. You're so jealous of actors making money you can't see that it really can be dangerous.


Anyone who resorts to ad hominen attacks on a complete stranger like you just did with me has already proven they're incapable of discussing a subject rationally and intelligently.

I'm very sorry you fall into that category of people incapable of polite, intelligent discourse.

You're on ignore now with the other sad trolls.


Didn't Bruce Lee's son die while acting?


What sounded even more ridiculous to me, was that she said she barely "survived" playing a slave. She sounds incredibly out-of-touch, and psychologically soft, which makes for a really bad actor. My guess is she has no clue how unbelievably ridiculous these statements are.


There were some knives and forks in the kitchen. Leo could have stabbed her but he didn't.


Isn't your original post you attacking a complete stranger? You don't know Kerry Washington, yet you're attacking her for things she said.
