T-rump looking for Kelly's replacement?
Looks like current Chief of Staff / retired four-star Marine Corps general John Kelly is on his way out of the White House.
According to "two prominent Republicans in frequent contact with the White House" speaking to reporters, President T-rump has called him "another nut job," and has his daughter Ivanka on the search for his replacement. The move is not immediate, as Kelly has indicated he would like to remain in the job longer than one of his predecessors, Reince Priebus who stayed in the job for six months. Kelly took over in August to replace Anthony Scaramucci after eleven days in office, who replaced Priebus who was fired by T-rump.
According to the source, "The more Kelly plays up that he’s being the adult in the room—that it’s basically combat duty and he’s serving the country—that kind of thing drives Trump nuts.”
Last week, Kelly went on the record to say he had to explain to the President 'the nuances of building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, ' as the President's campaign pledge that Mexico would build the border wall was 'uninformed'.
This didn't sit well with T-rump who went on Twitter to defend his campaign promise the next day. According to the White House source, T-rump discussed Kelly's public response by saying "This guy thinks he's running the show."
And who is on the 'search committee' to find Kelly's replacement? Why, no one else but his daughter Ivanka....cause she's qualified.