MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump's shooter was a registered Republi...

Trump's shooter was a registered Republican




Trump is still a 34 times convicted felon with 3 more trials coming up. Most Americans hate Trump and even with this assassination attempt he will never be president again. Sorry for you.



What polls are those? Back up your claim.



A 2% lead this far before the presidential election means nothing.



When Trump won in 2016 I accepted the results then I bitched about it for 4 years. If Trump wins again I'll just do the same. I am a disabled veteran and it doesn't matter who's president because my benefits won't ever change. I receive a pension and free health care at the VA hospital for life. Trump hates me because I'm a veteran and most veterans I know feel the same way. Now go fuck yourself. I'm done with you.





"Trump hates me because I'm a veteran"

why would he do that?

sounds like you believe in lies.
You shouldn't do that.


"he will never be president again"
"If Trump wins again"

Make up your mind.


This event hasn't put him ahead if the American people keep their eye on the ball; which is Project 2025 and all of the damage that can do to this country..



Trump lies ever three minutes- remember?


Most Americans hate Trump

Have you asked most Americans? No, didn't think so. You're just another lefty making exaggerated assertions because your little echo chamber tells you it's the truth.


You can keep saying it, but no one really cares that he wrote checks to his lawyer for legal fees. Most people see that for what it is.


I am definitely voting for Trump....for a 3rd time to stop the invasion going on at our southern border.
I want the border sealed and for the deportations to begin.
Law and order to be supported instead of crime ridden, defund the police cities.


How so? Who is the person that is going to vote for him now who wasnt going to before?


Good point
Who wants a Prez who’s a 24 hour moving target?


you can be registered by one party and vote for another.

also good if you don't want people to snoop around, and know the truth about you, before you do something stupid.


That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Do you have proof?


but can you? vote for any party you want to, regardless of the so called registration?


In the general election yes, as for primaries, it varies by state.

Assuming the details are correct, the fact that someone is a "registered Republican" (but was 20, and can barely have voted in anything yet) or is a "Biden Donor" (gave $15) doesn't mean anything.


He didn't donate to Biden. He donated to Act Blue when he was 17.


Okay. There will be conflicting reports and headlines on all of this for awhile. Either way, I don't think those (party registration, $15 donation) mean much of anything.


No, nothing. I agree


I looked it up, and no. Only registered Republicans can vote in the republican primaries in Pennsylvania


but i am talking about the presidential election.


You can vote for whoever you want once you get in there.


exactly...... so all that "registered voter" talk is just nonsense.
It means nothing.


He donated to a progressive group in 2021, but apparently he didn't vote in the 2024 Republican primary.

So maybe he changed his mind or maybe he wasn't actually a Republican. Idk. I'll wait until more news comes out before jumping to conclusions or celebrating anything.


gotta be crazy to donate to any party at age 17


Yep. At 17 you should be spending your $15 on getting a friend to buy beer for you. Not wasting your money on some PAC bullshit.


posted 3 years ago by robocat893 (7017)
"Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself."

Democrats are such wonderful people.

haha oops. so you finally deleted this. were you scared of the secret service visiting your house? I reported this years ago to Homeland Security, but since Joe agrees with you, nothing was done.


It’s amazing how people will sit around and wish death on other people, and still think they are the good guys.


To be fair, robocat893 is likely not a real person.


He registered Republican after donating to Biden, Pennsylvania is a closed primary state. He likely did it so he could go vote against Trump.


The shooter was 21 years old, let’s wait until more facts come out, maybe his republican registration was a ruse or maybe he was a legit republican but at this point it’s way too early to troll.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a manifesto comes to light, or something similar.
Let’s just wait and see.
