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Donald thinks he should receive an extra 2 years as president as "reparations" for the "Mueller Coup"

One of the few times I sat, stunned, while reading an article online.

Looks like the Orange, Fat Ba$tard retweeted a nonsense post from a Trump fan regarding how he feels Donald should receive 2 extra years as president as "reparations".

I'm frightened because, given how the republican party is allowing Donald to wipe his a$$ with our constitution on a daily basis, I wouldn't AT ALL be surprised if he somehow made this happen. Seems all donald has to do is just defy the rules, dems complain, republicans say nothing or back him and DONE--he's superseded the rules unchecked. It's that frighteningly simple. So, why should I believe he wouldn't try this in 2020?

2020 elections will be interesting. My main concern? Donald will find some way to "void" the results if they're not in favor of him and you know what? I fully 110% believe that he would SUCCEED if he tried. Why should I feel any differently? Who's stopping him? Not he republicans. Democrats complain, yes, but aren't really doing anything else.

I mean--why are we not just declaring ourselves a United States dictatorship by now? We're practically there already if a president can just break the law left and right and suffer ZERO consequences.

What a fcking joke...


Which is peculiar. He also claims he had the most successful first two years of any President. So why would he need a do-over on those first two wildly successful years?

Don't worry about the Donald trying to find some way to "void" the results of the election. Real conservatives as well as all the liberals who don't care about the Amendments and didn't care about the "pen and phone" Imperial Presidency we had before Trump, would rise up and howl about unconstitutionality. And trust me, the SCOTUS would never let him get by with it.

By now you should know that, like AOC and Ilhan Omar, he says stupid, outrageous things just to get the press attention. On Twitter I'm wearing out the "Here's that attention you ordered" meme. There are too many attention junkies on both sides of the aisle.


Agreed. And that is why I'm an independent.

Sometimes I look at coverage of Brexit and wonder if something somewhat similar could be in our nation's future. Never have I seen division of this magnitude in our country in my own lifetime.


I'm an independent, as well.

Things were bad during the "Long Hot Summer" of '68 -- riots everywhere. People practically burned down Watts. Assassinations. All of which led us to a law and order candidate, like Trump. That's essentially why he got elected. Folks got tired of things spinning out of control. This man talked tough, and they figured America needed a "strongman" to set things right.

Me, I'd lived long enough to know that Trump had a rep for big talk, strutting like a rooster, and being something of a national joke. Did older people forget, or did they just think, "Anyone but Hillary!"? My guess is they held their noses and voted for Trump because they didn't like that "total transformation of America" that Obama had promised and actually delivered. If they'd asked themselves, "Do you really want America to be like the Democratic Socialism of Europe?" they'd have likely said, "Heck NO!" But America votes in pendulum swings.

Before, America calmed down and got ahold of itself. It's not happening this time. In the sixties, the "revolution" was driven by young people who eventually grew older, got jobs -- one of the biggest "revolutionaries" got a job on Wall Street -- and they learned to be responsible. The system's changed enough to allow people to hang onto their teenage rebellion stage for their whole lives, if they want to. I think it's broken for good this time.


A bleak, albeit accurate, assessment if affairs for sure.


Except when AOC and Ilhan Omar say "stupid, outrageous" things they can back them up. Fox News has to spin it negatively to brainwash their audience. When Trump says stupid shit Fox News has to spin it positively but it can only do it for so long before it has to change gears or give up.


Donald definitely holds the monopoly on saying stupid fcking things, no doubt.


"Except when AOC and Ilhan Omar say 'stupid, outrageous' things they can back them up." The sad part is you're not joking. AOC recently said that there's nothing wrong with the VA healthcare system. She has to say that because she wants national healthcare, and when she says that she's always greeted with people who'll laugh and say, "Oh, you mean like the VA?" So she just says that people aren't dying, waiting for healthcare they've promised. The same thing is actually happening in Medicare, although you don't hear about it as much, which is truly odd.

Ilhan Omar is an outright bigot who despises Jews and spews Palestinian propaganda. When she goes too far, she releases a perfunctory apology, then she's back bashing Jews at the same old stand. This attitude was considered appalling and was ridiculed by liberals in Hollywood when Vanessa Redgrave gave her pro-Palestinian propaganda speech at the Oscars long ago. But those twisted views are now mainstream in the Democrat Party.

Those are two loudmouths who have learned from Trump how to surf the news cycles. They don't get called on their errors by the liberals -- you just gave a fine example -- because liberals hang together and parrot party line. You have a problem when Trumpservatives do the same thing. It is to laugh.

But yes, Trump showed them that there's no day of reckoning on their side if they keep throwing red meat -- the more outlandish, the better -- to their crowd. In fact, there's no such thing as a moderate Democrat anymore. No one calls them out on the Dems' side. At least there's still conservatives who can't stand Trump and will call him out, but are willing to give him credit for an improved economy. The lower taxes are a joke, though.


There is no proof he broke the law. Its all opinion and claim less stories. I feel bad for you that constitutes the US somehow being a dictatorship. TDS is real.


If the average human only uses 10% of their brain then I'm thinking the average Trump supporter only uses about 1% and that's being very generous. Some much foolishness in those four sentences of


^Standard come back from a deranged TDS’er. No facts or logic, just vile insults.

This is why Trump will be re-elected in a landslide...the left has zero platform and only hate in its collective heart.


Shut up, Thrillhouse.


Does your mommy know you’re wasting her wifi bandwidth?

The Internet is not a designated safe place.


I said shut up, Thrillhouse.


Wish your mom had followed that advice once upon a time.


Where’s the wall Mexico will pay for?


How is this breaking the law?


I’m just asking.


7 more years!


Our country will be gone by then if that nightmare scenario happens. Smoked. Off the map.


Donald SHOULD receive an extra two years...

...added to his prison sentence once he's convicted by the SDNY for financial crimes in 2021.


Just two? Add 20. Let that fat hog rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life--and not one of those country club ones either. God knows he's spent ENOUGH time in country clubs. Send his fat a$$ to that "Alcatraz of the Rockies".


Wow, you are the epitome of a safe place seeking snowflake with extreme TDS. Trump obviously has you wrapped around his tweeting finger.

Feel free to list all your constitutional rights Trump is trampling on a daily basis.


Shut up, Thrillhouse.


That’s what I thought...snowflake.




Proof that Trump and his Republicans supporters are anti-Democratic and not protecting the Constitution.


Could you even imagine Donald McDonald as a dictator? He'd be the most pathetic and most laughable excuse for a dictator in history.


Putin, Maduro, ErdoÄŸan and other "elected" leaders find a way to change laws and create corrupt systems in order to stay in power. It's not unrealistic for Trump to do the same thing especially with the help of Russian interference, the Republican party's gerrymandering and breaking election laws and protections and Trump's brainwashed followers who show they don't care about democracy.

Never underestimate an autocrat.


Why hasn't Trump investigated his own 2016 election win?

He SAID a while before voting day came that the election was rigged and that people should be prepared for it to get looked into.

Hey maybe he was right, the Electoral College is an avenue for election fraud by bribing electors, or getting your own plants assigned as electors.

But then he accepted the results of losing by nearly 3 million votes, only being saved by the vote value manipulation inherent to the Electoral College, and said no more.

Typical narcissistic, lying, bloviating gasbag.


The fact that this guy has 60 million absolutely unwavering followers leads me to ALMOST believe we've slipped into bizarro world. How could ANYONE look at this guy and see anything BUT a complete and total nutcase? Just boggles the mind...


Not really. When a nutcase looks at another nutcase, they aren't judging him...they're just recognizing someone like themselves.

"One of of us..."


Very true. Crazy people don't think of themselves as crazy...ergo, they wouldn't think other crazy people are crazy either. Good point. It's the only thing that makes sense.


If Obama demanded 2 more years, I wonder if the Republicans would've been saying "No problem, pal. It makes sense." Or would they try to tear his head off? Hmmmmmmm


There would have certainly been a massive Witchhunt.

Or in this case we might say a Lynch Hunt.


They're nothing if not hypocrites.


Don't think liberals understand the term trolling. Don loves to troll you people because you are so pathetic. He sits back and laughs his ass off and the country gets better each day he is President


So, Lard BaeBaeLicious, I thought of a posting strategy for you to try!

Its easy it goes like this: Ditch the entire premise of premise itself. That means no need to post any measurable content or substance... see what a little efficiency can do for the world?


Whining raging on Twitter in response to every little criticism from every person, dead or alive, doesn't seem like a man who's enjoying himself.

Also--if the country was getting better and better each day. 65% of it wouldn't be angry with the state of affairs we currently have.
