MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Wuchak has taken over the forum

Wuchak has taken over the forum

Well done, sir!


Yes I think DoggyDaddy went rabid and had to be put down


I think doogiedaddy is jealous too. He told me that he might retire from trolling soon.




Doogie and Melania finally left, but you cant keep a good troll down.


Wuchak is flooding with bland nonsense but thanks for admitting that you tribalist meatheads coordinate these attacks.


I imagine "tribalist" will send your third grade level vocabulary scrambling for a dictionary.


LOL...that's rich...coming from the snowflake commander-in-chief around here.


Your post here makes literally NO sense. What does snowflake have to do with anything and what exactly is rich about my reply? You imply irony when irony is completely irrelevant.

Please use what little brain you have when posting. Im tired of reading your nearly-retarded outbursts.


Lol not even you could make sense of your own post LOL


Haha, damage control!


Yeah, "bland nonsense" that Communist News Network won't report, like the fraudulent Steele dossier paid for by the DNC, which the DOJ intentionally failed to tell the FISA court in order to legally SPY on the Trump campaign; and the corresponding "Russian Collusion" delusion spread by the lamestream media who are in the pockets of the Demonic-rats.

Obviously, the only ones who would consider this "bland nonsense" is LIEberal Dems.

If anyone reading this was one of the millions of suckers who fell for this absurd collusion hoax then how dumb, on a scale from 1-10, do you feel right now?


Hmm, oh you mean that "hoax" that even though ALL the heads of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies told Trump that Russia had interfered with the 2016 election and were still doing it, in Helsinki he decided to ignore all their warnings and take the word of a ruthless and megalomaniacal dictator and state that he believed Vladimir Putin?

That's not suspicious, treasonous, or just plain idiotic whatsoever. Nope. Keep on bending over, sheepie.


I noticed you totally ignored the fake Steele dossier and redirected, a typical Dem/Lib tactic.


Nothing worth saying about the genuine Steele dossier which was commissioned intially by Republicans (who dropped funding from completing it when it started to uncover embarrassing facts they didn't want disclosed). Plenty of it has been proven as true and though some of it is still unsubstantiated, those claims haven't been disproven, either.

Now how about Trumpie's bend-over for Putie in Helsinki? Anything to say about that?


What about the Steele dossier is fake again?


Lots of items in the SD have been proved true.

The Dossier claimed that Russia meddled.

Russia meddled.

The Dossier claimed that Russia was working to harm Hillary & help Trump.

“Putin motivated by fear and hatred of Hillary Clinton,” one line of the dossier reads. Another line said: “The two sides (Trump & RUSSIA) had a mutual interest in defeating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whom President Putin apparently both hated and feared.”

The Russians DID hack the DNC.
The Russians DID coordinate attacks on our elections using fake profiles on social media.
Paul Manafort WAS acting as a foreign agent.
Michael Flynn WAS being PAID as a foreign agent.

But go ahead.

TELL us what was fake. Specifically. And DO try to prove a negative, I dare you. P-P-P-Pretty P-P-P-Please


It needs to be investigated to find out what really happened.


What about the Steele dossier is fake again?


ALL of it, duh!

Even Steele won't confirm his creative writing exercise:
Democratic Party-financed operative Christopher Steele secretly made false felony charges against President Trump associates that weren’t included in his infamous public dossier, according to an analysis of a State Department internal memo.


This post is not reflective of your empty headed flood topics, obviously, and you know this BUT YOU MUST PRETEND OTHERWISE because YOU ARE FAKE.


Pwning since 2017.


Still it continues.


Hilarious how you discredit yourself by citing a federalist society link to make your case.


Obvious how you lack any credible rebuttal on point, fool.


Aw. I clearly touched a nerve. You're making it way too obvious you know I'm right. ;)




Lulz. No actually the discredited federalist society brand speaks volumes all on its own. Only your deeply ignorant and brainwashed propagandized mind prevents you from being aware of it.

Source material and factual citations are where?

Uh huh...

PWND again, traitor.


LoL. Hey it's not my fault you keep embarrassing yourself. Try taking responsibility for your shortcomings for once in your life instead of playing victim like your idol-in-chief. ;]


haha you got embarrassed and pwned, so you left.


lolz. You clearly addressed the wrong poster. I pwned painekiller, it's his account you should be addressing. But he left.


So appreciate you bumping up this thread, Eye! :)


We all do!


No, I was saying you got the pwned. He was forced out because forggys feelings got hurt.


lulz. No you weren't. You were clearly replying to the wrong post when I did all the pwning above. You're just too embarrassed to admit you got me mixed up up with painekiller.

But thank you for reminding me of how bitter you still are over the past times I pwned you by demonstrating your paucity of education and clowning your inability to perform basic arithmetic. ;D You should have stayed in school but your chagrin was just so fun to watch. I do appreciate the schadenfreude at your expense.


It's the who can spam the most posts Drumpf war. At least its more diverse now.


Actual diversity...of thought.


Too bad he doesn't post anything worth reading.


He doesnt even post anything. He just posts.


It's nothing informative at all. Just a lot of babble. Oh well - to each his own. Whatever gets him through his day.



"Well done, sir!"
Says Wuckak's sockpuppet.

No quality. Just boring quantity. At least aim to troll better.


Wuchak will own this forum in November 2020. Many trolls will drop out and Wuchak will have his way.


And then what? Do tell!



The prawngage continues...



When there's three doggiedaddy posts on the main board:
"Get a life!" - Trumpers

When there's twice as many wuchak posts on the main board:
"Well done, sir!" - also Trumpers


Its nice not seeing the same old doogie crap everyday.


So you like seeing empty flood topics from a troll?

You know that it doesn't change anything at all, right? Empty flood topics would never last as long as real topics.

So you're basically just admitting that you enjoy stupidity and trolling and flooding boards with nonsense because it temporarily hides something you dislike.

Yep, basically you're just a self-worshiping narcissist who thinks no one should be allowed to speak if they disagree with you.

It's control freakism, desire to censor the opposition, dictator-esque thought patterns... Meaning you might actually be another Genuine Trump Supporter, the FOURTH I have found on this site.

I no longer think of you as a troll. Now I think of you as a tribalist meathead cave man who can't even stomach debating the absent merits of his meritless beliefs.

Thank you for this clarification, Cave Man.


Quite the astute prediction. It seems all of Wuchak's posts have run their course.

I personally didn't have a problem with them because like you said they had no substance. It makes them easy to ignore. It seems that lack of substance only took a day or so to run out of steam and now they are all on page 3.


Why are you visiting here every day?

"Get a Life" - T-rumptards.


Why are you visiting here every day?

"Get a Life" - T-rumptards.

Why are you a fascist censor?

Why does the trVth frighten you?

Why do you HATE America?


When there's three doggiedaddy posts on the main board:
"Get a life!" - Trumpers

When there's twice as many wuchak posts on the main board:
"Well done, sir!" - also Trumpers

And what reaction (if any) do your limpid scribblings engender?


"When there's three doggiedaddy posts on the main board:
"Get a life!" - Trumpers

When there's twice as many wuchak posts on the main board:
"Well done, sir!" - also Trumpers"



10 of 12 of the topics on the front page belong to Wuchak as of this posting - IF you have ignored the 3 or 4 usual suspects. The man is in the drivers seat and will gain full control late next year.


Yup, poor doogiedaddy and his minions are in damage control now.


Sounds like wishful thinking. Wuchak's onslaught of posts are all on page 3. Even if you put fishgottaswim on ignore wuchak's posts have failed to remain relevant.

But thats what happens when posts genuinely lack substance.


Sounds like wishful thinking.

Why do you treasonous libs wish for open borders and free health care for criminal illegals?


Say why do they, care to expand on that?

Are they hoping to destroy our republic from within and without?
