MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Let's Go Back To 2015 For A Moment

Let's Go Back To 2015 For A Moment

Donald Trump has just finished burying Rosie O'Donnell and is riding down his Gold Escalator at Trump Tower to make his announcement for his intention on bidding for President of the United States of America in 2016, HOWEVER, He decided to run for the Democrat Side instead of the Republican?? Do you support him at the time as a Liberal or even on the Left or is this a case of different times back then because after all, Trump did used to donate heavily to the Democrat Party and got along very well wit the Clintons as you can see here:


Thats a great question. I think Democrats would have loved Trump and would have voted for him. The only caveat is Hillary, she thought she was destined to be President so I think the donors would have backed her instead of Trump. They would have rigged the primaries against Trump and Bernie.

There are tons of videos of democrats loving on Trump back in the day.


Would YOU have voted for him if he ran as a democrat?

I would not have.




Great question. It would have depended on who the Republican nominee would have been. But more than likely I would have still voted for Trump. I vote for whomever is the best choice. I voted a democrat Governor of our State. I live in a Red State so unfortunately no one will ever vote in a democrat even though he or she is a better choice.


If he ran on the same policies that he did as a republican, I’d imagine most of the same people who voted for him before would still vote for him.

Why wouldn’t you vote for him if he stayed a democrat?


Because he's a terrible human being.


If you say so.


biden is the worst


Donatings one thing , being in charge is another
In that that scenario he's donating his money to people who know what they are doing,
(as opposed to hm being a clueless egotistical moron with no idea how to run a company let alone a country)

If Trump had run democrat I wouldnt have voted for him , would probably have pushed my vote to the other side
(knowing him as well as we do now anyway)


So let me get this straight: Under a Trump Presidency, we had a rock solid Economy, Gas prices once again on an average of $2.39 a Gallon and as low as $1.75 at one point, no shortage of food on the grocery store shelves or shortage of baby formula like under Biden, A Southern Border that wasn't the clusterfuck we see under Biden and YET, you'd still vote for this man, right?? Everything I just mentioned that was accomplished under Trump would push you over the Edge to vote for Biden, right??


All thats just a coincidence and the consequences of the pandemic.
pretty much exactly the same would happened if Trump and Biden swapped shifts

You might as well say "There were no pandemics until Trump got into Office - ergo its his fault" (which would be a falsehood , obvs)


Under President Trump, we did have Peace & Prosperity with No New Wars, No Inflation or high gas prices and all of that until March of 2020 and then, it was all downhill and all to get this man out of the White House by a bunch of made up shit like Covid.. Let me put it like this: If Hillary would've won in 2016, you never would've heard 1 Goddamn word about Covid or any Pandemic of any kind, understand??


pretty much all of the 7 billion citizens outside the US heard a hell of a lot about covid


Well, who couldn't of heard about it at the time when you had the liberal media beating a dead horse on a daily basis over it??


I remember the nightly news did a daily covid death count. Which magically stopped in Dec 2020. I never heard about anyone dying from covid after Jan 2021.


Here in St.Louis MO, about 25 minutes away is Earth City MO where they supposedly had this plan to take an abandoned building and convert it into a Giant Freezer designed to house 500,000 bodies during the height of Covid.. Gee?? How's that working out for ya?? And this is exactly what I'm talking about is this whole thing was a complete fucking WASH


Poor baby... I haven't heard so much sniveling since my kid was in daycare. Here, have a tissue.


Pretty awesome refutation there. Lige.


Leave me out of this, Trumpbilly.


*couldn't have
Also, DAMN you Trumptwats are stupid!


Another scathing, leftist pearl of wisdom. You must have been president of the debate team...


Whereas you were first lady of the masturbate team.


Yer purdy clever raht dere, Lige. Yuck yuck!


biden is the worst


So the COVID-19 pandemic was made up by the Democrats just to make Trump look bad? Really? Of course you have proof of your claims because you wouldn't say it otherwise.


Again, if Hillary would've won in 2016, you wouldn't have heard 1 word about Covid of any kind and it's true


Actually; they already had plans to release it during the first year of Hillary's admin but they postponed it because of Trump and used it to blame him for it as a bonus.


I can't decide which one of you two is the stupidist.


"they already had plans to release it during the first year"

Wow. They were going to give everyone a cold?


Didn't you read further down this page, it was not about the cold, it was about "the vaccine."


You have no clue what would of happened if Hillary was elected president. Nobody does. Your stupidity continues.


There would have been no Covid if Hillary had won. She would have went on to be President for 8 years. Which means Dementia Joe would had never been a puppet president.


They were planning a pandemic regardless. Their end goal was about "the vaccine."


the forced vaccine was a way to cull the older population. and now people are mysteriously all dying of heart attacks. coincidence?


Pretty excellent name calling there, Lige.


Leftist denial, through and though.


I still would have sat back, gotten out some popcorn, and watched the Democrap candidates eat each other.


Are you joking? He would have received no traction running in the Democratic party. He spent the entire Obama presidency trying to convince people that the president was born in Kenya.


[–] xanthas (3215) 4 months ago
Are you joking? He would have received no traction running in the Democratic party. He spent the entire Obama presidency trying to convince people that the president was born in Kenya.


No, I would not have supported him. Growing up in NY, I knew him to be a phony and grifter who had no respect for the truth or the law.


Living in the USA all my life, I also knew him to be a phony and grifter who had no respect for the law


He called Mexicans (no, not illegals. Check the actual words) rapists day one. Absolutely not.


You still cling to this proven, false statement? Get some new material.


Liberals lie. It is all they have. Well, that and playing stupid. The vast majority of all arguments from the left fall into either a LIE, or they playing stupid.


I have friends who are illegal immigrants yes. I asked you why I should help get them deported. I haven't heard a convincing argument from you.

Wrong. I pointed out how my illegal immigrant friends help out the citizens of this country. Your failure to acknowledge that is your problem.

We are people not generalizations. Start treating people like human beings as opposed to a generalization and you will develop more compassion in life. So answer the question are all illegal immigrants bad?


Dude. You are descending into trolldom more with each post.

Libs often whine that we conservatives attack their patriotism.

But this is why. The base assumption of policy debate is that the goal is the interests of American citizens and America.

YOU are operating from a more...universialist approach, shall we say, where the interests of hte illegals are just as important to you, OR MORE SO, than the interests of your fellow citizens.

That is clearly the way that you feel. That actually fits with liberal ideology.

Yet, liberals want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to attack the very idea of patriotism and yet they whine when we suggest that their policies or ideas harmful to Amercians.

Nothing I have EVER said, would justify a stupid ass question like, "are all illegals bad".

That's you playing stupid games.

I want immigration policy that serves the interests of Americans and America. Nothing about that, implies that I think that "all illegals are bad".

There is a conflict of interests here, between the interests of Americans and the interests of Illegals.

If we are honest about it, Americans will defend their interests and deport the illegals.

you know that. That is why you are so dishonest abou the issue. Because you are prepared to lie about the issue to defend the interests of your friends, at the expense of your fellow citiznes and America as a whole.


So then why did you tell me I need to help get my close friend deported? You then proceeded to tell me who to vote for. I will vote for whoever the hell I want as can you. Don't you ever tell me who to vote for again you understand me?

I don't think immigration polices are moral or just. If you actually want to cut down on immigration ending the drug war would actually help that. Yet you support the drug war.

Just because something is a law does it make it moral..that's the problem with conservatives. You get to pick and choose when you think laws are moral. However you get mad when others do the same. I don't think deporting people is moral, same way I don't think the drug war is moral.

Nope. My friends benefit American citizens. You keep skipping past this. You do it as a way to be deceptive.


That'sa lot of shit talk there.

None of which really addressed anything I said.

The fact remains. Illegals are bad for this country and for Americans. You know that, that is why you are so dishonest when discussing the issue.

You know that you are on the wrong side.

If you really believed that illegals as a group were good for America, you would try to make that case, instead of jumping all over the place and changing subjects ever other post.

EVERYTHING you do, reveals that you know this.


That is not a fact. I already told you how my friends actually help out war veterans and do volunteer work that help the citizens of this country. That's the honest truth. You dismiss this because you know you can't fight it. Things are not always black and white like you want to think.

No I actually know I'm on the right side. It's why I discussed morality. You hide behind the law as if that makes your point for you.

I did make the case on how they can be good for this country. I guarantee my friends have done more for citizens than you ever will.

The drug war is a failure. It's immoral and you support it. I even was able to school you on prohibition of alcohol. I can do the same with immigration. So let's start with a question. Am I free to think what I want about a law? Do I have to agree with every law in this country?

If I knew this why would I point out how my friends fo wonderful things for citizens of this country?


I dismiss it because an individual case is not what policy is about.


ALL you have is various forms of deception.

Here you are playing dumb, pretending that speaking of the personal good your friend does, is more important than the overall impact of tens of millions of illegals living and working in our society.


No you dismiss it because it goes against your narrative. I have not just an individual case but many cases of immigrants being great people. I also stated how ending the drug war would help with immigration and again you dismiss that also.

Nope I have proved you wrong about prohibition and the drug war. You were so uneducated you didn't even have a stance on whether alcohol should be illegal currently or not. Those policies were harmful to society yet you were perfectly fine with them and supported them. You still support the drug war. So forgive me if I'm not buying you wanting what's best for the country. You are self righteous and full of shit. If you wanted what was great for the country you wouldn't support the drug war. Yet here we are.

I didn't just speak about my friend. Another lie from you. I also stated that ending the drug war would cut down on immigration. You dismissed that also. You are the deceptive one here and you know it.


If you were serious, you wouldn't pack your posts with so much filler.


You mean like how you did when I asked you a yes or no question? Lol priceless!


No, I mean like all the stupid shit you posted there.

All you really said was...

Actually nothing you said was really relevant. What you SHOULD have said was something along the lines of

"ok Corbell, let's have a serious discussion on whether the population of Illegals are a net good or a net ill for Americans and America. I will start by listing my opinon of hte top three good things they do for America"

But you know that such a serious and honest discuss will end with you getting your ass kicked, and you would not admit it because you are loyal to your illegal friends and you don't care about your fellow American citizens.


Oh no I'm willing to have a serious discussion. I already whooped your ass on prohibition and the drug war. So this will be a layup for me actually. Also again the immigrants I know help the citizens of this country. So your claim I don't want help for the citizens of this country is nothing but shit talk on your end. I do more for citizens of this country than you ever will. If you cared about citizens you wouldn't support the drug war. Boom right back at you prick!


What you would have said if you were serious, would have been a list of the ways that the illegals are good for the citiznes of this country.

BUt instead all you have is shit talk.

And, individual examples of specific individuals doing something nice, is not the type of impact that would justify tens of millions of illegals living here illegally. So, don't even try that retarded shit.


If you were serious about not being deceptive you would have answered my yes or no question with a yes or no. I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine.

Also I brought up what was best for the country in my pints about prohibition. Once you got your ass whooped you quickly dropped that subject.

If most of them benefit the citizens then yep it would.


And still no list of the ways the illegals are good for the country.

Just shit talk.

You know that they are bad for the country and Americans.

You choose your position based on loyalty to your illegal friends and liberal concepts of universiality.

I make mine based on what is good for US, ie Americans, and America.

That is teh difference. Oh, and I am willing to be honest and upfront about it, while you are not.


And still no yes or no answer.

So just shit talk.

Nope if that were true you wouldn't support the drug war. So I call your lie and say bullshit.

You were dishonest about my question and the drug war. So again bullshit.


And still nothing on your POINT, on the TOPIC, ie how illegals are supposedly good for US.


And still no yes or no answer from you. How about a trade? You tell me how the drug war benefits citizens of this country and I will tell how illegal immigrants benefit this country. Notice how you how evade the drug war and prohibition? You did it because you knew you were getting your ass whooped. It's ok you are conservative though I will but you a break. You aren't use to having your beliefs challenged. Stupidity is in your thought process.


Your desire to muddle the topic by bringing in unrelated issues,

is clearly you being evasive.

You are evasive becasue you know that the illegals being here is bad for America and Americans.

You know this. But you don't care. You also don't have the moral courage to be honest about it.


The drug war ties to immigration. So no the drug war is related to immigration.

You are evasive about the drug war because you know it undermines your claim you care about the citizens and what's best for the country.

You know this bu you don't care. You don't have moral courage to admit it.


1. Not really.

2. Will you just admit that you know that you cannot defend your claim that illegals are good for Americans and America?

3. Here are my top three reasons that illegals are bad for America. a. they lower wages b. they reduce social capital by increasing diversity c. they bring their shitty third world politics adn vote for shitty socialists dems.


No it completely relates.

Will you just admit that you can't defend your claims that the drug war is good for Americans or America.

Here are three reasons the drug war is bad for America. It runs lives and creates more poverty, it gives the cartels power, it increases immigration and the black market. You can not dispute that. Admit it.


And still all you have it trying to change the subject.

If I dealt with the issues you bring up now, seriously and dead on, in a post or two, you would move on to some other issue, perhaps the one I am trying to get you to address now.

Not seriously mind you. Bumper sticker level, and if I addressed it seriously, after a post of two of spouting nonsense, you would try to distract by changing the subject AGAIN.

And never would you really make a serious or honest argument to defend your positions or policies.

Because you know that you CAN'T.


No I just corrected your statement about the drug war no relating to immigration.

No I wouldn't. You use that as an excuse because you know you can't come against my points.

If you made a point which was good I would acknowledge. I whooped your ass though.

I beat you on the drug war. I'm glad to continue beating you on that topic.


And I find it funny how you don't like a message forced upon you. Funny thing is you have no problem at all telling people who they should vote for. Hypocritical much?


You asked me what I thought you should do, so I told you

Try to be less of a fag.


You were telling me who to vote for before that. Nice try.


I asked you nicely to be less of a fag. And yet you were more of a fag.


Lol right. Don't be telling people who to vote for got it?


You asked me what I Thought you should do. So I told you.


You are telling me to vote for Trump before that.


What's false about it? Did you forget it the quote?


You clearly forgot the WHOLE quote:

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best," Trump said. "They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

What is not true and what is racist about what he said?


He's LITERALLY saying Mexican immigrants that come to America are rapists and criminals. Is your reading comprehension okay?


He's literally saying that SOME of the mexican illegal immigrants are rapists and criminals.

Which is obviously true.

So........ only a dishonest race baiter would claim that was racist.


So are SOME (like he said) Mexican immigrants that come to the US rapists and criminals? A simple yes or no question.


He said "some" are good people. It's right there. He thinks the majority aren't. Why are you riding this man so hard? Just pick a new candidate and my respect for the right would increase drastically.


Nice straw man saying he thinks the majority aren't. Simple reading comprehension: Some are, some aren't which is totally true. 2% is "some" and 98% is "some". "Some" means some. It doesn't mean a few, all or most.

I understand what you say about candidates, but the cold reality is most likely our choices will be Trump or Biden and the fact is, Trump is the better choice.


Some usually means less than 50%, Russobot. Otherwise he would have said "most", the opposite of some.

Also the whole thing is ridiculous. Illegal Immigrants actually commit less crimes than American citizens.


What the hell is a Russobot? Are you resorting to name calling? I've been civil.


He's has a negative opinon of people that violate our laws and come here against our democratically enacted wishes.

You are more concerned that he uses harsh language and the feelings of those foreigners that violate our laws, than the violation of our laws by those forieners.


You don't respect the law either. You are perfectly ok with Trump violating the law.


People like you clearly hate me and are actively looking towards seeing me and mine "die out".

That makes the bar of being a better choice than YOU (plural), a very low bar.

So, someone that might violate some financial regs to pay off a whore, yes, could be relatively "perfectly ok" compared to someone who literally wants to see me dead.

That is no way undermines my point I raised above. Trump used some harsh language. That is what Narwhale wants to have a fit over while giving the acctual criminals who are violating our laws and wishes a complete pass.


It completely undermines your point. So let Trump get away with a crime because you personally consider immigrating illegally a worse crime. That's basically your logic. Either you respect the law or you don't.


I treat different situations in different contexts differently.

For reasons I explained.

Your response restated your argument, and expressed your disagreement with my post, but you failed to address any of my response points.

So, there is nothing for me to respond to in your post.


Which translates to you want the law to apply in certain situations. So do you respect the law or not?


When you play games like "translating" my words,

that is you revealing that you know I made a good point that is hard for you to fight against, so you want to change it.

I respect some laws. Others I have complete contempt for.

Clearly I am more concerned with the law against illegal immigration than the law against paying off hookers.

I'm not a fan of hookers, nor paying them off, but it is not a big concern of mine.

That is my response. So, what?


So you get to pick and choose which laws you respect and dislike but criticize others for doing the same? In that case I have laws I respect and others I have contempt for. I don't respect immigration laws. Tons of my closest friends are illegal immigrants and they are amazing people.

So immigration isn't a big concern of mine. See how I can play that game also?


you were already playing that game. Don't pretend it has anything to do with me.

My point stands. The lefty in question is more concerned about Trump harsh language than the millions of illegals who are violating our laws and wishes.


Yep because I saw through your bullshit and did it better than you. So good since you don't respect the law font lecture others on respecting it.

Nope Trump has also violated the law.


I am disrespecting a law about a guy paying off a hooker to be quiet about their sex.

YOu are disrespecting a law that results in massive impact, mostly negative on your fellow citizens.

I'm happy to discuss the policy implications of paying off hookers to be quiet.

you get weird and evasive when called on the policy implications of millions of illegals flooding into the country.


Because people like you want to make illegals the scapegoat for everything. So tell me why should I support deporting one of my closest friends with a family who works hard and would help anyone in need. Go ahead elaborate.


1. I do not want to make them the scapegoat for everything. You act as though any discussion of the negative impact of them being here, or holding any policy position opposing them being here, is not valid.

2. Because you have a moral responsibility to your fellow Americans to consider their interests in policy decisions.


There are valid complaints. However people like you love to blame them for lots. I never said there are no negatives but like you I think there are bigger issues people ignore

So call in and deport my friend and his family? One who saved my life and saved me from a brutal attack when I was a teen? One who does volunteer work and helps citizens of this country?


1. Do we? Or are you knee jerking based on your deep emotional investment in your personal friends?

2. Vote for Trump. That would be good enough for me.


Oh yeah. You guys don't want to hear anything. You want them deported and nothing will change your mind. Why should I be open to your view when you aren't open to mine?

Lol. And if he got deported as a result of that? That's like telling someone else to report a person for smoking weed. You may not have directly reported them but you were the reason they got tipped off.


1. So, when you say "you guys scapegoat illegals", are you being serious or is that just you way of dismissing views you are not open to and pretending that it is our fault you did that?

2. Ok, so just be honest then that you are basing your policy position on loyalty to your illegal friends with no concern for how it impacts your fellow Americans or the country as a whole. That way people listening can understand that that is the choice, policy to benefit illegals or policy to benefit Americans.

After all, that is the choice. Let's be honest about that.


Oh no I'm serious. Many right wingers would rather focus on illegal immigration when there are bigger problems in this country.

I told you many of my illegal friends have helped out citizens of this country. They help war veterans and do tons of volunteer work. I like how you skipped right past me stating that they help citizens of this country. That was you being deceptive again.


1 But, your real motive for saying that, is that you are not open to discussing the issue seriously. After all your position on the issue is not based on what is good for this country or it's citiznes, but on your loyalty to your friends.

2. My position on the issue is the interests of Americans and America. Yours is loyalty to your friends. Any benefit they provide to Americans or America is really, at best, ICING ON THE CAKE, from your pov. Admit that and we can have a real discussion of the issue instead of playing games and shit talk.


Not true. It's why I asked you why I should play a hand in deporting immigrants. You gave no convincing argument for me to do so.

That's what you say. It doesn't mean it's true because you say that. No I think it's awesome they do volunteer work to benefit the country. It's why I argue against people who want all illegal immigrants deported. Notice how it switched from having me deport them to you wanting me to vote for Trump. How is that sny different?


1. You have never given me a chance to make the case. You always immediately start with the "scapegoating" dismissal.

2. Your focus is clear. You have mentioned that they are your friends many times. You have discussed how wonderful they are.

Are you claiming to feel a strong sense of loyalty to your fellow Americans?


I have. I asked you why I should help get illegal immigrants deported.

I have loyalty towards what's good for the country. And some illegal immigrants are good for the country. Are all illegal immigrants bad for the country no matter what?


1. YOu mean your best friend? LOL. Sure, you're completely open to discuss the issue, NOT.

2. You can't even give a simple yes. Becuase it's not true. YOu do NOT feel a sense of loyalty to your fellow citizens.

3. The issue of illegals is clearly one where you discuss the group generally speaking. Even phrasing the question the way you did, ie Are all illegals bad no matter what, shows your bad faith on the issue.


But the real question is: Will you be voting for Trump in November?? 🤔


Trump nor Biden are good picks for president. Both are awful choices.


Trump's what's Best for America. America needs Trump.. 👍


In your opinion. I'm not trusting someone like you. You are one of those braindead conspiracy theorists. I will pass on what you've got to say thanks.


Well Jesus, you have to pick one or go with RFK Jr, but you have to vote.. Don't be a dumbass and sit this out like you're trying to prove something because if you don't vote, you have no say going forward


You won't be knowing who I vote for or if I don't vote at all. Get back to your conspiracy theory echo chamber.


He never would have gotten the Democrat nomination without first:

- Changing his platform to hate America first

- kissing Obamas ring

- stepping aside for Hillary

Things that would’ve been different if he had run as a D.

There’d be no:

- “Reeee Russia Russia Russia”
- Covid 19
- Truth Social
- Stock Market above 25k


Well, if Hillary had won in 2016, we wouldn't have seen Covid-19


You’re right. They wouldn’t have exacerbated a common cold to apocalyptic proportions if Hillary won.


You mean Clinton would have not let infected people back into the states like Trump did?


Trump is a quasi-libertarian. In this scenario are you suggesting he would have changed his views on no taxes for millionaires and social programs for the poor?

He never would have run as a Democrat and Democrats would never have supported him. Rubbing elbows with his wealthy powerful friends like Bill & Hillary is irrelevant.


Trump didn't have NO TAXES for millionaries. Did he even reduce any social programs?

IMO, the question is valid. Trump COULD have craved out a place as a conservative dem, with the same or similar policies.

I'm sure there would be a way to spin no new social programs or increases and/or even tax cuts for the rich.

It would have been...even more of an internal fight than he had in the gop primaries, but...

have him focus on America WORKER jobs, and working class wages even harder, it could have been done.

The real fun would be that it would have given the hard core left no where to go. The GOP in this scenario would have been.... terrible. The Country Club republicans would have joined with the Country Club dems and been... disgusting.

I wasn't sure if I would have been able to vote for a dem, but, now that I think how the Blue Blood Deep Staters of both parties would have rallied around Jeb...

Yeah, I would have crossed party lines.

It's a good question.
