will the Witch hunt for Trump ever end?
I just came across this board on Trump by accident, kind of surprised there is a political talk on a movie chat site about Trump too. As much as I don't care to get into conversations about Politics with people today, but given that I was NOT even a fan of Trump before or even after he got elected as President but one can not deny his actions since he got in office. One of the things that has been going on since Clinton's time was the conflict with North Korea, that went on to Bush's 8 years and then Obama, none of these presidents even tried to create a dialogue but Trump did, as the media portrayed as a War monger, the same thing with Russia, all the bs propaganda about WW3 and Trump's finger on the atomic bomb, never happened either.
Then there is the matter of illegal immigration, but the media plays it as racism, but if you live in any border State like California, Arizona, and Texas and the problems that have accumulated over decades and decades with the influx of illegals and criminal activities then you try to maybe understand that Trump's whole concern is about illegal immigration and not just let anyone just come over and abuse the system, even Canada has a standard and point system based on education and work history to allow people to immigrate to their country, not just some lottery or anyone who has money, like the Chinese who are buying up real estate when they don't even live in this country.
But it's just seems like anyone who stands up to the status quo of what has been going in this country for years, like Trump has, the he is either bigot or a racist, its politically incorrect? Our founding fathers like John Adams, Jefferson, Fraklink, etc, who fought off the Brits to get rid off govt dominance to create this new world order to be run "we the people" has been hijacked for years by Democrats and the Republicans, who just want to their pay checks and pockets books full and fuck the people and we needed the political revolution for years and here comes someone who is NOT a politician, who speaks his mind regardless if he sounds stupid or comical but his actions so far do not illustrate someone who is milking this country's taxes for a war based on lies or some healthcare system, like ObamaCare that made millions lose their jobs.
But lets just all keep the hate and witch hunt against Trump going, because its a become America's favorite past time and lets make his personality overshadow his actions and lets even impeach him, but I ask you do you honestly want the shit that came before him ? Do you really think Hillary would be any different than Obama and that political theater to lie and convince us that minimum wages can't go up or all other BS excuses we have heard since Reagon got in, do you really want the same thing?