MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Harris blew his doors off.

Harris blew his doors off.

He came off like a daft raving doom monger - which is exactly what he is.

What's your plan to replace obamacare (he's been hawking this for about 12 years now, btw) ?

I have a CONCEPT of a plan. But I'm not President (again) yet...

She made him look weak, stupid, crazy, and miffed.


He did that to himself. He knew going in it was three against one. For once he should have attempted to be calm and cool. But he just can't help himself...

His loss in November is now entirely on him.


How were the moderators unfair to him ? I'd like to know, maybe I missed something. I don't think fact checking, though, is out of line.

Trump is not a very smart fellow, is incapable of speaking on any issue, challenge or policy in any great detail, because he's dumb & lazy - he governs himself, and when enabled the nation, by 'his gut'. Its a whole lot 'easier', than briefings, study, advise, discussions, rumination, weighing the options. So, huff & puff is what he's got, huff & puff is what we get. It was ever thus.

As you say, he can't help himself. Actually, he won't, because he doesn't want to, because that would entail something like effort.


They didn't fact check Harris: Biased debate.


What did she lie about ?


Charlottesville, Biden's health, 2020 election...


What did she NOT lie about?


She also lied about Jan 6th. She said that Police officers were assaulted and killed that day. No police officers were killed on Jan 6th.


Where do idiots like you come from ?


Not sure why you posted that video but Daniel Hodges did not die that day as he went on to testify before Congress in Aug 22'

Do you want to try and come up with any more videos or names of police officers who you think lost their life on Jan 6th?

Sen. Cory Booker stood on the steps of the Capitol and said 5 police officers died that day...He lied too.

What happened that day was horrible enough, why tell bold faced lies about to try and make it worse.


I've responded with facts and you have no response?

It's not too late to delete you comment


Here you go :


I'm not sure what you're trying to show with your link. Kamala cited Charlottesville against Trump in the debate. That is a lie that has been debunked months ago yet the moderators did not fact check Harris because we had a biased debate:

"No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'
However, the accuracy of what Trump did claim – that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the 2017 Unite the Right debacle – is in question."


He made it about as clear as mud and followed it up with THIS horrible display

He has certainly made his hatred of the left abundantly clear, he could have done the same for Neo-Nazis but when he 'actually' disparaged them he had to immediately follow it up with more condemnation of the Left as though to make-up for actually condemning them.


He said those exact words. I saw & heard him say them. One 'side', 'unite the white'. You know, white supremacists, and no other. The other side were, you know, normies.

He couldn't bring himself to draw the distinction, condemn the racists, because, as you certainly know, he is one himself. He double-talked later about what 'he meant'. Which, after saying something vile and caught in the inevitable jam, he invariably does.

Here's one guy from that 'side'. Killed at least one, injured 19 - then tried to run away, like a good ole' boy, hiding inside a sheet :


The pattern was this:

David Muir: "Mr. Trump, let's make this quick. I haven't taken a shit in 35 years and this turtle head could pop at any second. Now, on November 4, 2019, you were a jerk. How do you respond?"

Trump: (talks about something completely unrelated)

David Muir: "Madame President, do you agree Trump was a jerk on November 4, 2019?"

Pinch-Hitter Kamala: "Mr. Trump, you are a disgrace!" (Waves a 'what a naughty boy you've been' finger at him)

Trump: I'd like to respond to that...

David Muir: We have much more to discuss. And I have to take a shit but for some reason I can't. Mr. Trump, is it true in college you once ejaculated into a sock and threw it out of your dorm window?"

Trump: (talks about illegals eating dogs or something)

David Muir: Madame President, you've slurped a lot of cum in your day. Would you ever slurp cum out of a sock?

Pinch-hitter Kamala: Mr. Trump, couldn't you find a toilet to jizz into? Hell, I needed a job back then. You could have unloaded inside of me! You are a disgrace!

Trump: I'd like to respond to that...

David Muir: We have too many things to discuss and this turd may jettison from my ass at any moment. Let's discuss January 6...

and so on...

(Dear Literalists, I KNOW this isn't what was ACTUALLY said. Drop some fucking acid and develop some abstract thinking skills!)


You're a regular Jonathan Swift, you are.


Even if you're being facetious, it's a nice thing to say!




Trump wins again.


Lotta Trumptards in STL. Believe me, I know.


And you do know that Harris' "JOY" is a copy of the Nazi slogans of the 30s and 40s so who is the Nazi follower?


This is Fucking GROSS, why waste the time writing this perverted nasty shit?


To make uptight Puritans like yourself squirm.


Don't forget "old".


He has a toxic concept of women. They threaten him deeply. He's pathetic - and, thankfully, getting on ancient.


Perhaps, but Kamala likes to be the head ball buster who surrounds herself with boot lickin beta males.


She made him look weak, stupid, crazy, and miffed.

So much projection that you described the neutered and emasculated males of "the left."


"I said at the beginning of this debate, you're going to hear a bunch of lies coming from this fellow, and that is another one,"

She called him a liar about 17 times. As she should have. Finally.


Too bad the one sided commentators couldn't even get the facts right. Simple addition in math class.


And she lied about police officers being killed on Jan 6th. It never happened. Such a horrible day, why'd she have to lie to try and make it worse?
