To compare, the 2010 midterm only had 41% turnout (2014 was at 36%). The 80 election had a 52.6% turnout and 84 had 53.3%! 2018 turnout was legendary.
Love him or hate him, we can all agree Trump has made more Americans interested in politics than ever before.
It's unheard of for midterms to be within 0.9 points of a Presidential election, much less surpassing some! Even in the 60s, when turnout was super high, they never reached 50%+ turnout. Turnout has been low since 18-20 year olds go the right to vote, consistently being between 36%-45%, but 2018 had the highest turnout since 1914!
Trump is done in 2020, I am thinking of voting Democrat in 2020 as well. Not sure yet, but Trump's Presidency has been the biggest failure in American history. The dumb ass can't even find a Chief of Staff. If I were in Trump's position, there is no way Democrats would've got over 220 House seats and I would have gotten over 57 Senate seats. Also would've kept more governorships and state legislators.
You created your account 13 days ago to say the dems created the witch hunt against Trump, the dems were pro-Russia in 2012, the dems along with Bill Clinton were responsible for the lie that Saddam had WMDs, Hillary colluded with this, Bernie wants to tax you that, and now you're saying you might vote democrat because so many people voted in the midterm and Trump can't find a chief of staff?
Interesting how that pro-MAGA-anti-Trump agenda involves focusing so much attention on condemning Mueller as a witch hunt to take down Trump. Very interesting indeed.
Mueller is a witch hunt, and I called it in the beginning. I knew it had nothing to do with Russia.
The issue is Trump shouldn't have appointed him in the first place. His first mistake was trying to place nice with the Establishment/Deep State. He wanted them to like him, so he decided not to appoint a Special Prosecution on Clinton (which I would've did within the first month of office). Also, I never wanted him to fire Comey because I knew it was a bad idea and guess what? It was.
I am tired of Trump doing nothing but whining on Twitter. After the election, he said he was no longer interested in investigating Clinton. 2 years later he's bitching that Mueller isn't investigating Clinton? Give me a break.
Also, I would've investigated Sen. Feinstein and Christine Ford right after Kavanaugh got confirmed.
Trump shouldn't have fired Comey to have him replaced by anyone.
Trump shouldn't have protected Flynn that hard since Flynn was already dismissed from the white house for failing to disclose himself being a foreign agent.
Trump shouldn't have ignored Obama's warnings about Flynn.
Trump shouldn't have hired Manafort as his campaign manager.
Trump shouldn't have told Russia they would be greatly rewarded by the media if they found Hillary's 30,000 emails, which he said a few days before the DNC server was attacked.
Trump shouldn't have said he was going to build a wall that Mexico would pay for.
Trump shoudn't have inserted the TPP into NAFTA after campaigning so hard against it.
Trump shouldn't have given tax cuts to the wealthy, increasing the amount of stock buybacks companies engage in to manipulate their stock value (though that one is on all republicans, probably why it's Trump's only accomplishment).
Trump shouldn't have allowed Net Neutrality to be repealed, allowing ISPs to restrict bandwidth to whichever domains they choose.
Trump shouldn't have allowed ISPs to sell your private information.
Trump shouldn't have had a pissing contest with Kim Jong Un.
Trump shouldn't be hellbent on selling MBS weapons to slay Yemenis, far worse than any of our engagements with Assad in Syria.
Trump shouldn't do a lot of things. Presiding over our country is one of them.
We told you he was a BS'er in 2016, but you were all in love with your memes and making SJWs unhappy. So now the GOP goes down with him. All I can say is, good riddance. And anyone who jumps ship now, oh hell nah. Get back over there buddy. We don't want ya.
Trump shouldn't have hired Manafort as his campaign manager. [/quote]
Manafort did nothing wrong. Manafort was just hired to help allocate delegates (Lewandowski was terrible at that).
[quote] Trump shouldn't have told Russia they would be greatly rewarded by the media if they found Hillary's 30,000 emails, which he said a few days before the DNC server was attacked. [/quote]
This was just a joke. Obama said he was Muslim on ABC, are you going to admit Obama is a Muslim?
[quote] Trump shouldn't have said he was going to build a wall that Mexico would pay for. [/quote]
He could've did this easily with remittances. Mexican citizens (who actually influene our election unlike Russia) send billions back to Mexico each year.
[quote] Trump shouldn't have given tax cuts to the wealthy, increasing the amount of stock buybacks companies engage in to manipulate their stock value (though that one is on all republicans, probably why it's Trump's only accomplishment). [/quote]
Somewhat agree, but Republicans would not increase tax rates for the rich. I hope he can work with Democrats to do real tax reform.
Problem is rich Democrats are the ones who dodge taxes the most. Remember, Obama extended the Bush tax cuts.
[quote] Trump shouldn't be hellbent on selling MBS weapons to slay Yemenis, far worse than any of our engagements with Assad in Syria. [/quote]
No one cared when Obama was drone striking Yemenis.
[quote] We told you he was a BS'er in 2016, but you were all in love with your memes and making SJWs unhappy. So now the GOP goes down with him. All I can say is, good riddance. And anyone who jumps ship now, oh hell nah. Get back over there buddy. We don't want ya.
America is going to go down as well.
The future of America is going to look like Detroit or East Los Angeles.
China, which is everything liberals think Trump is, is going to replace America.
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Capitalism is going down. Not much we can do about it. Technology is a bitch.
Says the guy posting on a computer/iPhone.
It's one of the things I hate about leftism the most..... the hypocrisy. When you tell me you're a socialist, what you're telling me is you're greedy and lazy. In other words, you're useless.
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I'm talking down the road. Not now. We need it now.
For the record, I don't want capitalism to go anywhere. Our capitalistic/socialistic hybrid way of living is the best ever conceived. What I'm saying is it can't survive. I give it 20-30 years.
Think about it. How will capitalism survive when technology has removed all jobs? And if we crack nuclear fusion (estimated to be about 20 years), we could be talking unlimited energy for every man, woman and child in 30 years, potentially for free.
Either capitalism goes away, or we all become content creators/entertainers for each other to make money. I don't see any other way because entertainment is really the only advantage humans will have over AI because of our ability to feel. It'll take a lot longer than 30 years to give AI the ability to feel as humans do.
How will capitalism survive when technology has removed all jobs?
Like a Star Trek future? Where scarcity is no longer a problem?
I can see that once nanotechnology becomes a self-replicating process, there will be no more economics as it will be possible to create everything we need at no cost and with minimal effort. It will in effect be communism (but not the kind we're used to - this would be more like a benign welfare state than anything). reply share
Socialist is a misnomer. You can't have a functioning government without socialism. Some say we're at 60% socialism, others say we're near a 50/50 split.
A socialist in the context of the United States means something else, essentially democratic socialism, which uses the term socialism, but really means capitalism plus socialized healthcare. There is no pure socialist movement with any wheels to it. And even if there was, there would be no way for that movement to change anything. They'd have to wait it out like the rest of us.
We don't need nanotechnology. Just think about every possible job a human can do, and think about what machines and AI will do in 20-30 years.
We already have AI that can order a pizza from a receptionist with a thick accent, and have that person have no clue they are talking to AI. Do you really think people are going to be needed as accountants in 20 years? It's all going away. Not by socialism, but by basic technology that we've already started.
And don't get me started on VR. We'll all be hooked to it 24/7. That's where we'll be working as content creators. Sure, the AI can write worlds on top of worlds faster than you can think, but the ones you create will be the most interesting, because you are better able to tap into what people enjoy seeing. Quality over quantity. That's really the only way I see capitalism surviving.
And to think how often the left gets laughed at for their arts degrees. Wouldn't that be hilarious if it helped save capitalism.
Yup. I think many of the things you're describing will come to fruition. But it's never so easily predictable and straightforward because there are ALWAYS twists when trying to predict the future. Technology has the potential to create new opportunities and markets, and hence economies virtually overnight that were previously unimaginable ... or at least very difficult to conceptualize by all but of the most creative sci-fi visionaries.
Though I still think it's an open question whether we'll survive the AI revolution. There are numerous looming issues about how well we'll be be to control autonomous AI. But assuming that's not an issue, there's also the certainty governments, techno-terrorists, privatized military industrial corporate powers will weaponize AI for the purpose of cementing power and control. There will be an AI arms race, that is an absolute certainty, and it's impossible to speculate how that will play out at this early stage given the virtually limitless destructive potential of weaponized AI and not knowing who will be first to obtain and harness such destructive power. An AI apocalypse is not at all unreasonable nor unimaginable.
But should all of the above not kill us, capitalism will still be necessary from all the new and developing economies and opportunities just from the AI revolution itself; at least in the near term of 30 years. Like the quest for the singularity. We shall be seeking to merge such vast intellectual capacity available in AI to expand the capabilities of our biological minds. Can AI help us resolve the hard problem of consciousness? If so, all bets are off.
As for the "capital" in 'capitalism', it would have to survive. We're not going to go back to the days of barter and trade. Cryptocurrencies are here to stay and will float like they do now, independent of any government backing. They'll be valued and used based on their innate features of technological utility and security.
"Mueller is a witch hunt, and I called it in the beginning. I knew it had nothing to do with Russia."
Based on the detailed Senate report released yesterday that did a deep dive into Russia's involvement with Facebook, Google, and other Russian social media active measures it looks like you were an early propaganda victim of Russia's trolling that pivoted to demonizing Mueller after the election.
Turnout was always around 80% until the Progressive era in the early 1900's. Before that the Democrat party had been largely libertarian and in opposition to big government Republicans. University dean Woodrow Wilson gave us the income tax, the Federal Reserve, World War One, and primed World War Two and the United Nations. A new class of liberal intellectual elites really got high on the profiteering from a centrally planned wartime economy. People stopped voting because the parties became the same and there was no real choice anymore. Now again finally as you noticed, Trump gave people a real choice.
All of this matters less and less as America becomes non-white. Non-whites simply don't vote, not in America or anywhere else. White people are the only ones who actually consider why type of government to have. Concepts like limited government don't even exist in the minds of POCs. The government has absolute power and is expected to use it, and your only concern is for it to be used in your favor.
Here in Michigan all the losers came out from under their Rock in droves because of "Muh Pot Legalization" and at the same time voted Yes on other proposal's giving the liberals more power to cheat in our elections because all those losers who wanted to hand over our Marijuana to the government are surprise a bunch of Yes Men Cucks