MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Prez and First Lady 'ignore' their weddi...

Prez and First Lady 'ignore' their wedding anniversary

This past Monday was T-rump and Melania's 13th Wedding Anniversary, but you would never know it as the couple seems to have skipped it. No Tweets to each other (as they have marked other occasions in the past), no photos taken, no nothing....except that Melania decided she had a 'stormy' scheduling conflict coming up and would not be supporting her husband in Davos later this month.

'Don't know why...ain't no sun up in the sky...Stormy Daniels weather....'


And you are invited into their home, you're best buds and know exactly what they say and do in private?? Haha

And you again took time from your whirlwind social life to check up on what a couple TWEETS to each other?

And this affects our nation HOW??

You know how they feel about each other with some great degree of accuracy? Guess you're putting that crystal ball to work again. Well it's good to know that ONE of your balls gets some attention (one out of three aint bad).


"And you are invited into their home, you're best buds and know exactly what they say and do in private?? Haha

And you again took time from your whirlwind social life to check up on what a couple TWEETS to each other?

And this affects our nation HOW??

You know how they feel about each other with some great degree of accuracy? Guess you're putting that crystal ball to work again. Well it's good to know that ONE of your balls gets some attention (one out of three aint bad)."

Wow - you got all this from my post? All I did was read some interesting articles about them over the past few days and shared the 'news' over here. And you were able to decipher all this? Geez....

Well, at least it kept you away from stalking private citizen Hillary Clinton for a few minutes.


Gotta hand it to you Doggie dog dog!! You do have your funny moments! "Stalking private citizen Hillary Clinton." LOL I would not want to get within ten miles of her. But if you think that I stalk her because I mention her, then what can we say about your "relationship" with Melania Trump since you START so many threads about her? haha I've never started any threads about Hillary Clinton.

You DO seem to hang on Melania's every movement. You never seem to allow a negative thought about her to go unposted.

You "read some interesting articles about them"??? Ho ho You "shared the news"?? Seriously I did not fall off that turnip truck last night, no matter what you think. You "share" whatever you think makes the Trumps look bad! Stop acting so innocent. You post whatever you think is negative news about their personal lives. Again, what in the world does the way they choose to celebrate or not celebrate their anniversary have to do with the state of the nation?

Come on, don't try to be a phony here. I much prefer your sincere, honest hatred of all things Trump rather than your innocent, "I was only posting an interesting article" jazz. You know I am going to call you on it every time. But heck, maybe that's why you do it. Wow, two posts in a row without yawning. Pretty good for you!

And "decipher" your post? You aint exactly as deep as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Deciphering your posts is more like reading an Archie and Jughead comic book. I read those when I was eight years old. You're pretty easy to decipher!


" "Stalking private citizen Hillary Clinton." LOL I would not want to get within ten miles of her. But if you think that I stalk her because I mention her, then what can we say about your "relationship" with Melania Trump since you START so many threads about her? haha I've never started any threads about Hillary Clinton."

MENTION her? LOL! Dear God, you're obsessed with Hillary Clinton. You manage to bring everything back to her. Melania is the First Lady - 'newsworthy'. Hillary is now private citizen Hillary Clinton. Yet you can't stop criticizing her every chance you get. MENTION? LOL!

"You "read some interesting articles about them"??? Ho ho You "shared the news"?? Seriously I did not fall off that turnip truck last night, no matter what you think. "

I think it was last summer when you fell off the turnip truck, and you've been in a coma ever since. But that's besides the point.

"You "share" whatever you think makes the Trumps look bad! Stop acting so innocent. You post whatever you think is negative news about their personal lives. Again, what in the world does the way they choose to celebrate or not celebrate their anniversary have to do with the state of the nation?"

I can't help it if their own behavior makes them 'look bad'. Like I said, I just shared the news. Sorry if it hit a rough spot on you. You seem rather sensitive to this.

"And "decipher" your post? You aint exactly as deep as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Deciphering your posts is more like reading an Archie and Jughead comic book. I read those when I was eight years old. You're pretty easy to decipher!"

OK, but you read much more into the post than I ever could imagine. You do have an active imagination.


Okay, okay, Doggie, if you can promise me that Hillary Clinton is officially a "private citizen", I won't mention her anymore. But if you can be honest for a minute or two, you must admit that she didn't exactly retire into private life gracefully. LOL

But criticize her? Well there is just so much to criticize. It's hard to stop. She's been such a negative presence in the nation for decades.
If I was a ship, she'd be the barnacles on my hull. If I was a farmer, she'd be a plague of locusts who ate my crops. If I was a model, she'd be an outbreak of acne on my face! Or as you like to say, pimples! haha

But somehow I think it would disappoint you if I didn't mention your gal Hillary. You so enjoy defending her.

Once again, how do the Trumps "look bad" if they didn't celebrate their anniversary in the way you see fit? And how do you know that they didn't share a private celebration? Were they supposed to have it on the front lawn and invite you to take pictures? LOL You are quite a character! Or are you a photographer?

My own parents were married over fifty years when my dad passed away. They never did any big celebrating of their anniversary. They just weren't the sentimental type. That didn't mean that they were headed for divorce court.

I've been in a coma since last summer? Nice to know that you are keeping up with my state of health! But if I AM in a coma, what does that say about you? You can't stop talking to me. You can't even win an argument with someone who is "comatose". I'd be worried if I was you. LOLOL

Yes I DO have an active imagination. I imagine that someday you will get over your kneejerk hatred of everyone on the right. But if not, okay, you are still quite a trip to argue with.
