MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What will Melania do?

What will Melania do?

Now that more of the Stormy affair has been revealed - the affair which T-rump had with porn star Stormy Daniels, just three months after his new Trophy wife had given birth to their son - and undisputed by T-rump or his gaggle of spokespeople, there's one question lingering: What will Melania do?

When Bill Clinton admitted his affair with Monica Lewinsky in 1998, everyone wondered what would Hillary do? As it turns out, she chose to stay and heal her marriage. Conservatives were furious with her - our own pjpimples chewed her up on this on the IMDB forum just last year.

So what will Melania do? Will she stick with her husband, like Hillary did? Liberals approved (after all, it was THEIR marriage to work on, not ours) while conservatives - like our own pimples - disapproved Hillary sticking with Bill. (They claimed Hillary stuck with him for her 'future'; Melania won't do such a thing - will she?).

What will Melania do?


"Bill Clinton admitted his affair with Monica Lewinsky"?? HA HA Doggie must've started a new career as a standup comedian!

Uh, no a blue dress admitted his affair. Too bad Bill didn't know Monica kept it. That smart guy and a Rhodes scholar forgot all about the dangers of leaving your DNA around.

In his own words, as he wagged his finger at the camera, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. These allegations are false and I need to go back to work for the American people."

But oops! That dress made an appearance and Bill was busted. THEN he had to admit the truth. Seriously Doggie, do you think everyone is that dumb?

Hillary "chose to stay and heal her marriage"? HO ho Bill Clinton was NEVER faithful. Ever hear of his long time affair with Gennifer Flowers? I have. Hillary's "marriage" was one of convenience and political expediency. If that's the way she chose to live her life, well it's her right. But spare us the endless crappola of a "loving relationship" and Hillary wanting her man back. Sheesh!

She was riding Bill's coattails to power. She wasn't about to give that up.

What will Melania do? As if you give a hoot! But let's think about it. Since she isn't a power hungry harpy who wants to be President, I don't think she will be attacking any women her husband may have had affairs with. I don't think she will resort to threats and blackmail and threatening the children of those women. She won't try to destroy lives to keep her ticket to power in office.

She won't be cackling on her broomstick and riding around as though the country OWED her the Presidency for sticking by a rutting pig. How's that for an answer?

Oh and by the way, calling me "our own pimples", you are just too cute and sweet for constantly remembering me and including me in your rancid diatribes! It's nice to know I hold a spot in that big empty mental ward above your neck, otherwise known as your head!


"Uh, no a blue dress admitted his affair. Too bad Bill didn't know Monica kept it. That smart guy and a Rhodes scholar forgot all about the dangers of leaving your DNA around."[/i]
OK, a blue dress admitted his affair, and now 'hush money' has admitted T-rump's affair. And it takes us back to a cheated wife.

[i]"Hillary "chose to stay and heal her marriage"? HO ho Bill Clinton was NEVER faithful.Ever hear of his long time affair with Gennifer Flowers? "[/i]
Neither is T-rump. Ask Ivanna. Ever here of his long-time affair with Marla Maples? He ended up knocking her up.

[i]"Hillary's "marriage" was one of convenience and political expediency. If that's the way she chose to live her life, well it's her right. But spare us the endless crappola of a "loving relationship" and Hillary wanting her man back. Sheesh!"[/i]
And Melania's marriage is that of material wealth and social status. So if she chooses to continue living her life that way, it's her right. But spare us the endless crappola of a "loving relationship" and Melania wanting T-rump at all. Sheesh!

[i]"What will Melania do? As if you give a hoot!" [/i]
I do give a hoot. She's the First Lady representing America, with a philandering husband. I'm giving as much of a hoot as Republicans did with Hillary in 1998.

[i] But let's think about it.[/i]
Yes, let's....

[i] Since she isn't a power hungry harpy who wants to be President, I don't think she will be attacking any women her husband may have had affairs with. I don't think she will resort to threats and blackmail and threatening the children of those women. She won't try to destroy lives to keep her ticket to power in office."

Thank God she doesn't want to be President. With her lack of experience in anything (but posing nude), she really doesn't have much to go on, now does she? But she does crave the social status, the luxurious lifestyle, and the title of First Lady - especially the title. Which is why she attacked Ivanna Trump back in October.


Oh Doggie you disappoint me! I gave you a great opening and you totally disregarded it! I said Melania Trump didn't want to be President. I was so sure you'd come back with, "Well she can't. She isn't a native born American. She's here illegally." HA! Ya missed it.
Oh well not everyone can be as lucky as Barry Sotero.

Yes I heard about Marla Maples. Who the hell didn't back then? But as Ivana said in her cameo in "The First Wive's Club", "Don't get mad, get everything."
Rich men have been having affairs forever. I don't condone it but heaven forbid I criticize it! You like to lecture me on what it means to be a "good Catholic". and how we should not judge. So take your own advice and shut your yap. LOL

Oh, by the way, I NEVER spoke here or on any website about Melania having a "loving relationship" and "healing her marriage". I have no idea what her marriage is like.

But material wealth and social status? Cripes, you'd give your left nut for a "sugar daddy" like Pres. Trump. Your posts drip of envy and anger. You can't seem to stand it if someone has wealth. If you were happy with your own life you wouldn't be pounding out envy filled venom on your little keyboard.
Now if you will excuse me, I must take my dog for a walk. Gotta take a poop bag along and that's all the sh@# I want to deal with today. At least when my dog does it, she isn't trying to pass it off as vanilla ice cream like you do!


1. Who am I judging? Again, comprehension escapes you.

2. "Oh, by the way, I NEVER spoke here or on any website about Melania having a "loving relationship" and "healing her marriage". I have no idea what her marriage is like."

I have no idea why you interjected that. You sound as though you've been accused of something.

3." But material wealth and social status? Cripes, you'd give your left nut for a "sugar daddy" like Pres. Trump. "

Hardly - but keep up the creative fantasy.

4."Your posts drip of envy and anger. You can't seem to stand it if someone has wealth. If you were happy with your own life you wouldn't be pounding out envy filled venom on your little keyboard."

Sounds like you're projecting once again - have you seen your Hillary posts?


Did you NOT read that I was taking my dog for a walk so she could poop? But you just had to answer me. (as Sally Field said in her Oscar acceptance speech, "You like me, you really like me, ha ha, just kidding ) Well lucky for you I decided to feed my dog first and I have a few seconds to spare on YOUR crap.

Regarding your confusion about why I "interjected" something about Melania's "loving relationship." Well duh, Doggie, did you forgot what you wrote in your previous post? A little Alzheimer's setting in? YOU accused me of that in the third paragraph of your last post. Third, three, #3 you know, that number which comes between two and four? Check your fingers if you get confused. LOL

Yes I have seen my Hillary posts! I don't type with my eyes closed!! ha ha I guess that was a rhetorical question for you, a big word for you too, but I guess you meant it. I do not envy Hillary. I Do hate that such a phony lying sociopath could game the system so thoroughly that she could become a millionaire and stay out of prison. I hate that so many Americans are so brainless and clueless that they admire her and her lying, cheating ways. I hate that she takes a daily p!ss on the Constitution. And no doubt Hillary does it standing up.

My "creative fantasy" about you? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you did give your left nut to someone and he disappointed you. Sorry. But you seem to have so many fantasies about my life. So why does it surprise you if I have a picture of you in your tinfoil hat banging out those angry posts? I, on the other hand, never started any posts about Hillary Clinton.


Comprehension escapes you. It really does.

Here is what you said first, so i paraphrased you:

"Hillary's "marriage" was one of convenience and political expediency. If that's the way she chose to live her life, well it's her right. But spare us the endless crappola of a "loving relationship" and Hillary wanting her man back. Sheesh!"

"Sorry. But you seem to have so many fantasies about my life."

Not fantasies, just accurate observations. You lead a very lonely, empty life.


"Accurate observations"? Well you sure do give yourself a lot of credit for having such a thorough understanding of ANYONE else's life based on some exchanges on the internet! I guess your crystal ball gets a big workout too.

Regarding reading comprehension, I again refer you to the third paragraph of your post. Geez, you have a helluva lot of trouble with the number three! (it's between 2 and 4) You tried to parrot what I said and you were the one to bring up Melania's "loving marriage", not I. Geez, get a grip on reality there kiddo! Or else learn basic arithmetic.

"You lead a very lonely, empty life." Interesting all the projecting that you do! I guess that mad whirlwind of a social life you lead somehow still affords you endless hours to stew over someone else's life! LOL

I do find your "concern" about me interesting. Oh not that you care, just that many people here and on the IMDB site have criticized your nonsense. Many have been way harder on you than I have , but it seems that I am the one you obsess over and hope I have a lonely life.
You call a lot of people "moron", you clever devil! LOL But I seem to be the real focus of your anger. I wonder why? It might have something to do with the fact that you can't anger me or ruin my day, and you SO want to do that. Does it really bother you so much when I say that you amuse me?

Yeah I know your stock answers, "whatever", "I call 'em like I see 'em", "you really lead a lonely life", etc, ad nauseum. I guess I shouldn't wait for an honest reply from you.




Gee, it is so stimulating to have "intelligent" exchanges with folks like yourself. Did you graduate from the Joy Behar school for Dumba@@ Lefties Who Think They Sound Smart? LOL

I forgot your other stock answer, "yawn". Such a privilege to watch a leftard mind at work!




Why are you bothering to post if you are so exhausted? Take a nap. Give your little brain a rest. LOL


a) If you think Stormy was the first time Trump found a young blonde and bedded her while married to Melania...I have a bridge to sell you (and yes, I think his sick fascination with his daughter....please let it be JUST a sick fascination).

b) Clinton admitted nothing. Clinton was exposed and in fact, was impeached for perjury because of his denials (remember "I did not have sex with that woman"? Fair is fair)

c) Melania will do nothing. The Trump camp will deny, deny, deny....his sheeple will believe him no matter what and Melania will stay with him for the same reason she married him...$$$$.


melania is a very attractive woman,
not even for a second do i believe any man would stray from her side


"she chose to stay and heal her marriage."


*takes breath*



Why doesn't she leave the a-hole?????


Because she loves the lifestyle she is living. How else is she going to live this luxury? She doesn't love him - she loves the life he has given her, like all obedient Trophy wives. They never leave their husband, because they want the social status of being rich and famous. That's why she is complicit with the sham of a marriage.


Makes sense. . . one of the few things that doesn't make sense of the POTUS.


She'll do nothing. She won't say a word about it. Donald may never say a word about it because it doesn't matter. Trump tells lie after lie and it doesn't matter. It didn't matter when he accused our first black President of not being a U.S. citizen despite how unfounded and racist that accusation was in nature. It didn't matter when he retweeted from a white supremacist twitter page a grossly inaccurate stastic about black on white murder rates and then refused to apologize or accept any sort of responsibility. It didn't matter when he openly doubted U.S. intelligence agencies while giving Putin the benefit of the doubt. Why would him fucking around on his wife with a porn star matter? Trump has been telling us for the past two years that America isn't great and maybe he's right about that. Because he's the President of this country and nothing that this man does, regardless of how disgusting or dishonest, seems to matter.


So true - so very true. And the Republicans stand beside him. How disgusting.


How many French Presidents have had mistresses? I guess Trump and Melania are just more "sophisticated" than you guys give them credit for... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰


Republicans and their Evangelical base didn't find Bill Clinton as being 'sophisticated' so I doubt they'll find their own candidate as such.
