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Flashback: Trump's tax returns leaked to the NY Times

Just a reminder that Trump's 1995 tax returns were illegally leaked to the NY Times in October 2016:

Did someone at the IRS collude with the Clinton campaign to influence the election? Why hasn't this treacherous act been investigated more thoroughly? Why isn't the FBI on the case?

Oh, that's right. The liberal establishment only has a problem with illegal leaks if they don't advance a sympathetic narrative. What a bunch of corrupt losers.


For Trump to find a way to one-up Hillary, he opted to connect himself with crooks outside the country. For anyone else to try to one-up Trump, they just wait for himself or his family to do it for them.

If you really wanted to go after Hillary and the DNC for real corruption, you'd skip all this nonsense and go right for the throat... what they did to Bernie.

The reality is, republicans aren't interested in that because Bernie is way worse for their bottom line while Hillary or any other establishment democrat is pretty much the status quo which republicans can live with.


Your post makes absolutely no sense. It's a bunch of non sequiturs masquerading as rational thought. Good Lord.


You're either refusing to focus to achieve deflection, or you simply can't focus... achieving deflection.

You suggest the IRS colluded with the Clinton campaign to display Trump's 1995 tax records, but the only link you provide to make such a connection is... a NY Times article that his 1995 tax returns were released. ??? If you had half a brain, you'd know that information could leak very easily without any collusion with any campaign, especially when it's information voters have expected presidential candidates to provide for decades.

Meanwhile, actual corruption and collusion by the DNC is right in front of you. It's the lowest hanging fruit in the forest. The DNC was used as a fundraiser by the Clinton campaign against the Bernie campaign when the DNC is supposed to treat both equally. Hillary achieved it by paying the DNC's debt. On top of it, Hillary got CNN questions ahead of time in her debate with Bernie. That was the major finding of the Guccifer 2.0 hack of the DNC server. But it doesn't help your narrative, because you know damn well Sanders would destroy Trump just as he does in all national polls.


No, he’s right. Conservatives don’t prefer Hillary to Sanders. But something tells me you do. You’re always sticking up for Hillary vis-à-vis Trump, for the mainstream against the alternative. It’s a little late for lip service.

Hillary was the foreign agent. She collided with England to produce that dossier. She literally held funder raisers in foreign countries. Her husband sold missile secrets to China. Many foreign leaders expressed their preference for her over Trump, as a soft form of election meddling/disruption. It explains perfectly why everyone who has ever run against Hillary has been accused by her of being a foreign agent. Projection. She came up with birtherism when she ran against Obama, then cast Bernie Sanders as an Israeli dual citizen, then Trump as Russian. That was always her thing.


"No, he’s right. Conservatives don’t prefer Hillary to Sanders."

He didn't say any of that. He asked if the IRS colluded with the Hillary campaign to release his 1995 tax returns. Bringing up England and the dossier is appealing to emotion over facts.

Also, this is your second post to reply to me, and you've only posted 4 on this site total, yet both of them divert instead of countering the points I made.

I hate to make accusations, but you are veering extremely close to sockpuppet land, my friend.


Poor Tiffany, the red headed stepchild, was feeling neglected in Ivankas shadow. So she’s the one who released his tax returns. Like this was a secret? Want her to go to jail?


"Poor Tiffany, the red headed stepchild, was feeling neglected in Ivankas shadow. So she’s the one who released his tax returns. Like this was a secret?"

Where did you get that from?


His psychotic mind.


Your link doesn't even mention the IRS colluding with anyone, and you're calling someone else psychotic?


I never claimed that my speculation about the IRS was widely reported or was an established fact. Doggiedummy actually believes his outlandish claim about Tiffany Trump is an established fact. The man is detached from reality. That's pretty much the definition of psychosis.


"I never claimed that my speculation about the IRS was widely reported"

Tiffany Trump and Marla Maples' names were both widely reported around that time with accusations they were the potential leaker. The IRS, not so much.


Thank you. What selective memory those Rethuglikkkans have.


Hey, no problem.

Gotta admit, it's fun to watch them fly off the handle. They see a few posts about things that actually happened, like FBI raids and DNC lawsuits, and they start inventing fake scandals to counter the real ones.


They learned from the best creator of fake scandals -Hannity.


Since it was widely reported, you should have no trouble finding an article about it in a mainstream publication .... right?


You know as well as I do that "mainstream publication" is a loaded term. However, a known news outlet that conducts an interview with the person in question should meet the criteria.

Fake news or not, we're talking about media speculation, and the reason Tiffany and Marla were in the lead of suspects was because of the strange coincidence of Marla's weird tweets and the fact they were specifically his 1995 returns that pretty much only Donald, Marla and Tiffany had access to. The speculation that the IRS leaked them had no wings in comparison.


That was what was rumored back then. She never denied it. Just laughed it off. Her mother has copies of his 1995 tax returns as they were a couple at the time.


Come on dog, there is no actual proof for that and it's too far fetched to even comment on. Stick to facts. This whole thread was created to once again make Donald Trump look like a victim and distract from his dumpster fire of an administration that is burning further out of control each day. Don't take the bait.


I’m just repeating what was widely speculated in 2016. Nothin more, nothing less.


"I’m just repeating what was widely speculated in 2016. Nothin more, nothing less."

But it is more. And it wasn't widely speculated, as a google search turns up very few results and none from reputable news sources. You're spreading a far fetched unsubstantiated rumor and you didn't even preface it with "The rumor was...", you instead just wrote it as if it were a widely known fact. This is wrong. The fact that a lot of people were speculating that Barack Obama wasn't an American Citizen doesn't make it any less ridiculous. You oppose Trump and I respect that but if you're not better than passing on almost certain falsehoods you become part of the problem. When it comes to opposing Trump you have facts on your side, that should be enough.


It was much discussed on a variety of shows that she was the culprit. The talkers on the shows made for a convincing argument, too. What shows up now in search engines, I don’t know. I’m going by what was speculated in 2016. Not my intention to convince others, just adding what was said.


But you didn't state it as a rumor, you stated it as fact. You can post whatever you want man but if you're wondering why this is a big deal to me it's because whenever someone that opposes Trump spouts off some unfounded conspiracy theory regarding him or his family, it gives credence to the MAGA crowd's cries of fake news.

You want to stand up against Trump and I get that, but shit like this ultimately hurts your (our) cause. This is a movie message board so nothing said here is likely to make much of a difference but facts matter. And what you need to realized is that facts are on your side. I hope you resolve to be better than this crap.


No need to report it as rumor when it was widely discussed at the time. As another poster stated above, both she and her mother Marla were the suspects in many reports. They both had access to his 1995 returns.

It was eventually dropped but never really proven one way or the other if it was Tiffany or not.


"No need to report it as rumor when it was widely discussed at the time"

I like you man so it's disappointing to see you feel this way. Facts matter and being widely discussed doesn't mean everyone has heard it (I had never heard the Tiffany theory).

I'll leave it alone but the last comment I'll make on this issue is that Trump campaigned by repeating rumors detrimental to people which had little to no basis in fact. In doing so he made it impossible to take anything he says at face value. No idea how old you are but my guess is you have a long life ahead of you...spend it becoming a guy that people take at face value.


I'm probably older than you, but thanks for the compliment. I respect what you're saying, but we do have differences in getting our messages across.

I always keep in mind that we're all posting on a 'movie chat board', and not doing peer-reviewed research for my PhD. I keep this i mind when I'm posting here and read others' posts. So I guess I'm a little more flexible with disclosing rumors right off the bat when, as I believe, most people are familiar with a certain story. And many hard-core stories have started from rumors, which -when researched further - become a fact. Could be the case with this rumor/story had it taken off. I now recall why it was dropped so suddenly - the Access Hollywood tape was released days after.

Speaking of which, I googled 'Tiffany and father's 1995 tax returns' and got nearly 1800 hits in seconds. I wouldn't call that 'very few results'. Most were from the media - newspapers, daily news blogs, tv discussions. They were all from the first week of October, 2016.


That was pretty funny. Maddow succeeded in making herself an even bigger joke than she already was.

Poor hate filled demokkkrats and their lemmings tuning in to see the “blockbuster news”. And once again, a big fat nothing burger.

And now the biggest nothing burger of them all is just waiting to be revealed. The demokkrat party/media fantasy of Russia collusion.

Imagine what it does to a person so full of hate, being wrong for decades. Every idea. Every promise being a complete lie. Having no ideas. No solutions. No clue. Just obsessive hate. That’s your modern demokkkrag party and their poor ignorant lemming followers. Everyday more and more leave the party of fail.



I forgot about Maddow. It appears that Trump's tax returns were illegally leaked on two separate occasions. Why isn't the Clinton campaign under investigation for this treacherous act?


His 2005 tax returns were leaked to Maddow as a joke to her audience. They pretty much revealed Trump paid his due taxes around that time, which is why it was heavily speculated he leaked them himself.


"His 2005 tax returns were leaked to Maddow as a joke to her audience."

Uh huh. And where is the evidence to back up your ridiculous claim?


You made the initial claim that they were illegally leaked. Now you're throwing Burden of Proof on me just for calling it a joke. You don't know who leaked either of those tax records, and the 2005 leak made Trump look squeaky clean, but since Maddow got it in her mailbox she had to report on it, much to the chagrin of her audience who were expecting something salacious.


I bet you Sean Hannity is praying that the Cohen documents taken in the raid is a big nothingburger!!


You describe yourself perfectly. Keep it up.
It's something I've noticed for the last decade. Repubs are so corrupt they simply accuse the other side of all their own sins.
Fake news, corrupt msm, massive Clinton corruption, lies,lies,lies. Say it often enough, you start believing it and expect your own lemmings to follow. Seems to be working, but there are still a lot of smart people out here who smartly ignore your bs and see through the Wrong Wing machinations. Lucky for you, old cranky Farmer Bob will shake his pitchfork and load his shotgun and follow your lead, and rich folks will enjoy the insulation the Repubs continue to offer.
