MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Democrats, please answer specifically

Democrats, please answer specifically

I hear a lot of people say, "Trump's a Nazi." Okay -- tell us specifically, what precisely has he done that puts him on the level of Nazis.


That's what I thought. Crickets.


According to the Democrats, every Republican President or candidate since WW2 has been "the next Hitler".




If he isn’t a Nazi, why do neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white supremacists and Christo-fascists support him? Has he conned them all into believing he’s something he’s not?


Becuase expressing their support attracts the lefty media that then gives them A. the illusion of relevance, and B. a chance to spread their message.


No more than Biden conning people into believing he's something and turns out he's not?? 🤔


Is that what passes for logic in your world?


Why do all murderers, pedos, groomers, vote Democrat?


He is following in the steps of AH that let to him corrupting the then German government.


Corrupting the government? Are you taking a piss???


If it's about character, well, for starts, he raped a woman in a department store dressing room, of which a grand jury found him guilty and ordered to pay restitution of $83 million, in addition to the Trump corporation paying many more hundreds of millions in fines for fraud. He's a convicted felon in criminal court, too, and is awaiting sentencing. He also bangs porn stars and hookers while his spouse tends to the children. He has sleazy lawyers that fix books and make hush money payouts, and who knows what else. Basically organized crime. He admitted to bribing politicians for years, which you might think indicates corruption in our system... but not really, since there's no evidence he ever got favorable government deals, no-bid contracts, or sponserships or anything. He essentially just paid for access... money was taken and no respect was returned. So much for being some grand "dealmaker." Everyone sees him as a grifter, and pathological liar and it's so obvious. I guess Congressman have their own initiative and are not easily bought-and-sold. A triumph for our Federal Legislature.

He's a sucker who's obsessed with loyalty and termination, and this fact is a vindication for those who still support our foundational institutions which he tried to eradicate under the moniker of Deep State. He ran as a tabloid celebrity and was victorious through means of brass populism combined with free tabloid press, and reality show theatrics. This alone might draw the starkest parallel with Hitler's rise to power, in addition to the dictatorial and immunity talk, Nationalism (or reverse-Nationalism as I call it, since it's so apocalyptic and laced with nonsense about "American Carnage" and "bloodbaths.") and finally, the Aryan German white-supremacist dog-whistles that stoke the ire of the worse sort of riffraff. Essentially "deplorables." That label sure hit the mark.

He orchestrated an insurrection on our Capitol, through both the instigation of mob violence AND THROUGH LAWYERS WITH A FAKE ELECTOR SCHEME (an important fact that many miss!) to overturn the result and certification of an election unfavorable to him. I see this as an act of treason that betrays his own oath to protect the Constitution.

We don't know if he's an anti-semite like Hitler or the Nazis, but he employs similar xenophobic talk about immigrants "poisoning the blood" of our nation. His border policies were totally draconian and a travesty of human rights abuses. Seperate children from parents, lock them in cages, etc. Return to Mexico is the valid course of action. Anything beyond this is uncivilized. Biden could do more if Congress would give him the funds and reform legislation to sign.

Back to Trump—he doesn't respect the troops or our military, and that's painfully clear. This displays an unsavory charactistic that makes real Nazis and their 1930's propaganda actually superior to him in ethics and civility. Hitler was better in this regard! But I'm sure Deranged Donnie reveres him anyway. He admitted to studying Mein Kampf.

His closest alliances on the world stage were also dictators, and he made comments to suggest he admired and envied their limitless power. I wish he would speak so glowingly about our own system, civil servants and Bill of Rights. He doesn't even seem to venerate the 2nd Amendment, which I'm sure is lost on his NRA and Deep South supporters. Need I say more?


1. The sexual and legal accusation all came to light AFTER he became a political problem. THey are clearly bullshit.

2. Even the anti-Trump fbi admitted that the 1/6 riot was NOT an insurrection attempt. Might I remind yuo that Trump offered military support for security and Nancy Pelosi turned him down.

3. Our institutions have been politicized by the LEFT. YOUR SIDE, violated the long standing tradition of neutral civil servants. YOur hysteria over us FINALLY doing something about it, is... pathetic. What did you think would happen?

4. We are allowed to have an immigration policy. ANd if our policy is to reduce immigration, that is our right. If outsiders try to FORCE their way into our country, the results of that are THEIR RESPONSIBILTY.

5, Trump's supposed disrespect for the military is bullshit.

6. Trump was not allied with any of those dictators. He was being diplomatic.


I've responded to your narrow right-wing talking points enough. Everything I said is thoroughly true and already part of record from Trump's initial candidacy and single term. More than 150 academic experts in presidential politics, as Biden pointed out in the debate, voted Trump the worst president in U.S. history in a survey. Their 2nd worst is generally 15th President James Buchanan, who's demeanor, policies, indecisiveness, and frankly, sloth, led to the division over slavery breaking out into bloodshed. Funnily enough, the bestselling book about Buchanan's life is actually called "The Worst President Ever" and also highlights that, in memoirs, Buchanan blamed the outbreak of war on abolitionists. The author is on-record stating that he wouldn't have used that title if he'd known a tabloid narcissist who fancies tyranny was about to emerge and drag the U.S. thru the dirt in 2016.

Trump's botching of the early days of the pandemic, and having to inevitably rely on civil servants to solve the problems armed with the Obama administation's emergency pandemic playbook sort of put his whole flawed ideology about Deep State down in a blaze of flames. Talk about karma. Perhaps that's why he more recently resorted to a life of crime.

Your desire to handle the insurrection problem by diminishing it down to a he-said/she-said scenario about security has been acknowledged and destroyed. The treason we charge that violates the oath to protect and defend the Constitution was his NOT conceding a free & fair election and for attempting, along with his lawyers, advisors... and basically, a bunch of henchman to put forward the "fake electors scheme" during Mike Pence's certification of Biden's win. When liberals (and even conservatives such as Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney) talk about the "insurrection" this is what they are referring to, along with the fact that the worst offenders of January 6th, properly adjudicated for their crimes, have Trump mentioning pardons.

I'm sorry, no. Americans know that a crime is a crime.

Wow, "bullshit" is such an effective vulgarity. You almost had us all convinced and blaming the "fake news" media. /sarcasm Pfft! What a crock. "Bunch of malarkey" as our President is known to say.


Also, Biden loves guns and won't take 'em. Hoorah.


Conservatives are allowed to be angry and riot too you know. You guys riots like 4OO times during the TRump riots, kiling dozens. We had ONE real riot and it was pretty small. The end result was that a formality was delayed a few hours.

This panic monger you guys have done with it, is silly.


[–] Corbell (9839) a day ago
Conservatives are allowed to be angry and riot too you know.

Since when is anyone allowed to riot in the USA? Rioting is illegal in every state.
The feds even prohibit rioting.

How do you dream up this stupid stuff?


We were angry, some small group of us rioted.

That that small group rioted, does not invalidate the anger or the interests of the larger group.

Also, it is worth noting that that small group of rioters, still deserve to have their rights respected and due process respected.

It is also worth noting that singlilng them out for massive targetting while ignoring the far more numerous and violent riots of the Left, is a violation of the equal protection clause of due process and thus a violation of their rights.


What does that have to do with your stupid claim that anyone is allowed to riot?



Do you agree that one small riot does not define the massive republican party or Trump base?


You don't get to do that. First you admit that you lied about being allowed to riot.

"Everything" is not a rational explanation.


I was being hyperbolic. Yes, rioting is illegal.

BUt, my point remains.

It was ONE riot. Pretending it defines us, whle the 400 riots that hte left had is sort of just... forgotten, is bullshit.

Let me ask you, if Trump is reelected and the lefties start having more MOSTLY PEACEFUL "protests", will you be condenming that with the same passin you have when you whine about the one republican riot?


Gee, it only took you 2 days to finally admit that you were wrong. The J6 riot does define you. You tried to claim it was legal.

If you're trying to forget riots associated with the left, then that is a personal problem that you have to contend with.

There was more than a single conservative riot. The 2000 Brook Brothers riot in Florida and a 2017 United the Right rally in Charlottesville are examples.

I condemn all rioting. My condemnation of the J6 riot is more visible on this forum due to people like you holding up that riot as something patriotic instead of illegal.


1. The one riot of hte right does not define the republicans. You are panic mongering.

2. Biden's administration has been massively targetting the one small right leaning riot while doing nothing to follow up on the far more numerous, widespread and deadly riots of their lefty street thugs.

3. The Unite the Right rally became a riot when the LEFT attacked and the LEFT ordered the cops to stand down. So.... that's on you.

4. You condemn some rioting a lot more than others. And you are willing to ignore the rights of the accused when it is your political enemies.


1. That one riot absolutely defines you. You struggle so hard to justify it.
2. Criminals should be targeted. Especially those who try to interrupt an election.
3. None of this is on me. I'm not a leftist.
4. I condemn all rioting. It just seems like I condemn the right wing riots more because I'm responding to the trash that you keep on posting here.


1. I've admitted it was a crime. I will happily admit that it was wrong of the rioters to enter the building. Those that were arrested at the time should have been prosecuted according to the normal standards of the time.

2. Your excuse for targetting your political enemies is just that, an excuse. YOu are supporting the Left targetting their political enemies with police powers. That is extremely anti-democratic and authoritarian. Are you prepared for either the results of that, or the reaction to it?

3. Yet you try to defend the lefty rioters by blaming the w.s. for the riot... mmm interesting that.

4. No, you clearly are more upset by the one right leaning riot than the hundred of lefty leaning riots. As are Biden and all the lefty partisans in the government.


LemmingGPT weighs in with its 5000 word response. As usual no substance. Astonishing really. But typical.


Everything you posted is regurgitated propaganda from the mainstream/legacy media.

Another brainwashed NPC.


When they start with “Trump is a rapist”

That’s when you can stop reading. It shows a complete lack of critical analysis and understanding of the legal system. It shows they did not look at the case or the evidence.

This was their 1st point. The best they have.

When it’s 5000 words you know it’s just AI.


Is it not that Trump is a rapist. It is because he thinks he is entitled to sexually assault women as a perk of wealth; he actually brags about it. Nazis tend to believe that they are above the law, or that the law only applies to "those little people".


Trump did denounce John McCain, chastising him for being a POW.


McCain was a traitor.


How so?


Yes, Trump got into a fight with John McCain, and words were exchanged in the heat of the moment.

BIG FUCKING DIFFERNCE between having a beef with ONE SPECIFIC VET and "not respecting our military"..


Yes, Trump got into a fight with John McCain, and words were exchanged in the heat of the moment.

BIG FUCKING DIFFERNCE between having a beef with ONE SPECIFIC VET and "not respecting our military"..


Trump announced his dislike for all POW's just to make a dig at McCain.


Agree. Let's not forget Trump got out of military duty by having his doctor claim he had bone spurs. The doctor has since stated he lied as Trump really did not have bone spurs. Trump should be ashamed for what he has done. He does not respect the military and that is very evident by those actions.


That so called woman who claimed he raped her was in a fucking relationship with the man at the time and she knew it and what?? Waited 35 YEARS TOCOME FORWARD?? Then, after winning the Judgement, goes on Rachael Maddow's show on MSNBC and brags, literally BRAGS about winning $90 Million Dollars and was laughing hysterically over it and sorry to tell you and the rest of the pinheads this, but legitimate rape survivors aren't going on Network news shows and bragging about the amount of $$$ they won AND laughing about it. Rape survivors are pretty damn scared, meek and timid and are not laughing about shit!! EJ Carroll was a Fraud and part of the "Oprah #MeToo Justice System" where you can make up some 1/2 ass story an claimed it was true from almost 4 decades ago and people like you and the rest of the herd will buy into it..




It never ceases to amaze me how little "research" MAGA morons do on their chaste lawful leader.

The guy has been a lying grifting hound dog since he was born


It never ceases to amaze me how much the lemmings rely on propaganda and internet scriptures.


I grew up in NY with that lying, grifting raping asshole.
Do your “own research”


FUnny how he wasn't arrested for any "crimes" during his decades of being a public billionaire or tv star.


He paid everybody off and spent every other month in court.

Lots of sexual abuse lawsuits and stiffing his employees, grifting the banks etc, etc.



I look at Trump and I seea playboy that was playing life on easy mod. He couldn't have raped women because there were too many gold diggers and groupies flocking to him.

Any potential victims would have been shoved out of the way, if not trampled to death by the mob.


Sorry but you're wrong. The guy is a world class pig


Dude. You dems loved him, until he became a POLITICAL PROBLEM.

The more you talk about what shit he supposedly was, teh more you paint YOUR SIDE as soulless monsters.


Trump was a Democrat until he ran in 2016.
He doesn't give a shit about party affiliations.
He'll say whatever it takes to get ahead, or to grab voters.
At this point it's either win or go to jail


And your side loved him. So, does that mean he was supposedly "Raping" women while you loved him and your leaders hung out with him and worked with him and what have you?

Would you still be supporting him and loving him if he hadn't run as a republican?


My side?!
Don't clump me in with people who support convicted felons.
You had to be there in the 80s and 90s, he was a joke to everybody


Yes, your side. I'm not the one lumping you with them, your words are doing that.

In the real world, your side is weaonizing the courts against Trump in a form of election interference.

Do you realize that doing that, makes Trump's claims of your side cheating in 2016, more credible?


Again, Trumps crimes are of his own making, Period.
If he didn't commit crimes, then he wouldn't be in court.
This has nothing to do with "sides"


Sure it does. Brought up on charges for paying off a whore to keep her mouth shut? AFTER the statue of limitations!?

That isn't becasue of his "crimes", that's because of him being a political problem for your side.

You are supporting it, becuase it is YOUR side.

Everyone knows this. It is only some of hte poeple on your side, that are dishonest enough to lie about it.


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time


Actually, looking at the real world situation here, it looks like the lesson is,

"don't do the crime, if you're not a dem, cause that is when you get the hammer brought down on you. instead of being given a pass".

EVERYONE knows that this is about Trump being a political threat to the dems. That is why the dems have used, well, ABUSED their offices to go after him, with every little thing they can, whether it makes any sense or not.


EVERYONE that I know knows Trump is a lying, grifting, whining blowhard!


When he was a dem, he got a pass.

When he was a problem for the dems, he got arrested and charged.

That is what this is about. You would rather hm be a political prisoner than President.


When someone becomes POTUS and a one man crime wave passes are voided


Yatzo. Have the balls to admit that you support the illegal violation of Trump's rights, and the rights of his supporters, if it means you get to keep him out of the oval office.


Are you talking about J6 and the fake elector scheme to steal the election?


I'm talking about your support for the use of hte courts to interfer in the ongoing election yatzo.

When did you decide that winning was more important to you then democracy or freedom?


The only things interfering with the election are Trumps many crimes


Seriously dude. You CAN'T believe that.

You're letting your partisan zeal blind to you obvious lies from your own side. You are being willfully blind, so that you can support what is clearly authoritarism and anti-civil rights.


Almost everyone else understands that the payoff was not the crime. It was the fraudulent records that got Trump in trouble.

You sound like Clinton when he claimed, "I did not have sex with that woman".


a misdemenor, for which the statue of limitations had expired.

You know, prosecutors have some leeway as to what crimes to focus their offices on. This is a classic example of what to NOT waste time on.



It seems as though you want the wealthy to be excused from the crimes they commit. Trump is a big boy. He can do the time for doing the crime.


I want this election to be about the issues andd for the two candidates to be able to conduct their campaigns free of interference from their enemies.

Why did the founding fathers put the right to a speedy trial in the bill of rights?


That is hard to do when a criminal decides to run for office. We cannot delay justice to accommodate people who habitually commit crimes.

Trump is all about delaying his trials. Do you really think that if he got charged right away, that he would not have tried to use every tactic possible to postpone his day of reckoning until he was back in office?


1. No, it's easy. YOu just decide it's not worth it, like the previous prosecutors decided.

2. i ask again, why did the founding fathers put the right to a speedy trial in thee bill of rights?


To ensure that a defendant does not have the threat of prosecution hanging over them for a long time.

As far as I know, Trump has not complained of a lack of a speedy trial. Why are you?


No, it was because tyrants and oppressive and abusive officials would arrest people on "Crimes" from years, or decades ago,

because it would then be impossible to mount a real defense, and a sham trial could be held and innocent people could be arrested and put in jail at the whim of their oppressive tyrants.

Like what we are seeing from the dems today.


[–] BKB (7376) a day ago
That so called woman .... Rape survivors are pretty damn scared, meek and timid and are not laughing about shit!!

So she was not an actual woman?

Who made you the boss of how women react to rape? Never heard of a woman killing their rapist? Are those women also "pretty damn scared, meek and timid". You are very stupid.


@BKB.........Trump claims he did not know EJ Carrol. How could they have had a relationship? That just doesn't make sense. Trump lying again that he does not know her? Which is it?


He's said the same thing about Stormy Daniels. All Trump does is lie, grift and whine


Trump is not a Nazi, who says so is not smarter as the average MAGA. But Trump is a narcist and ... not as smart as he think.But MAGA has a lot in common with the Nazi movement, the SCOTUS basically enabled a president like Hitler was enabled with the "Enabling Act of 1933", Project 2025 is basically the same the Nazis did when they took over Germany. Don't misunderstand me, I don't say, that MAGA is like the Nazi Party, but it has a lot in common. But Trump is not a Nazi and for sure not Hitler - he is more like Hindenburg, the guy who made Hitler possible. So I fear more, what MAGA is doing to US democracy and what a smarter and younger candidate can do with that.


The concept of a neutral civil service requires both sides to respect it. YOUR side politicized it. YOUR side decided to RESIST and to be UNGOVERABLE.

What did you think our response would be? What else could it be?

YOU made the civil service into a front in this political conflict. To whine about it now is, not very manly. Just saying.


4 Years from now, you're going to look back on this and your post here and realize you majorly overreacted over this man


I am not sure if it will be in 4 years, this sometimes just need more time. As said, I wouldn't wonder if this 4 years just introduce more methods to mitigate the US democracy.


Realize I overreacted to a rapist and convicted felon? I doubt I will be doing so.


Only a liar, grifter, fraudster, rapist, narcassist and moron


According to liars with an agenda.


In all honesty, much of Trumps rants are very similar to Hitler's behavior before Jan 30, 1933.


Nah, that's just propaganda and fear mongering by the Deep State establishment to brainwash the gullible, the ignorant and the weak minded.


If you say so.


you are the one who needs to be specific:

who do you claim said that?



