MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > We're not the world's unwanted shelter

We're not the world's unwanted shelter

It's laughable to see all the phony rage over a non-issue. If it was such a terrible thing to house children who are smuggled in by people who aren't even their parents (that would be 10,000 of the 12.000 kids), then WHERE WERE ALL OF YOU to scream about during the 8 years of Barack Obama or the end of the W Bush era? You weren't screaming because you didn't care then and you don't really care now.
Since so many of you think it's such a good idea to take in anyone and everyone who shows up on America's backdoor step, why don't you offer to house an illegal in your home? Put your money where your mouth is.
Our nation is not a halfway house or dump for the world's indigents, bums, orphans and criminals. The left loves to concoct crisises so they can scream loud and attempt to demonize their political opponents, yet at the end of the day they don't have a solution and could care less about "the children" they harp on about. Give me a break.



Um...genius? you do know this country was pretty much FOUNDED by the world's unwanted, right?


Congrats we have a winner of the dumbest post of the day. Your prize:



poor butthurt alt-righter......

Read a book.


Racist Trumps days are numbered if he keeps making silly decisions like that. Nazis too destroyed many families for the growth of their country you know


Facebook was founded for college students.

Now it's for every age group, but you cannot have a Facebook account unless Facebook agrees with your political views.



If you're saying this....let me got banned.


That’s a complete lie.


It was actually British people who wanted religious freedom and didn't want to pay taxes without representation.


Since so many of you think it's such a good idea to take in anyone and everyone who shows up on America's backdoor step

I haven't seen anyone advocating this kind of extreme open-border policy.

But I will: There should be no borders, no nations, no governments. It would solve a lot of problems and we wouldn't be dealing with nations getting held back and exploited by wealthier ones.


Uh oh, we have a problem. Froggie lemming has stuck his nose in for the stupidest post of the day award.

We have a tie!


I could defend anarchism in undeniable ways that would stop you in your tracks. I've never found anyone else who explains it the way I do.

But you... you are not worth the effort.


Don't forget no tech as well. Solve all problems by ditching everything and going back to grass roots, wood and stone.


I'll find a nice club for snagging my next mate.


You are against Israel's right to exist?

Nations form for the purpose of protectionism. Immigrants from Honduras do not go to Mexico. They go to America. Mexico is better off for having borders and America is worse off for not having borders.


Nations form for the purpose of protectionism.

Exactly. They are elements of gentrification, they foment division and separation, they endorse devaluing the worth of the lives on the outside of your border, they contribute to racism and prejudice, they cause a sense of nationalism that drives people to join up with the local warlord because it's called "being patriotic."


Stated like a true communist. Congrats!


Anarchist. I'm against Communism too.


I heard MS-13 was created in the US so we deported them where they moved down south and now it's a fucked up place which is forcing the illegals to come up here now to seek asylum. We should've killed them when we had the chance but nope, too inhumane they say, now look at where we're at. More dead and fleeing for safety. Thanks America.


MS-13 is basically just another lovely result of the war on drugs.


I love that Trump isn't buying into the fake moralizing and outrage. His big brass balls won't let him.


True that! It's so good to see someone point out Leftist media propaganda for what it is.




I agree that Obama upped the deportation of undocumented immigrants at an extraordinary rate, but this current child/parent situation is all on Trump and his policy.

In 2016, the problem was being handled about as good as it could've been. In fact, liberal outlets like TYT were often complaining that Obama was too harsh. Trump started opening his mouth to play up to the alt-right nationalists, but it had the downside of scaring illegal immigrants into hiding. Trump had to create ICE just to keep up with Obama's deportation numbers. Since ICE is struggling to deport the hidden gangs, the only way to keep up with Obama's numbers is to focus on families who are just trying to survive.
