MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Listen up you snowtard libflakes

Listen up you snowtard libflakes

Stop making Trump look stupid, it's not fair. He's the best president we've had in a long time, since Obama. He can't make this country great again with all you NPCs bleep bleep'n, and bloop bloop'n. He's got enough on his plate with Ann Coulter constantly emasculating him. So just stop, now, please.


Ann Coulter and Nancy Pelosi emasculating him! Can’t forget Nancy. She has him crawling on his knees.


I, for one, hate NPC's--especially the ones in old NES games that don't have anything useful to say other than "I am Error" and "Why hello, young fellow".


I used to be an adventurer like you...


In Hyrule, I hope!


Then I took an arrow in the knee.


Those damn moblins...


Now I have the town music in my head!


Great music from a GREAT and UNDERRATED Zelda game!


It's actually my favorite of the Zelda games, although I have only played a few of them.


It's my favorite, too, and I've actually played the entire series. There's just something about Zelda II that I love more than the others.

This seems to be "the unpopular opinion" but I don't care. Zelda II was a great challenge, great graphics and music and one of the few Zelda games to actually propel the story forward.

Most of the games in the series (not all, mind you) feel, to me at least, like remakes of the original game's story. Even Breath of the Wild feels like an elaborate remake of the original game with the classic convention of Link vs Ganon to save Zelda. Not to say I have a problem with this concept of "redoing the myth" over and over again but Zelda II boldly stepped forward beyond Ganon's death and dealt with an older Link facing a new challenge. And, in a ballsy move, Ganon is NOT revived in the end. In fact, Ganon's revival is in a game over screen. How many games have done THAT?

Now, I know that some Zelda nerds would probably pop in and say: "Uh, DUH! Just consult the Zelda timeline!" but I think the "timeline" is bullsh!t and just something Nintendo even bothered to entertain as a way of appeasing the fanbase that wanted answers. It IS true that some of the games, more or less, acknowledge themselves in a certain point in the timeline but most of it is still up in the air.

Anyway, my POINT is that most of the games in the series stick with different iterations of the first game's Link vs. Ganon to save Zelda concept. Just look at Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time--two TERRIFIC games but their structures have several similarities. Even more ambitious games in the series like Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword had a similar baseline plot structure to the original game.

The games that always did something different in the series were usually high on my list (except for Majora's Mask).

What is your second favorite Zelda game from what you've played? Mine is A Link to the Past.


I suppose Twilight Princess, but I haven't tried Breath of the Wild. Speaking of Majoras Mask, it has always interested me, but I never played it. Wind Waker was nifty, but a little too easy.


Twilight Princess is great but I prefer Ocarina of Time over it. Those "wolf" segments in Twilight Princess didn't interest me and downright frustrated me in other areas.

Breath of the Wild is definitely worth your time though, I must warn you, it feels far different from most of the installments in the series. Once you get used to its rather jarring new mechanics, though, it's a great experience. It's one of those games you can play, beat, start over again and again and always find something new each time. Great game, though lower on my list.

Majora's Mask frustrates me to no end. It's essentially "Zelda with a timer". To provide my own experience: I played for a while and had to reset time before the moon made contact. Played some more and more further progress--reset time. Rinse and repeat...rinse and repeat...and that's the entire game of Majora's Mask.

Every time you reset the game you lose any dispensable items you collected (rupees, arrows, etc). However, you can keep your rupees but only if you make sure to deposit them in a bank before resetting time. However, I didn't always have time to run back to the main town and bank and wound up losing my rupees. It's VERY least for me. I've heard numerous--NUMEROUS people claim "aw, it's not bad at all" and "I actually like working against a clock" and blah blah blah and I just can't agree with them. I love exploring in Zelda games and anxiety and tedium surrounding that clock take the joy out of it for me. For instance--you get through a dungeon and you're about to enter the boss room. You realize you have twenty minutes on your timer before the moon hits. What do you do?--Take your chances and battle a boss you haven't seen before or reset the clock? Well, you want to reset the clock. Even IF you beat the boss quickly and on your first shot, you still have to run back to the town back if you want to salvage those rupees before resetting time. So, you reset time, wind up back in the main game village, run back to the "hub" where the dungeon was, re-enter the dungeon and then get a bit of mercy from the game as it will have a portal waiting at the entrance for you to warp to the boss door.

Now, does that sound fun to you? I know it is seemingly fun to a great many people but I don't feel fun from that. I feel like I wasted time having to reset time, backtrack to the dungeon again and fight the boss. I'd rather just...fight the boss.

So, Majora's Mask is definitely one of those "Love it or hate it" types of games and people like me are apparently in a minority as most people love that game. I'm not at all saying people can't like what they like but I personally can't understand why so many people LOVE that game and its timer. People even say: "I barely notice the timer". Maybe I'm just bad at Zelda games and never realized it? I don't know. Timers are fine for platformers like Mario but a large adventure game? No. Not for me.

I actually haven't played much of Wind Waker. I would always get lost at sea and gave up out of boredom. I'd like to give that one another shot with a guide in the future.

A Link Between Worlds is great. I don't know if you played it but I'd recommend it as it's essentially a "Second Quest" of A Link to the Past (as it uses the same exact Light/Dark world maps but with new dungeons/items/enemies).

PS: Don't take my word for it regarding Majora's Mask. Hell--give it a shot. Maybe you'll like it more than I did. Almost no one seems to agree with my complaints about that game so I guess I'm part of the club of the one or two weirdos who dislikes that game. I don't even hate it--I just find it frustrating.


The poor guy. He can't even travel to his golf resort ten times a week without being criticized for it. Its no wonder he's always throwing tantrums when his advisers can't do the simplest task of reducing intel to one page and include pictures and diagrams written in bright purple crayon. Just like Elon Musk it must be so difficult for him to live in a world where nobody is on his level.


Trump is just misunderstood. He's trying to make this country great again but those gosh darn demorats will not let corporations bring manufacturing back to America no matter how much golf Trump plays. He's trying, don't you see.


MGGA: Make Golf Great Again.


I will stop bleeping and blooping when hell freezes over.


Hmmm, yet another TDS inspired thread.



Whoa, this is a safe space for trumpees. That's what us Trump supporters call ourselves, trumpees. Please stop being mean to trumpees. We don't want your lieberal bloop blooping.


Satirical posts designed to make Trumpers look bad are INDISTINGUISHABLE from real Trumper posts that actually make them look bad.

And that's sad.
