MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Has a politician ever had such a cult-li...

Has a politician ever had such a cult-like grip on people?

People on his own party who *dear* to question Dear Leader face the wrath of his and his followers.
How anyone who criticizes him is a liar. As if he's some sort of flawless deity.

I have never seen anything like it. Not even with GW Bush at the most nationalistic years at the height of the Iraq War.


dictator Joe is worse, his cult followers will do his bidding at any cost. he is ruining peoples lives with inflation and yet liberals sing praises to corn pop and then want to rub his hairy legs.




no he isnt , nobody voted for joe - they voted to get Trump out.
The democrat party could have put forth a sack of potatotoes as a candidate and due to Trump being the obnoxious egotistical wannabe dictator criminal that he is - the result would be the same


That, and all of the election fraud.


you guys really sound dumb when you continue to trot that out .

Are you just doing it as sort of whine / troll that you dont really believe?

like the Flat Earth people?


this how conservatives felt in 2016/2017, when Nancy and the dems said everyday that the election was a fraud and Trump cheated, they went on to investigate the 2016 election for 2 years. The only thing Mueller found was that Russia put fake ads on facebook and twitter.

Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.

we are just being like Nancy now.


Russia put fake ads on facebook and twitter.
That was the kind of tampering that was entirely possible and needed investigating.(and happened!)
Also wether trump colluded - he didnt.
Putin did it on his own because he figured it would be detrimental to the US to have an egotistical moron at the helm that he could easily manipulate.

Its a totally different (and ludicrous) thing for Trump to assert that ninjas actually sneaked into the ballot boxes and altered the paperwork ,
which does not require an investigation at least until there as a shred of evidence


how do we know that Russia didnt do the same thing in 2020? how do we know if there was any fraud, collusion or cheating or chicanery if the election hasn't been investigated?

Trump easy manipulated? lol ah no. Putin respected Trump and vice versa. Putin didnt do anything til Trump was gone.

there was no evidence in 2016, except for the fake steele dossier. Trump was accused of a lot of stuff but none of it was true because after it was investigated they found nothing.

"So here's what we're doing, we're continuing to fight any effort to exploit the pandemic for political purposes, support the countless state and local officials working like hell to make voting safe and accessible for citizens, especially the most vulnerable, or call out local rules that don't adequately ensure access to vote," Biden said.

The team of 600 lawyers, along with 10,000 volunteers, would be in every state to figure out if any "chicanery is likely to take place."

so basically, the dems were ready to fight against Trump if he won, but he didnt win, now no one cares.


True dat.


Thats not how inflation works genius. And the whole world is going through it( yes there is a world outside your beloved USA). But you just want to spew fake nonsense that fits your narrative right.


anyone who thinks biden's fanbase is more cultlike than trump is deluisional. call me when 10,000 people show up for a fucking biden boat ralley, all with customized boat paint jobs saying trump's name. let me know when biden convinces several thousands of people to storm the white house, a symbol of american democracy.


LoL 😂


Yes, any typical DemoKKKrat


Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Marcos, Suharto.


Castro too, who has a cult following in the West also.


please show me the hitler following that isnt exclusively right wingers.

Please show me the Mao and Stalin following among the left


People are bitterly divided. Every time a lib attacks a conservative (or a moderate) personally for a policy disagreement, that person gets more and more pissed off.

That's been going on a long time. People are very angry.

Mmm, maybe if you turn it up an notch or two. Try calling everyone who disagrees with you, a "fucking wacist".

That should help calm things down, if you do it enough.


How old are you? Personally I've never seen a politician so rabidly hated.


Is it without reason?


That is not even a rhetorical statement.

DJT is wired to be both thin-skinned sensitive to criticism, arrogant and delusional in thinking he is the smartest, brightest, healthiest, and both morally corrupt and ethically bankrupt. He does anything he wants because he has never been held to account.

Yes, DJT has done things and there is a reason(s) why he is being brought to account. DJT is not above the law.


Ultimately that is up to the individual, assuming they're still in control of their minds.


remember when you ran away after I called you out and utterly destroyed you on your January 6 lies?


no I remember when I realized you have no interest in facts, reality, honesty or justice so I stopped wasting my time with you though.


"" I realized you have no interest in facts, reality, honesty or justice"

LOOOOOLL. thats why the moment I proved every single point you said was nonsense. you conveniently lost interest.

we all know what happened


you did nothing of the sort. you think walking into a building is tantamount to an insurgency- you are a lost cause. you just aren't worth my time


is ent a video of the main door closed. and them smashing in windows to gain access.

try again sparky. you are getting publicly embarrassed again for your lies :)


lies. smashed window does not by it's nature make the cop waving people in impossible- they both happened. Trump himself spoke of it in the video I'm talking about- the one you refuse to admit exits. I'll link it again for you.


LOLLLLLL they didnt wave them in. SHOW ME THE VIDEO>

your video was edited on purpose to make it seem AT BEST the cops stood there and let them in.

what it really shows in them being outnumbered, trying to talk to them and get them to leave, and give up. this was a side entrance

THE MAIN ENTRANCE was locked and windows smashed.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAAHh your link doesnt show fuck all. its a site to donate and join their email list. good job! you fail again clown boy!


lol you're so rabid. you understand this is the second time i've had to post it because you missed it the first time. you're dealing out disrespect when it's your own failing that we're dealing with here.

it is indeed on that page though- you have to scroll down some. wow


you j6th link is a link to donate and give my email retard

your shit video you gave me was edited. I found the full one.

wow. you keep getting embarrassed huh kid?


if you cant find it on that page then you are at fault, again. now go watch


hahahahah so now im supposed to scour the page? so you DIDNT SEND ME A VIDEO.

you sent me a link to go find it.

hahahhahahahahah retard just admitted he didnt send shit. what a pathetic spazo you are. shame after birth abortions arent legal


so you admit you were wrong then



you said "did you watch the video" 10 hours ago.

then sent me the link 18 minutes ago.

honestly man. is your brain broken? you brain isnt functioning man. you dont seem to understand how even time works...

also even with that said THERE IS NO VIDEO ON THAT PAGE YOU SENT ME


BTW did you watch that video? It addresses many of your concerns.


yes your nonsense video I showed was nonsense??

that weirdly didnt being at the start for some strange reason. and I found the reason why when I found the full video.

and how they had to smash in the windows to get in and weren't in fact let in like you lied about?


no not that one. you were likely too rabid to notice what actually happened


PARDON? I went and got the FULL video that disproved your nonsense hahahahah


no you didn't- you proved that evidence only moves sane minds. please try to focus though- you did not watch the vid in question.


Ill explain it to you slowly kid. since you are delayed.

you sent me a video claiming "the cops let them in"

I thought it was weird the video started so late. so I found the full video you fucking clown :)

1. the door is a side entrance, theres boxes stacked against the wall
2. the video started late because the FULL VIDEO showed the cops getting people to leave, them leaving opened the door and let more in, the cops then outnumbered 20-2 tried to stop them. they give up.

3. my video shows the REAL MAIN ENTRANCE being closed and locked. and your rioters smashing the windows to gain access to unlock it.

sad clown boy getting embarrassed again :)


i love making you write so much. go watch the vid i posted

kid? are you of the impression that you are older than me? how old are you?


yess I jave to explain everything because you are soo dumb

yes I watched and destroyed your video clown boy.

were you born retarded or had an accident?


stay on point- how old are you? you re very immature, and wrong at every turn. go watch the video


I am on point retard. were you born that way or your mm try and get rid of you when she realized what a waste you are?

LOL you cant even send a link properly hahahaha. another trumpets retard who cant click copy and paste.

shit you are dumb


ok. now go watch the video junior


sooo 10 hours ago you said
""BTW did you watch that video? It addresses many of your concerns."

then you said it wasnt that video it was another one.

you claim it was this one";

1. there is no video
2. you only gave that link 18 MINUTES AGO.

so how the fuck did I watch a video 10 hours ago, when you gave me the link now

are you fucking retarded?


again- it is the second time I have posted it. you 're too rabid to converse. gl 2 u



share the link then to when you sent me the link :) ill wait. oh wait. you cant. cause you lied yet again

sad life of a trump cuck


i don't want your sexual advances so please stop instant messaging me.


#45 can do no wrong in the eyes of his mentally-limited followers. Look at all the crap he's done and said, and they still follow him. The stupidity of America has been put out for the world to see.


Remember, his followers were getting something out of his lack of character.

They wanted to "Own The Libs".


And the more absurd Trump got, the more the libs hated him, which made cult 45 love him even more.


Has a politician ever had such a cult-like grip on people?

no, and the funny thing is, he does not have a grip on his own voters..... it's the people that hates him he has a grip on.

People like you, TDS riddled morons.

the guy has not been president for 2 years, yet you think about him 24/7.


Everything you just typed was 100% incorrect


This is blatantly obvious.




I should have said recent history
