Changed her eyes?

I'm trying to figure out what is going on with her appearance, especially her eyes. Compare these pictures:

From 2004:

From May 2011:

That is a pretty big change in just 7 years. She just turned 35, so I don't think it is aging. Maybe some eye surgery?


I noticed it today while watching reruns of Lost Girl. I think it is to make her look more worldly and bitchy. Bo is supposed to be the most beautiful one so they had to change up Emmanuelle's looks.

I personally think Kenzi is just adorable!


Rewatching Smallville and her right eye is smaller than her left. Noticeable even in season 2, 2002.


She has two different eye sockets, one most people have, the type that folds over and the other the kind that is deep set and doesn't fold over, I'm sure there is a professional name for them. She's had the deep set one worked on, it matches the other eye now, probably something that has always bothered her. I noticed it the first time I saw her. I thought she was beautiful then and she is beautiful now.


I think she has a prosthetic left eye. I noticed in a movie that her left eye did not shed a tear when she cried, her right one did.
