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The SCAM MAN calls for the EXECUTION of COMEY and others he dislikes

The MELTDOWN of the SCAM MAN's MIND continues with his now calling for the EXECUTION of COMEY who he considers to have COMMITTED TREASON.

McCabe is still another name he's mentioned.

Comey Welcomes Investigation Into Start of Trump-Russia Probe, Calls ‘Treason’ Rhetoric ‘Disgraceful

Comey’s comments come a day after Trump accused him and others of “treason” for the roles they played in the probe on the Trump campaign. The Constitution defines treason as “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort,” the penalty for which is death


Trump as usual flippantly uses a word he doesn't understand, a word which actually has meaning relating to the country he serves in office for, a President who shoots from the hip and hits his own lip, a word which if he Tweeted would actually be, by Trump's own decree, an official White House release to be treated as a U.S. Government statement.

Imagine that. Literally, by rule of the current law, that Tweet would be the United States officially labeling these people as potentially facing death penalty level prosecutions.

I wish he had Tweeted this, because it could be demonstrated as the most heinous and explicit abuse of office yet, and it would demonstrate how unfit he is to have any kind of power. I'd want demonstrations surrounding the White House for weeks and I bet there are a few wealthy donors who would fund something like that.

We can always dream, though... If only he had Tweeted....


What about the VIDEO where he's talking about it???

Why doesn't it count to have him saying it ON TAPE???


Because it's not a written release to go on the record or be considered official. A President can announce something but signed agreements, or official records, or White House releases are different.

Sarah Lieutenant Sanders said Trump Tweets are official White House releases.

Thats why the Judgr ruled Trump cant block commenters, because his Twitter account is now established Public record while he is President.

Every tweeted insult from that twit goes down on the permanent government record as a White House release!


But what about the WATERGATE TAPES that got TRICKY DICK BOOTED OUT of office???

Those were even VIDEO TAPES, just AUDIO RECORDINGS where you can't even see the person.

If those were GOOD ENOUGH to get rid of him, surely VIDEOS should also be good enough to get rid of the SCAM MAN as well.

Sorry about all of the deletes … there was some kind of screw up with the post not working.


It depends on what's said. A President's opinion of treason when spoken is different from an official government release.... Now if the President is arranging prosecution for Treason, knowing it is on a false premise, then that would be a recorded phone call entered into a criminal court record because that one would be attempting to arrange murder, basically.

But saying Treason out loud isn't something where the law gets involved unless the person is legally invoking the term, then the law comes into play. It's like invoking spirits to speak from the beyond, but you're invoking the nebulous systems of government.


I have the scam man tapes.






Allowing Russia to dictate US foreign policy: Patriotic
Preventing Russia from dictating US foreign policy: Treason

Trump's worldview in a nutshell.


Funny thing, Russia has fared far worse due to Trump than you leftards care to admit:

"There's never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been," Trump told reporters on Wednesday.

That might sound like hyperbole, but in this case, there's actually some basis for the president's boast.

"When you actually look at the substance of what this administration has done, not the rhetoric but the substance, this administration has been much tougher on Russia than any in the post-Cold War era," said Daniel Vajdich, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Take military spending: Trump sought to add $1.4 billion for fiscal year 2018 to the European Deterrence Initiative — a military effort to deter Russian aggression that was initially known as the European Reassurance Initiative. That's a 41 percent increase from the last year of the Obama administration. The president also agreed to send lethal weapons to Ukraine — a step that Obama resisted. And Trump gave U.S. forces in Syria more leeway to engage with Russian troops."
