MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > A Grifter (DJT) is gonna Grift (Steal) f...

A Grifter (DJT) is gonna Grift (Steal) from his Griftees (Trump Supporters)! Tragic and Sad. πŸ˜žπŸ˜’

Do Trump supporters really understand that he sees them as nothing more than a way to make him (DJT) and his family Rich??

How about a Trump Wrist-Watch.

What about private insurance on the Insurance Exchange marketplace?

Who DOESN'T need gold bars?

Not interested in Gold Bars? What about Trump $1K Banknotes??

Get your Superhero Trading Cards right here!!

DJT needs your money to prop up his "alleged" Digital Empire.

Full disclosure: I take no credit for gathering these DJT money-grifting schemes. The honor goes to The Meidas NetworK:

Grifters are ALWAYS going to Grift off of Griftees, I mean Trump (cult) followers.


The man is despicable.


The problem is that he knows he is despicable because he is a Grand Narcissist as well.


Now he is using his indictment and a surrogate to Grift for him,

Begging? Really, really??! I thought he was a Billionaire??!!


It's gotta be a cult.
It's the only expanation


[–] yatzo376 (6795) 2 hours ago
It's gotta be a cult.
It's the only explanation
Entitled? Delusional? Power Hungry?


...and the Grifter keeps returning to his Golden Goose of supporters for more Moolah!!

I wonder how many of his supporters will JUMP right in that side of the money pool?


"Do Trump supporters really understand that he sees them as nothing more than a way to make him (DJT) and his family Rich??"
I doubt it: MAGAts are just plain stupid sheeple, while Trump has at least a lot of grifter experience so he can take full advantage of them.


FOX news had been "Grifting" off of their audience, (Ratings-Grift) and (Political-Grifting), and until their shareholders sue both DJT and FOX, it will continue.

DJT got money and power.
FOX got ratings, money and power.

FOX viewers and DJT supporters get to say, "we OWNED the Libs" and HRC will not be president!!


Does "stupid" really cover how much you hold them in contempt? I mean really, Hillary gave your side's view right? They are all a big old basket of people that for one reason/excuse or another, you hold in contempt, right?


OK, then: ignorant.


I don't want another insufficent, minor complaint. I want to know just how much you hate those people.

You don't hate "ignorant" people. Especially if hte ignorant person in on your side. Some uneducated person who supports the right person just because hollywood says to, your fine with that. You might want to edcuate them, but you don't HATE them.

So, what's your REAL feeling towards "Trump supporters"? And what is your REAL gripe about them?

Let loose, share.


They worship a narcissistic far-right conservative who cares nothing for them, they have no minds of their own, therefore, there's no hope for them because they'll only ever worship conservatives, AND I DESPISE CONSERVATIVES!


In what way is Trump far right in the utter fantasyworld that you reside in? Do you even know what conservative means? I think you're a retarded brainwashed idiot with no comprehension of what the words you use actually mean. You are a mental amoeba.


Did this start with Trump? Or was it a before thing?


It started with the UK Conservative Party when they came back into power in 2010, and the UK has been growing as a shithole for them ever since, and our own fucking Boris Johnson is our version of Trump. As I said, I despise conservatives.

What does it fucking matter to you, anyway?


Three points I'm trying to get to.

1. The hate for "conservatives" or traditationists or nationalists, vastly predate Trump, so any and all complaints about him, presented as though they are the reason for the hate for Trump and Trump supporters, is really... not true. The real reason is something else, likely something the hater is unwiling or unable to admit to, imo.

2. Consider the vast and deep hate that lefties have for US, it is only natural for US to support a leader who steps forward to speak out in defense of US, and our interests.

3. This weird process has continued to the point that today, the primary question is whether or not people like "Trump supporters" are even allowed to have a voice or participate in the political or cultural or economic space. Supporting Trump, thus becomes a YES to civil rights for "Trump supporters" and opposing him becomes supporting the idea that they can be prevented, EVEN BY GOVERNMENT FORCE, from doing so.


AMJF does not understand a word of your post, you're wasting your time attempting logic.


Yeah, I figured. THanks.


This was shared here recently and it perfectly shows the attitudes you describe that many on the left hold towards people they consider their opposition.


Consider the vast and deep hate that lefties have for US, it is only natural for US to support a leader who steps forward to speak out in defense of US, and our interests.

The problem is people with AMJF's attitude don't see anything wrong with hating Trump supporters and other conservatives, they've elevated themselves above the need to justify their actions because they're on the right side, to paraphrase myself from another comment. They're the good guys so everything they do is good.


Their thinking is so... incoherent and fractured, it is hard to follow.


[–] Corbell (2777) a month ago
Their thinking is so... incoherent and fractured, it is hard to follow.
What is incredibly and consistently incoherent, as well as fractured and contrary to their own best interests, are the DJT supporters who continue to donate to a Grifter-in-Chief who may have also tried to sell purloined government documents to foreign powers??!!

The right side is Democracy and the Rule of Law, not partisanship.

Simple as that.


That is nonsense. And your pretensee that you are not partisan is silly.

Trump, based on his policies was a boringly normal politician. His style was a little unusual, but really, the problem is not Trump,

the problem is that the other side thought they had won and would never lose again.

And they had a hissy fit, that they are still... hissying about.


[–] Corbell (2779) 4 hours ago
That is nonsense. And your pretensee that you are not partisan is silly.
No pretense, I am Non-partisan.
Trump, based on his policies was a boringly normal politician. His style was a little unusual, but really, the problem is not Trump,
DJT's personal politics was very much his problem and is what doomed his semi-reign and administration. He began by naively and irresponsibly trying to undo his predecessor's accomplishments, (repeal and replace the ACA?). Why? For What?

The politics of retribution and revenge (lock up his political opponents?) DJT tried to run the country NOT as a politician but as a failed businessman whose wealth was a mixture of stolen from his own family and continual wealth built on tax-breaks on bankruptcies, His style was far from unusual for a non-liquid, brand-named, paper wealth exposed real estate empired con-man.
the problem is that the other side thought they had won and would never lose again.
The so-called "Other" side you speak of is nothing more than the establishment government. Funny thing is DJT's success was that he did not have to run on a record of governing and he hid who he really was. There was a reason he NEVER wanted his tax returns shown. No reasonable voter would ever consider voting for a person who continually ripped off the country for his own benefit.
And they had a hissy fit, that they are still... hissying about.
That probably is very much true. Those that voted for someone else didn't like it when that person lied, cheated, and obfuscated his way into power.


"Personal politics"? WTF kind of word salad is THAT?

You are fear mongering based on nonsense.

His policies were completely normal and healthy, Trade and Immigration.

The LEFT had a hissy fit, and they are still off in hysteria land.


[–] Corbell (2796) 7 hours ago
"Personal politics"? WTF kind of word salad is THAT?
Yes DJT's personal politics of retribution screwed him in the end. He also wanted the US AG to be his personal attorney, both Sessions and Barr. πŸ˜‚
You are fear mongering based on nonsense.
Yes, the demagogue known as DJT was a fear-monger no doubt. He does it to this day and his supporters do nothing BUT dwell in FEARS that DJT alone can fix.🀣
His policies were completely normal and healthy, Trade and Immigration.
Tariffs, attempted dismantling of ACA (Healthcare), ballooned deficits, dismantled banking protections and transportation protections for NO apparent reason, etc, etc,
The LEFT had a hissy fit, and they are still off in hysteria land.
81 Million clear thinking American voters hysterically voted Biden into office by firing DJT. Yes, Covid-45 (DJT) was fired resoundingly and unceremoniously.


Nice spamming.

Trump did nothing wrong. You people rioted in teh streets and went bat shit crazy.

You were and are the problem. Trump is just a normal politician with some decent policy positions.


Your group rioted as well. Trump is trash.


Will you be donating $100.00 to his reelection (legal defense) fund?

Or are you going for the $2500 lottery for a chance at dinner with DJT??


Haven't decided yet. Not the 2500, too rich for my blood. Or my wallet.

BUt, I certainly want to support him. He is clearly fighting for me and mine.


[–] Corbell (2868) 6 days ago
Nice spamming.

Trump did nothing wrong. You people rioted in the streets and went bat shit crazy.
Too often some of the posters that reply to my posts fail to understand the definition and meanings of the words that they type. Spamming doesn't mean what you THINK it means.

Try again.

DJT's wrongness is on display every time he takes to talking or posting.


He talked, you rioted and killed and burned in teh streets.

YOU are the problem, not him.


[–] Corbell (4106) 3 months ago
He talked, you rioted and killed and burned in the streets.

YOU are the problem, not him.
DJT Grifts


The more you persecute him, the more you make him the Leader of the Resistance.

That is still not him doing anything wrong.

THat is still YOU being the bad guy.

Are you....

No, it's clear, you are completely incapable of any empathy for people that are not you or share a brain with you.


[–] Corbell (4110) 3 hours ago
The more you persecute him, the more you make him the Leader of the Resistance.
Being held "Accountable" for one's own actions isn't persecution.

It's accountability.
That is still not him doing anything wrong.
91 Charges across 4 indictments might say otherwise. DJT will have his day(s) in court.
THat is still YOU being the bad guy.
You are an unreliable narrator in the story of DJT. I am NOWHERE to be found in the 91 Charges of the Speaking Indictments and I have served on ZERO Grand Juries that were formed and heard evidence of the "Bad Guy's" crimes.
Are you....
The Indictment reads:

The United States of America


Donald John Trump
No, it's clear, you are completely incapable of any empathy for people that are not you or share a brain with you.
DJT will receive "Due Process", Justice is Blind, and a Jury of his Peers will provide him all the rights he is accorded in the Constitution. πŸ‘


Due Process was abandoned by you people years ago.

These are clearly POLITICAL investigations and charges. If he is convicted he will be a POLITICAL PRISONER.

Calling America a Free Country at that point, will be something only done by fag liars.


That was a fun and nice TΓͺte-Γ -TΓͺte.

The fun part? You had no answers. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

The nice part? At least you tried. πŸ—½πŸ‘

The spirit of Debate and Democracy!


Hey, you hear about ray eppss getting convicted?

He got community service.

Nothing supicous about that... lol!!!!


[–] Corbell (10542) a year ago
Nice spamming.

Trump did nothing wrong. You people rioted in teh streets and went bat shit crazy.
Trump did nothing wrong???? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ—½


Correct. In your reply you listed a mix of legit policy differences and...shit talk to justify the riots of your side.

That is Trump doing nothing wrong and your side killing people in the streets like blood thirsty animals.

So.... yeah. What part do you not understand?


[–] Corbell (10582) 20 hours ago
No. DJT did do something wrong. He did something so wrong, so blatantly wrong, that he was both brought up on charges and articles of impeachment were brought against DJT.
In your reply you listed a mix of legit policy differences and...shit talk to justify the riots of your side.
I didn't list Legit Policy differences. I wasn't detailing DJT's acts as some type of ideological or philosophical discussion. The dude was being charged with crimes bolstered by evidence and included in charging documents, called subpoenas. 🀣 Plural, which means more than one. πŸ—½
That is Trump doing nothing wrong and your side killing people in the streets like blood thirsty animals.
Your framings all off. There is nothing but delusions in your warped reality of DJT did nothing wrong. The other part of your verbal pejorative is the phrase, "your side killing people in the streets like blood thirsty animals."

My side? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

The side that is holding DJT accountable is the criminal justice system. Try again.
So.... yeah. What part do you not understand?
So no. The lack of understanding is on you. You are a decidedly inferior NPC for DJT even through your keyboard cosplay. As I said once before you are also a disturbingly incoherent aural provocateur. Very little of what you type will convince anyone including yourself that you have any idea what you are talking about, or advocating for.

DJT is not being persecuted. DJT is being Prosecuted. In your Kangaroo Defense Court DJT is being hounded.

In reality the Law and Justice are coming.


1, The charges are politically motivated at best and complete shit at worst. That you cite your side's abuse of the courts as justification for your politcal...panic mongering, is nonsense.

2. And meanwhile, 400 "mostly peaceful" riots with dozens deads and whole communities ravaged. When in the future you lefties whine like fags over "Food deserts" or "lack of jobs" in black areas,.... never mind. I know that connecting cause and effect is beyond the lefty brain.


WTF kind of word salad is THAT?

The NorrinRadicalLeftie kind, they specialise in word soup, word salad, everything but clear concise answers and the truth.

Looking for a new dining experience? Come explore the flavors of the charlatan at New NorrinRadicalLeftie Bistro.

The word salad and word soup features stale, locally sourced ingredients and overused recipes from the bullshit region.

We know you’ll love thier unique take on traditional nonsense cuisine.

Come explore the flavors of the spin doctor at New NorrinRadicalLeftie Bistro. Book your table today. How about this weekend?


Yeah, you try talking to these assholes, and most of what you are doing is trying to get them to stay on point or be clear.


Yes no point expecting honest debate from people who claim J6th was an insurrection and the indictments are legit after they ignored -

The media claiming Trump stole the 2016 election
Hillary writing a book about it
Actors making a video asking Electors to change their vote
BLM/Antifa trying to storm the White House (everyone remember the genius insult bunkerboy they were all using after Trump had to be secured while POTUS due to their violent terrorist footsoldiers?)
And they even had a play where they murder Trump every night.

They absolutely revel in their double standards so don't expect them to even acknowledge them unless it's to rub it in your face.


I did forget about "bunker boy", good catch.

Yeah. I can't believe that so many people go along with these assholes, as though they were clearly and CONSTANTLY being assholes.


Well thankfully most people are put off by the obvious lies and with the left constantly purity testing they eventually will have pushed away everyone but the most radical loonies. I mean we may be there already.


I pray to god you are correct.


[–] Miyagido (2944) a month ago
Well thankfully most people are put off by the obvious lies and with the left constantly purity testing
You pick-up a phrase and then you run with it? Purity Testing? Is a thing?
they eventually will have pushed away everyone but the most radical loonies. I mean we may be there already.
Nope!! But nice try at pushing an idea around to see if it will stick. πŸ˜‰


[–] Corbell (10970) a year ago
"Personal politics"? WTF kind of word salad is THAT?
And here we are a YEAR later and DJT is still running on his/a personal politics and retribution grievances of a campaign. 🫒 The Harris-Walz campaign called him and J.D.Vance "Weird" because their politics and policies are weird, so DJT feels "Entitled" to personally attack Harris?!

Yes, "Personal Politics" and "Retribution" GOP campaigning that matches DJT's ideological idiot-cracy. 🀣
You are fear mongering based on nonsense.
Really? DJT is a knucklehead who campaigns on the following: Sounds like someone is peddling "Fear" and nonsense to the American electorate. πŸ—½It is DJT who says that "America is a "Failed" nation, a nation in "Decline" 😎". Sorry, not sorry DJT. You are a prevaricator and a purveyor of Fear.
His policies were completely normal and healthy, Trade and Immigration.
Total "Muslim" ban, Tariffs, Building of Walls, Disinfectant ingesting and no testing for COVID (It will magically go away)??

The LEFT had a hissy fit, and they are still off in hysteria land.
Yes, the LEFT and almost the entire rest of the world had a total rejection of that nonsense, and DJT was fired, and the LEFT and almost the entire rest of the world, would like him and what he represented, and continues to represent, to remain Fired.


That was pretty incoherent, but as best I can I will address your points, such as they are.

1. Yes, your side is fearmongering"' with your talk of "threats to democracy" and "coups".

2. IMO, this country is in serious decline. The ideal that the vast majority of the next generation will not be able to own their own home, ever, is a sign of the complete death of the American Dream. That is a real and VALID fear, as opposed to your side's shit talk.


DJT returns to the Grift. You buying?


[–] NorrinRad (4434) 3 months ago
Those that voted for someone else didn't like it when that person lied, cheated, and obfuscated his way into power.

NorrinRadicalLeftie is a stinkypoopypants election denier. This is very dangerous to our democracy.


[–] Corbell (10995) a year ago
Did this start with Trump? Or was it a before thing?
When it comes to back in the day and allegedly P.T. Barnum making the statement, "There's a sucker born every minute", I think not.

But why are soooo many Trump and MAGA fans so vulnerable to the "Grift"?


DJT needs your schekels. Please buy a mug!!!


Time to remove another Jenga block from DJT's tower of Grift.


You need therapy if you allow 1 man in Donald Trump to make you post threads like this?? Trump Derangement Syndrome is real apparently.. Perhaps logging off and getting some fresh air will help?? Perhaps a beer or 2 to relax since after all, Biden 's Alcohol Czar as though anyone even knew he had one, is limiting you to 2 beers a day.. Process that Lib


What is your point? He is a capitalist billionaire. He didn't get where he is by not selling shit. American economics, at least the essence of it, is all about capitalism. We have seen the end-game for full-on communism (the fall of the Soviet Union). I will buy his wares, not because I want them, but because I support the one presidential candidate that personifies the American Ideal.


The point is that NorrinRadicalLeftie is immensely butthurt that other people don't also swallow the bullshit NorrinRadicalLeftie swallowed and regurgitates here on a regular basis.


[–] Miyagido (2944) 3 months ago
The point is that NorrinRadicalLeftie is immensely butthurt that other people don't also swallow the bullshit NorrinRadicalLeftie swallowed and regurgitates here on a regular basis.
Come back Miyagido. Did your dad (who works for Nintendo) take away the Wi-Fi password, again? πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ—½


[–] TearofLys (2329) 4 months ago
What is your point? He is a capitalist billionaire. He didn't get where he is by not selling shit. American economics, at least the essence of it, is all about capitalism.
DJT was allegedly a Billionare but indeed by virtue of fraud and both Tax Evasion and Tax avoidance, did I mention he stole his family's inheritance for himself, marketed himself as a Self-made Real Estate Mogul and Brand.


[–] TearofLys (2381) 7 months ago
What is your point?
DJT is a Grifter.

He is a capitalist billionaire. He didn't get where he is by not selling shit. American economics, at least the essence of it, is all about capitalism.
DJT Grifted, got caught and the verdict is ~$500 Million dollars must be repaid.
We have seen the end-game for full-on communism (the fall of the Soviet Union). I will buy his wares, not because I want them, but because I support the one presidential candidate that personifies the American Ideal.
Yet and still, DJT is a Grifter. πŸ—½πŸ‘


Don't you understand? No matter what you say about Trump, what Biden and the Democrats offer is so horrible that Trump comes out as the only possible choice for those of us who are not queers, Communists, illegal aliens, criminals, or recreational drug abusers. And no. Haley wasn't a viable option. She's a WEF Young Global Leader like Trudeau and Macron, and probably a worse option than Biden.

With the Democrats' fanatical charge to the extreme Left over the last few decades, it was inevitable that a Trump would arise to restore the balance.


Being a capitalist isn't grifting

Anyone with at least a room temperature IQ can tell that these lawsuits are political lawfare that makes a mockery of the justice system. It is Banana Republic bullshit, and the leftists don't even seem to realize it is backfiring on them, as normal people don't want to live in a banana republic with kangaroo courts. This is evidenced by the fact Trump INCREASED his lead in the polls after all these sham trials. According to RealClear, he is not only leading overall, but in EVERY SINGLE SWING STATE, and I don't think dementia joe is going to make up ground in the debates.


Just think. If every one of the 70 million people who voted for Trump would just send $7 to him then he could pay his bond. Where did all of these Trump supporters go? Trump's gofundme page has only raised a million dollars or so. Where is Trump's support now?


[–] TearofLys (2392) 12 days ago
Being a capitalist isn't grifting
Free Market Capitalism is nothing more than a Grift on the majority of consumers because "Greed is Good" and to the Grifter "A Fool and his Money" are soon parted, aka Caveat Emptor. DJT is a Grifter, but you already knew that. πŸ‘
Anyone with at least a room temperature IQ can tell that these lawsuits are political lawfare that makes a mockery of the justice system.
Capitalism like Lawfare like Democracy all can have a Darkside without accountability when there are clearly consequences to how you affect each. DJT has an inherent problem of incessant Crimeing which is why he keeps getting into trouble with the Criminal Justice System. It isn't his politics it is his blatant criminality.
It is Banana Republic bullshit, and the leftists don't even seem to realize it is backfiring on them, as normal people don't want to live in a banana republic with kangaroo courts.
Don't commit Crimes, you will Fare well with the Law and the Courts won't come after you. Not even the ahem, Kangaroo variety. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
This is evidenced by the fact Trump INCREASED his lead in the polls after all these sham trials.
Reality check: No trials have happened as of yet. 1st one isn't due to happen until April 15th. Let's see if he will stay out of jail.
According to RealClear, he is not only leading overall, but in EVERY SINGLE SWING STATE, and I don't think dementia joe is going to make up ground in the debates.
Good for you. "dementia joe" is a figment of your DJT infused imagination. President Joe Biden will be in the debates though against criminal defendant and Ex-President Trump.


I am not implying that Capitalism is inherently bad or good. It is no more than a tool to be used. Just as DJT was a tool to be used by Russia. He is/was neither inherently bad nor good but yes, a Useful Idiot for Russian objectives of destroying Democracy.




Did you forget Trumpy Bear?


[–] smidget28 (790) 3 days ago
Did you forget Trumpy Bear?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had Funky Hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very Fuzzy, was he?

Wait there's more to DJT's story!

Silly Willy was a worm
Silly Willy wouldn’t squirm
Silly Willy wasn’t silly
No, by gosh, he wasn’t really

Iddy Biddy was a mouse
Iddy Biddy had no spouse
Iddy Biddy wasn’t pretty
Oh, by gosh, it was a pity

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy
No, by god, he wasn’t, was he?

DJT is a Fuzzy Wuzzy, Silly Willy, Iddy Biddy, Grifter off of his MAGA Griftees.
