MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > This is a Movie Chat site

This is a Movie Chat site

So why is this idiot's board so popular?

Isn't there any place on the internet that we can go to, to get away from this monster?

He appeared in a few films as himself, and he hosted a gameshow a few years back, so it's sad that his should be the most popular board on this site.


Visit any of the thousands of the other boards on this site? Knowing that Donald Trump is a ...polarizing public figure with a minimal film impact (but there is one, so he deserves a board as much as any other celeb who cameos on TV and movies) and clicking on his board, you don't really get the right to be offended that surprisingly the topics are not about his role in Home Alone 2 or Ghosts Can't Do It. Some of this is on you for coming here.


I clicked on here, and have unfortunately found myself hypocritically embroiled in various discussions here, because every time I check the front page for new conversations it appears that the most active board is this one, and not any of the thousands of other boards that actually pertains to film and TV. It's depressing.

There are hundreds of places to discuss Trump, but following the closure of the IMDb forums there have been surprisingly few public forums to discuss film and TV shows.


True, but you CAN just search for a movie/celeb you WANT to discuss and go there easily enough.


You're right.

I guess my despair is more about how barren the other boards are here (in comparison to the more active IMDb boards, prior to their cancellation). I wish the film boards here were as popular as the Trump board.

That said I really commend this site's owner for setting this place up in the wake of the IMDb's (IMHO, ludicrous) decision to cancel the forums.


Some are definitely more active than others, but you can start conversation on those boards you find lacking


Amen! Don't curse the darkness -- light a candle!



You think I'm wrong HarvardBarbie?



I guess that shows how wrong one can be. For some reason I had you pegged as a liberal.

As for Macron, he is indeed an elitist a-hole, but, trust me, May isn't going anywhere as a result of tomorrow's vote of no confidence. The House of Commons may have no love for May, but it has even more disdain for Jeremy Corbyn, and for triggering another general election.



We did see with regard to May. (Unfortunately) I was right.



It was split down party lines, as entirely expected.

No Tory, let alone a member of the DUP, was going to back Corbyn, and so May, expectedly, won the vote by her Parliamentary majority plus the ten DUP MPs who back the government in a confidence and supply agreement (minus the Sinn Fein MPs who do not take their seats in Westminster).



In theory, I don't see why not, but in practice it seems these idiot politicians are too scared of being seen to have 'betrayed the will of the people' (which also explains why a second referendum is likely off the table).

I now see a No Deal scenario as the most likely, and it is this scary prospect that justifies my support for Theresa May's admittedly half-baked Agreement which was rejected in the House of Commons last week. I am no fan of that Agreement, far less May and this godawful government, but, as far as I'm concerned, anything is better than No Deal, and in trying to find a 'magical unicorn' deal that satisfies everyone, we're likely to end up with nothing.

Seems the word 'compromise' no longer exists in the English vocabulary.


"Really missing our time on IMDb."

It was fun, but there seemed to be more crazies there. Not that there aren't crazies here, but remember "makesmewanttoholler"? There were way too many of that type on IMDb -- the corkscrew logic where they'd start arguing one point then wind up saying the opposite simply because they wanted to keep the argument going. And then when you quote themselves back to themselves they'd start erasing posts?

And, of course, they had the truly malicious folk who'd run in packs and try to get people ejected from the boards entirely. They were a real threat, as opposed to the garden variety mental cases who'd threaten to kill you.

IMDb had its good points, but it also had its bad points.



I did NOT! 😂. I didn’t know about the classical music board. It would make sense to have a politics board here. Are you sure they don’t have it? Trump would still get most of the posts because he’s such a lightening rod. I’m going to look and report back.


They do have a Politics board: And as I suspected, it doesn’t have as much traffic.


My guess would be that you could go to virtually any other board on this site and get away from Trump. But if you come to this board, yes, you can't avoid him.

You did mention why he's on this site -- he's been in some movies and TV. Beyond that, it's just folks commenting on what's already here.

Did you know there's a Barack Obama board?


There is even a Jesus board, I just saw it trending. :)


I joined this site to talk about Bird Box but when I saw that orange idiot's head on the main page I had to see whats up with this board.


I agree, it is quite annoying to see him trending all the time.

I don’t care about politics, I want to chat about movies.

But I choose to ignore his photo when he is trending and I don’t click on it, so I guess its not that big a deal. Each to its own. I click on what interests me, and other users can comment on him if they find that interesting.

Although it is a shame that some movie topics are lifeless while unrealated politics board on a movie forum is trending.


This is precisely what I mean Nesi777. I'm glad so see someone gets it.

PS: I do care about politics, and many films and TV shows are political and even Trump-related, but there are better places online to specifically talk about Trump, and like you I despair when I see that he is trending.


Agreed. I do care about politics to a degree but definitely not when I am on movie chat boards. :)

And isn't ironic that this thread is keeping him trending? 😂

Well, at least it's not exactly political topic.


He was breathtaking in "Home Alone 2" spellbinding in "The Little Rascals" and he gave a groundbreaking performance in "Ghosts Can't Do It". Why can't I talk about this wonderful thespian on a movie message board?


Imdb had pages for people like that too. Its not all about movie characters, actors and movie/shows.

It's about peoples entire filmography. Programs they've appeared on as themselves, talk shows, award events, etc.

The message board is here for people to discuss all of that among anything else people choose to bring up on the persons board about them.

With that being said, screw Trump.


Thank you OP.
