For the second year in a row, he will be a 'no show' at the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner. He informed the association that he will not be able to attend, but "will encourage members of the executive branch to attend and join us as we celebrate the First Amendment". He's offererd up his poor Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to take his place instead.
The traditional celebration takes place in Washington on April 28, with Comedian Michelle Wolf hosting the event this year. Sanders will be sitting at the front table, no doubt dressed in her finest from the Ozark Mountain Dry Goods Store.
No word yet on whether Melania will be attending, with Stormy Daniels as her 'plus one'.
Well I guess the President is just supposed to want to show up at an event where he will be dissed and disrespected. If I were Pres. Trump, I'd tell them to kiss my a@@, but no doubt all the journalists lips are still severely chapped from the a@@ kissing they gave Obama.
Hey doggie, "nice touch" insulting Sarah Sanders AND southerners in one fell swoop! LOL And I thought the left respected women. This was supposed to be "the year of the woman". We were all supposed to finally "wake up" and elect a woman president, if not we're all sexist pigs, especially the women who didn't vote for Hillary because as WE ALL KNOW (Hillary told us so) that women who are against her have no minds of their own and only listen to the men in their lives.
First the left trashed Sarah Palin, now Sarah Sanders. I wish one of you folks would finally admit that "women" in general mean squat to you people, just the feminazi, Hillary supporting lefty types. Just be honest about it. Women who don't agree with the left are dirt as far as you are concerned.
I can take disagreement, but the hypocrisy gags me.
"Well I guess the President is just supposed to want to show up at an event where he will be dissed and disrespected. If I were Pres. Trump, I'd tell them to kiss my a@@, but no doubt all the journalists lips are still severely chapped from the a@@ kissing they gave Obama."
T-rump used to go when Obama was President. He used to sit right there int he audience and glare at him. So why not go now when he's to take the stage? He's not a snowflake, is he ? He'll have the nim-nuts from FOX News, Breitbart, Sinclair, etc to build that protective wall around him.
"Hey doggie, "nice touch" insulting Sarah Sanders AND southerners in one fell swoop!"
How did I insult her? Please explain...
"First the left trashed Sarah Palin, now Sarah Sanders."
First the right trashed Hillary Clinton, then Michelle Obama. Your turn...
"I can take disagreement, but the hypocrisy gags me."
It's your Republican party, not mine. You have my sympathy for making such a bad decision and not having the sense to change it.
"Ozark Mountain Dry Goods Store"... forgive me , but doesn't exactly sound like a compliment doggie and you KNOW it. Don't play coy! LOL You may be a Democrat but you're not dumb!
Hillary Clinton deserved to be trashed! She was the first First Lady to come under investigation ( Cattle future trading, White Water, ahem...) Okay, let's not go over the e-mail server in her basement, her thousands of deleted e-mails and thumbing her nose at the FBI, her millions made from trading on her power as Secretary of State, her personal attacking of all the women her husband boinked etc.
If some people trashed Michelle Obama, well, it wasn't me. I think you can be honest enough to remember our days at IMDB. Did I ever call her names or insult her?
I did come to her defense when some people posted rude remarks which I deemed unnecessary. I remember saying that she was a wife, mother and daughter and her family didn't need to read those things.
However I WILL admit that I was not pleased with her comments about being "proud of her country for the first time in her life" because her husband was President. HUH? Sure, a proud moment for the country, but the FIRST one? I guess helping to destroy the Nazis was not a proud moment for us. I guess the millions and billions of dollars we send in aid to foreign countries is just a hiccup.
I wasn't happy with her statement that America "lost hope" now that Trump was in office and presumably not Hillary Clinton. Again, hypocrisy. Her husband and Hillary trashed each other in 2008, NOW they are best buds? lol More of Washington hypocrisy.
Sarah Palin was running for V.P. Left wing Hollywood and the crowd at MSNBC trashed her at every turn. Research that idiot David Letterman's top ten list about Sarah Palin. He called her white trash. If some conservative talk show host (IS there one?) called Michelle Obama "trash", he would've been fired on the spot.
I also wasn't too thrilled with Mrs. Obama's latest interview where she called her husband "the good parent" and Trump "the bad parent". What an idiotic statement! We don't elect a Parent in Chief, but you'd never know it now with our nanny State government and the crybabies who want freebies.
Never in my life, and I've seen many First Ladies, have I ever heard of a former First Lady trashing a sitting President. SO unclassy and uncouth.
I know the left tripped over itself to sing Michelle's praises, no matter what she did or said, lest they have the label of "racist" hung on them. But truth be told, black people can be just as big jerks as white people!
I never took part in the nasty ad hominem attacks made on Michelle Obama. Yes, a lot were just rude and uncalled for. But when she opens her mouth, and she aint as smart or wise as she thinks she is, (she has proven that a lot), I will criticize some of the dumber stuff she says.
In that last interview she lectured us on how "women were uncomfortable voting for a woman President." Once again, excuse the hell out of me Michelle, but your law degree doesn't give you special insights into the minds of ALL women.
It is especially irritating and phony in light of her 2008 speech when Hillary was running against Obama.
"If she can't run her OWN house, how can she run the White House?"
So Hillary was unfit when running against Michelle's hubby, but now she is the most qualified candidate for the job?
My goodness, the crap flows freely in D.C. and Michelle spews enough bullsh#t to fertilize not only her White House Garden but all the gardens in Georgetown.
No wonder I liked Pat Nixon and Jackie Kennedy. They kept their mouths shut and didn't talk much or give interviews.
You must be forgetting the cattiness between Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush when the Reagans left the White House in 1989. Nancy made the press well aware she did not like the new First Lady at all. And Barbara shared the same sentiments.
This Doggie character sure loves The Donald. Spamming a movie message board all day long. Get some sleep dude/dudette. Donnie will still be here tomorrow.
You don't know the definition of back-out. It means you said you were going and then reversed course. He hasn't gone and never said he was going. Get it?