MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Republicans will literally support anybo...

Republicans will literally support anybody

He who speaks the loudest will be the most heard.

As long as you scream and belittle people, the Republicans will see you as the second cumming of Christ. Hilarious that this soft-handed billionaire who's never had to work a single day in his life is the one supposed to the the spokesperson for the right-winged working class, and it's even more hilarious that the right somehow buy it!


I don't know why anyone supports the orange shitgibbon who's facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor.


"second cumming of Christ"

That would make a great band name!


They don't want a sound leader. They want a loud dictator who will do destroy all their enemies at any cost. They will never admit this, but even the nice and friendly conservatives have this inherent power fantasy in the back of their heads.




You don't know anything about anything. The irony is, you think that you do.


Nice of you to counter your perceived nothing with so much nothing.



What's hilarious is you think seething is stating blatant facts.


Like this?

He who speaks the loudest will be the most heard.

As long as you scream and belittle people, the Republicans will see you as the second cumming of Christ. Hilarious that this soft-handed billionaire who's never had to work a single day in his life is the one supposed to the the spokesperson for the right-winged working class, and it's even more hilarious that the right somehow buy it!


They're against a good economy, no wars and low unemployment- I mean REALLY against them.


lol, the hypocrite OP walked right into that one.


The FACT that the QOP/MAGAt cult think that the 🍊( * ) is “winning” tells you all you need to know about how delusional (or stupid) they are. Please explain how being indicted for 91 felonies is winning. Please explain how getting crushed in 2020 is winning. Please explain how getting his fake NY “empire” shut down is winning? He is a con man and you are the conned.



Good luck with that….he’s going to be convicted and likely in prison.

Oh, and check out what your orange hero thinks of you:

The Independent
Former Pence aide says Trump would disparage MAGA fans in private


...meanwhile Brandon really adores all of his 8 fanboys!


You had the first digit correct. 81,282,916 in the 2020 ass kicking of the orange ( * ).


I found a funny name for your cult spreading currently all over the western world:


The only cult here is Trump's. You all literally worship the ground he walks on. He can do no wrong in your eyes. Whenever he gets in trouble you all automatically believe that it's a big conspiracy against him. That is the very definition of a cult leader.


And in your eyes he can do no good. Even when he starts to cure single-handed cancer, you will find a reason to moan. That's just another cult, and not a really progressive and empowering one.


Trump never pretended to be PART of the working class. Nor do any of us believe he is part of our class.

Your entire complaint is based on a made up thing that exists only in your head, not in ours.

What is really going on here, is YOUR inability to respect any viewpoint that is different than your own, indeed anyone that is not a part of YOUR group.

We are the "other" to YOU, and YOU have a problem with that. And thus you have to invent reasons for the hate and contempt you feel for US.


"What is really going on here, is YOUR inability to respect any viewpoint that is different than your own, indeed anyone that is not a part of YOUR group."

Oh BOO HOO *rolls eyes* because the right is just SO damn respectful of other peoples views, correct? You don't like it so much when people shit on what you blindly follow, do you? Let me play on the world's smallest violin for you.

"We are the "other" to YOU, and YOU have a problem with that. And thus you have to invent reasons for the hate and contempt you feel for US."

I this satire? No way you genuinely think the right are totally innocent here. I don't think right-wingers are terrible people, but people who blindly follow Trump need to be informed. The sad part is that every single word I quoted from your post is something the right do to the left on a daily basis (Fox News is an "entertainment" station dedicated almost solely to belittle the left), and I can't tell if that's part of your joke or not.


Ok, you seem a tad confused.

You made a point, basically Trump followers are stupid for thinking he is one of their class.

I pointed out to you, correctly, that he never claimed that, and we never believed that.

Your response should have been supporting your claim perhaps by showing Trump claiming or at least IMPLYING that he was somehow part of our class. (Or you could have admitted that you were wrong.)

Instead you ignored your own point, and advanced a number of new claims, mostly strawmen, and/or just spewed some more of your contempt for us.


What is your real complaint about us? Not the made up shit you have posted so far, what is it about us, that is your real reason for hating US?


My response was to what you posted. You turned it into a pitty party seemingly depicting the right as these respectful and well-meaning people who get bullied by the intolerant left, when really it is not like that all. You guys rally around a president who was propelled by saying stuff like "grab her by the pussy" and mocking mentally disabled people. How are we supposed to feel any sympathy for you guys? Y'all shoulda stood up to say how immoral that was instead of voting him into office. I know you think you're very smart, but point that hateful little finger at yourself, pal.

And no, my "initial complaint" isn't wrong. Trump knows nothing of your struggles, yet you guys shit on Bernie Sanders for being a gay communist even though he's a well-known outdoorsman with a blue-collar-ish background. Sanders in reality would've done much more the working class than Trump ever did, but god forbid one of them there libtards represent us!


See the difference here is that my point about waht you said was TRUE,

and you have to go to LIES.

Trump did not say, "grab her by the pussy". That was a lie told by people like you, to try to trick the few people that still give credibilty to the MSM.

You ARE a bad person, and your side IS the intolerant mob of bullies.

And again, your initial complait is wrong. Trump did not claim to be part of the working class and we all know that. You are whining about shit that is not real.


"Trump did not say, "grab her by the pussy". That was a lie told by people like you"

I'm convinced this is satire. Honestly, good job. I wish I were smarter to have recognized it earlier. Bravo, sir.


From your link.

"when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[9]"

There is a big difference between telling people, "go grab her by the pussy"

and telling people, that when you are rich and famous that women will CONSENT to "letting you do anything".

One is telling people to do something wrong and the other is pointing out that women treat rich and famous men differently.

See, your side IS the side of the intolerant mob and you LIE to justify your bullying and violence.


Question: Would you let your daughter get her pussy grabbed? I mean, if it was trump himself... would you let this happen?

You all act as though it was NO OFFENSE to say that shit... "trump was being REAL, and you libturds can't HANDLE IT!!!" - right?

So answer me that. Don' run off and don't resort to name calling... we all know what you think of me in particular... answer my query.

I am the last person to say that shit ain't true. I have worked for a news organization where EVERYONE from the janitors to the VPs wanted to do whatever it took to get in FRONT OF the camera, so yeah, I agree... there is this sick, sexual game that's played with famous people and those who can MAKE ONE famous.... but does that make it OK?

And if so, why do you all clutch your pearls when Slick Willy got a blow job?!


1. I would hope/assume that I have raised my child to have more self respect than to let even rich and famous people treat her that way.

2. Thank you for admitting that what he said was true, based on your personal observations. That took some human decency.

3. The Bill Clintion impeachment was about the SEXUAL HARASSMENT of Paula Jones and the coverup. The blowjob was just supporting evidence in Bill Clinton's pattern of behavior. It is also relevant that it happened long before Trump's statements.

4. What do you think it means that the vast majority of liberals feel that they need to LIE about what Trump said, in order to get people to not like or support Trump?


1. What if I told you that didn't matter. The way some of these kids was raised... I mean, if "fame and fortune" are "qualities" placed way above say EMPATHY and COMPASSION, what fucking difference does it make how someone was raised?! They're gonna play that game and some disgusting fat bag of donkey shit like trump will get some young ass! You support that cos you support trump! Tell me how that inference cannot be made!!!

2. I told you I am about TRUTH.

3. The impeachment of Bill Clinton was a fishing trip that started with WHITE WATER, and when they could find no proof of wrong doing, they went with Paula and the blow job, and pearl clutching dildos in America decided to act as though they WOULDN'T when we all know they WOULD!

Look past the blow job... did Clinton leave the economy with a surplus or deficit? How was UNEMPLOYMENT when Clinton left office? Those are the things I CARE ABOUT as those are the THINGS THAT EFFECT ME AND MY KIND! You know, the TAX PAYING MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

4. How the fuck should I know what's in the mind of every liberal who says that?! As far as I am concerned, they are "clutching pearls" too and avoiding the main issue, which is: our society is fucked with its messed up "values". And that will NOT be "fixed" by banning books or abortion or immigration!


1. Sounds good. I am confident I did better than that.

3. I think you are forgetting (or too young) how big sexual harassment was at the time. The republcians had not long before ate one of their own, Sen Bob Packwood for even lesser charges.

4. Not asking you to read minds. Just asking you to look at their actions and draw conclusions. If they thought that telling truth would undermine Trump I would think they would do that. YOU think that. YOU are telling the Truth as you know it, right? YOU are sincere in your beliefs. You believe yourself to be correct on the issues and policy discussions.


1. Your "confidence" means fuck all to someone like trump, and you know it.

3. So this negates all the matt gaetz support? This makes it ok what jim jordan let ass wipes get away with? The republicans who went after packwood were a different breed. They actually had some sort of "honor", for lack of a better word. There ain't none of that today, on either side!

4. Never underestimate the power of stupidity over truth. I promise you, your idol hasn't.


1. No, I do not know it. Why would you think that?

3. Oh, well, after Bill Clinton, we realized that the lefties were doing a double standard where they expected us to destroy strong politicians, while on your side they got a pass. So, yeah, we are done with that. We got FUCKED by that trick. Not again.

4. I don't understand. Are you suggesting that they think that lying to stupid people will work better than truthfully talking about Trump's actual bad points?


1. Because you revel in his "owning" of every one of the libs.

3. Talk to Al Franken about that "pass" liberals get. See Cornell West and his funky ass criticisms of Obama when Obama was president.

4. I didn't suggest it, I pointed it out. You refuse to see it because you are blinded by either hate, or the threat of losing your privilege.


1/ HOw does my enjoying that, translate to me knowing that Trump won't care about my child's good upbringing? You are not making sense.

3. LOL. You found a lefty that dared criticized Obama? Impressive. IN the real world, Bill Clinton got a pass. We republicans got FUCKED for trying to apply what we thought were the rules on sexual harrassment onto him. We are not falling for that again.

4. Err, that makes no sense on many levels. I think you lost the thread of your own thoughts.


1. You enjoy that trump doesn't care... about anything unrelated to what he wants, and if it's your "daughter's pussy" that he wants, he won't care... and

3. Bill Clinton didn't get a pass. I was in NYC in 2000 and remember how republicans and conservatism was the "thing"... how folks were turned off by the blow job impeachment by kenneth starr... You act like dems don't eat their own... you must think I am as dumb as you read! NONE OF THAT EXCUSES how you dildos look the other way with jim jordan, matt gaetz, and how you "forget" about larry craig!

4. Uh huh.


1. I don't "know" how Trump operates, but I doubt that is now, or has every been true.

3. Sure he did. The dems rallied around him so much and the media were such complete whores that he/the dems GAINED seats in the mid terms. That was a huge blow to the republcians. Save your "sexual harassment shit" for someone stupider.


1. Uh huh.

2. Did a dem "win" in 2000? Or were the republicans able to sell their shit candidate better with their pearl clutching and BS about "family values"?

What did the supreme court say?


2000? That's a complete change of subject.

Sounds like you are done with this thread. That's fine.


And you brought up the election before, where Clinton wiped the floor with your republican asses.... what, did I touch a nerve? Are you gonna run off now and circle jerk with your chumper poster buddies?


Errr, Blll Clinton did not run in 2000.

What are you even talking about?

Yes, Bill Clinton kicked our asses. We lost that battle badly. I hope we learned our lession and will never fall for that bullshit again.

Dude. What's with the weird imagery? Do you think you have upset me or something? Are you trying to freak me out?

You certainly did NOT strike a nerve talking about BILL CLINTON! LOL.


"What are you even talking about?"

Did you bring up the previous to 2000 election or not? Shall I cut and paste your words... the ones YOU TYPED...?!

"Dude. What's with the weird imagery?"

I'm a visual dude... so imagery is important to me, and it's how I imagine "chumpers" when they post something with nothing but praise for a douche tool who deserves NONE.

"You certainly did NOT strike a nerve talking about BILL CLINTON! LOL.

"Yes, Bill Clinton kicked our asses."

^^^ this quote from your post proves otherwise.

Go ahead and run along... I won't tether you to this thread. You have my permission... lol


No, I brought up the mid term elections. 1998

Normally the out party wins back seats in teh mid terms. It was expect that the gop would gain quite a bit of ground even before the scandal.

But then with the scandal and with the massive support that Bill Clinton got from the feminists and liberals and media,

the gop ended up LOSING seats. We got completely fucked.

Thus, when lefties try to make hay now with shit talk about sexual harrassment, I laugh at them.


That support was earned with the state of the ECONOMY... You remember the ECONOMY, don't you?!

And the 2000 election followed... where your republican media, like faux news, sold bush as some sort of "savior" from the heathen dems!

Economy was of no consequence then, huh... because it suited the purpose of selling a bag of shit to the populace...! And that it did. This is why it was as close as it was...never mind that Gore was also a limp... NOODLE (had you ready, didn't I?! LOL!)... it was enough, the bullshit selling, to bring W in... and then another war... but you on the RIGHT are against WAR, right???? trump kept a "peace" that you love, right???



The feminists didnt' care about the economy. And neither did the media.

You seem to be just ranting with no direction now. We were discussing why republcians support Trump, now you are just sort of wandering off into the weeds.


Uh huh.


So the links prove pretty much exactly what I said? Oh, wait, they say "em" instead of "her", my mistake. That's completely different and does not in any way allude to sexual assault. My mistake. You remind me of a guy in high school who tried to say Hitler wasn't that bad because only 60,000 jews died and and not 6 million.

Also. You think everyone woman who got raped or sexually assaulted just wasn't raised correctly? As if it's their fault? Anyone could be a potential victim of that kinda stuff, male or female. Imagine your daughter getting sexually assaulted and instead of helping her cope, you say "damn, I knew I should've been more strict on you!" I suppose murder victims would also be the ones at fault too, right? Very backwards way of thinking.


Errrn, no, teh links showed that you were completely lying.

There is a big difference between telling people, "go grab her by the pussy"

and telling people, that when you are rich and famous that women will CONSENT to "letting you do anything".

One is telling people to do something wrong and the other is pointing out that women treat rich and famous men differently.

See, your side IS the side of the intolerant mob and you LIE to justify your bullying and violence.


You are failing to prove anything. I linked Donald Trump saying something sexist and misogynistic and you're trying to prove either he didn't say that or that it wasn't misogynistic. I think it's ironic you calling an entire group of people "the intolerant mob" who "lie to justify your bullying" is in fact a way of bullying and it proves my case more than anything.


1. YOu lied about what he said.

2. Women are allowed to give consent to rich and famous men.

3. There is nothing "misogynistic" about that.

4. My pointing out your lies, and your bullying, is not bullying. It is truth.


1. How did I lie? You think links are fake?

2. Women can give consent to anyone, sure. You know damn well that's not the issue. The issue is Trump being misogynistic.

3. I'm guessing you don't even know what that word means.

4. I have pointed out documented and cited sources and you still call me a liar. Sounds more delusional than anything.


Errrn, no, teh links showed that you were completely lying.

There is a big difference between telling people, "go grab her by the pussy"

and telling people, that when you are rich and famous that women will CONSENT to "letting you do anything".

One is telling people to do something wrong and the other is pointing out that women treat rich and famous men differently.

See, your side IS the side of the intolerant mob and you LIE to justify your bullying and violence.


remember when you said

"Trump did not say, "grab her by the pussy". That was a lie told by people like you"

are you still sticking with that?


Yes, as I have clearly explained. The way that you pretend I did not and you just reasserting your lie?

That's you lying.


(the above posts wern't me btw)
I just thought the argument might have meandered from that original premise so i was asking if you still stand by that.

Now that you've reaffirmed that is the case I'm curious how you can hold that position given the proof that was provided to you

here it is again to save searching the thread:

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything," he said in the 2005 conversation. "Grab 'em by the pussy."

To deny this cold hard fact is some Trump level reality denial.


Are you fucking retarded?

By taking the qoute out of context, the false narrative is that Trump is calling for men to do an act ie grab them by the pussy.

Seeing it in full context, it is clear, AND EXPLICITLY STATED, that the women CONSENT to the sexual contact.

BTW, that question as to whether or not you are retarded was rhetorical. I know that you know what I just told you, but you are PRETENDING to be retarded so as to keep pushing the lie.

Go fuck yourself.


Thats why I started the exchange by clarifying exactly which statement and fact we were debating .

which was this - YOUR WORDS
"Trump did not say, "grab her by the pussy". That was a lie told by people like you"

Consent is not mentioned , is not involved and has noting this to do with this. I simply asked if you were still denying those were Trumps words.

Also I quoted the entire paragraph and the context is clear.


Consent was "not mentioned" because the filthy leftard left out the portion of the quote that "mentioned" consent.

That was the point.

It is worth noting, that the more time and energy people like you spend on pushing lies like this,

That is you revealing that you are TERRIFIED of Trump being judged by voters truthfully and accurately.


"Instead you ignored your own point, and advanced a number of new claims, mostly strawmen, and/or just spewed some more of your contempt for us."

This is left tactics for decades now. As soon as there is proof that they are bullshitting, they change the subject...


Yep. Very disappointing.


Picking and choosing which of my information you want to accept and/or ignore is a tactic you implement on yourself.


Lefties generally spew a lot of talking points, giving the normal person they are talking to a choice,

filter the shit and focus on the actual points, such as they are, then the lefty will pretend that by NOT addressing each turd, that that is an admission or a dodge. That is the lefty being as asshole.

OR, the thread gets bogged down in stupid shit, burying any chance of any real discussion taking place.

My attempts to walk the line between those two bad ends, is done in good faith. I am not trying to avoid anything.

I know that that is very alien to you, the "good faith" bit.

Try to understand.


Republicans will literally support anybody who will say "Immigrants are the problem , we need some infantile solution , like a moat , or crocodiles , 00h! - a big wall"


I think we should hire a giant fire-breathing dragon to secure the border. And Mexico will pay for it!

