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Here's the problem with trying to make Obama a racial boogeyman

The right-wing's racial paranoia over Obama, and their attempts to make him into a socialist liberal boogeyman just don't hold up. In order to prove this, i actually have to destroy Obama ironically. Here's why.

Obama; by default of being black racialized white opinions about everything from health-care policy to Portuguese water dogs to his closest white associates, such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama consistently widened racial divides, despite his best efforts to neutralize the political impact of race, despite having discussed race LESS in his first term than any other Democratic president since Franklin Roosevelt and having regularly downplayed accusations of race-based opposition to his presidency.

In other instances, whites’ fears that black political figures would give preferential treatment to black Americans, Despite Obama being the LEAST liberal president since World War II and the biggest moderate in the White House since Dwight Eisenhower,”

white voters became convinced that they had elected Huey Newton. There was effectively no opportunity for Obama to escape the racist caricature that had been painted of him, even though his challenge to America’s racial hierarchy was more symbolic than substantive. An agenda that included record deportations and targeted killings in Muslim countries abroad did little to stem the conspiracy theories. The nature of the partisan opposition to Obama altered white Republicans’ perceptions of themselves and their country, of their social position, and of the religious and ethnic minorities whose growing political power led to Obama’s election.

But more importantly though, white people's fear of Obama's liberal policies was frankly just hot air. Barack was about as liberal, and race conscious as a white guy from....Hawaii


Yeah, a guy who stuck is nose into every situation that involved blacks, from Henry Gates to Treyvon to Ferguson, wasn't race conscious.

Liberals are fucking delusional.


That's still miniscule, even then he HAD to address those issues as president. He couldn't have hidden from them forever. I'm sure his handlers would have loved it if he did. lol


More bullshit. Obama spent his entire administration proving he was race conscious. For you to deny it, just shows how much in denial you are.

Not to mention your claim that he's not a liberal. That by itself is enough to not take you seriously.


Conservatives just like to compartmentalize their enemies into a "liberal box". But it doesn't make them liberal though. And you still overlook the fact Obama had some of the most ruthless foreign policy of ANY "liberal" politician.


"Conservatives just like to compartmentalize their enemies into a "liberal box". "

Spoken like a liberal trying to put a conservative into a box.

And Obama's foreign policy was basically apologizing for the existence of the United States. Like most liberals, he hates America. Hence his stated goal of 'fundamentally changing' it.


If by apologizing you mean mass murdering civilians with flying killer robots then i guess??


No, by apologizing, I mean this:


Pfftt.... that's the least he could do.


I understand. As a liberal, you think America is responsible for all the world's problems, and should be blamed for everything.

As a liberal, Obama agrees with you. Thanks for agreeing with me that's he's a hardcore liberal.


Honestly, you sound stupid as hell. It was racists and mainly white folks that made a big damn deal over Obama being black because they couldn't stand or accept the fact that a black man was going to run this country. Obama himself never made that much of a big deal about race, and he only spoke on racial issues when something happened that pushed him into acknowledging the issue, like Ferguson and the police shooting. Otherwise, your ignorant and just plain stupid rants don't make any sense. Bush was thought to be an ignorant and stupid idiot who got the country into a war that had no real justified basis, and Obama helped restore faith in the U.S. from other countries about the world---especially from those who couldn't stand Bush. And enough of that ignorant,close-minded "liberals hating America" BS. Believe me, us liberals love America more than idiots like you who were stupid enough to think that trumpf (who dosen't represent anything America stands for) could be a decent president---he never will be because he's too selfish and arrogant to want to be. It's all about him and what he can get out of it. He cares nothing about the basic core values of our country and what made us the way we are. Obama cared way more about our country, its principles, and what it stands for, and he cared a hell of a lot more for his fellow Americans' well-being than trumpf ever has in his entire spoiled-as-hell rich playboy life.


"Honestly, you sound stupid as hell. "

Liberals like to believe they're the smartest people around, but constantly prove they're fucking morons.

"It was racists and mainly white folks that made a big damn deal over Obama being black because they couldn't stand or accept the fact that a black man was going to run this country."

Yes, of course. According to liberals, everyone who disagreed with Obama was doing so because he was black. One of the ways that liberals prove how stupid they are.

"Obama himself never made that much of a big deal about race, and he only spoke on racial issues when something happened that pushed him into acknowledging the issue, like Ferguson and the police shooting."

Seriously? You can't really be this stupid, can you? Obama's entire administration was about race. He spoke up about every racial issue, always coming down on the side against whites. He spent eight years dividing the country along racial lines. And Ferguson was based on a lie.

"Obama helped restore faith in the U.S. from other countries "

Obama turned the U.S. into a joke in the eyes of the world. Remember the "Red Line" in Syria? The Russian reset? ISIS being the Junior Varsity? Obama showed the world the U.S. could be pushed around, and he'd do nothing about it.
Meanwhile, Trump has kept his promise about wiping out ISIS's caliphate.

"us liberals love America more than idiots like you "

Yeah, you libtards love America. That's why you blame this country for every problem in the world. That's why Obama promised to 'fundamentally change' America. If he loved it so much, why did he want to change it?

And all your whining about Trump is meaningless. Just more of the Left's temper tantrum that's been going on since the election. You'll NEVER give him credit for anything, no matter what he does.
Since Trump took office, he's been doing exactly what he promised to do.


Snagswolf- I was hoping you would respond to that post! "You sound stupid as hell" ha! The poster proved himself to BE stupid as hell!

..."us liberals"...properly it would be "we liberals". Hate to keep harping on grammar, but since the government has taken over the public school system, "us" is getting dumber with every generation. LOL Why else would they be such rabid lefties?

Pres. Obama never allowed a racial issue to go unreported. He made a big deal out of it as often as he could. And you could not criticize him without being accused of being a Klansman. Never mind that you were accusing an empty suit of effing up America.


You are such a liar. Obama did his job----it was other people (specifically the racists who were pissed off that he got into office to begin with) who made more of a big damn deal about his being black than he ever did. He sure as hell didn't. And to claim that he made a big deal about race is a damn lie, and you know it. Fine if you don't like him, but he's isn't president anymore, so why the hell do you even care? My point is, name legit reasons why you don't like him, instead of blatantly lying and making things up that he never did. It amazes me that you keep harping on Obama when the current president has made it clear that he will lie about anything to make himself look good, and is constantly bragging and taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. You seem to be using Obama to deflect form facing the reality that trumpf is never going to be a good president. He's nothing but an international joke, he's made the rest of the world question what the hell is wrong with us for electing such a stupid know-nothing unqualified idiot, who can't do anything except get people riled up at his egotistical little rallies where people do nothing but kiss his worthless lying a** all the time, just so he can be praised for doing essentially nothing except running his big, fat overbearing loud mouth.


"it was other people (specifically the racists who were pissed off that he got into office to begin with)"

Once again, in your shallow little mind, you can't comprehend of any reason to disagree with Obama other than the fact he's black. It couldn't be that he's a socialist, and forced upon the country socialist health care, using the power of the government to force everyone to buy it. It couldn't be that he lied multiple times about the health care, telling us we could keep our health care if we liked it. It couldn't be because he told us over twenty times he didn't have the constitutional power to enact immigration reform on his own, then went ahead and did it anyway (and got smacked down by the Supreme Court for it.) It couldn't be that his policies killed our economy for eight years. It couldn't be that he sat in a racist, America-hating church for twenty years.
No, it had to be because of his skin color. What a fucking moron you are.

And yes, Obama was ALL about race. You have to stupid as a rock to not admit it. From Henry Gates to Trevon Martin to Ferguson to Baltimore to the clock boy, he stuck his nose into every issue where race was involved, NEVER coming down on the side of whites.

"You seem to be using Obama to deflect form facing the reality that trumpf is never going to be a good president."

Trump already is a good president. He's turned around the economy, fixed the tax code, destroyed ISIS's caliphate, removed limits on business, pulled us back from the climate change bullshit, created more jobs, shut down the massive influx of refugees, eliminated the individual mandate, caused the stock market to surge, confronted the North Korea problem, addressed the trade deficit with China, and instituted a travel ban on dangerous countries.
The problem is, morons like you lap up only what the mainstream media feeds them, which never reports ANYTHING positive about Trump's accomplishments.
And he did all that in less than a year. Just imagine what he's going to do in the next seven.


Amen, Wolf! Give that moron libtard hell!



No, Tiger, YOU are the one who sounds as stupid as hell!



Amen! Almost everything he did was racially motivated.



True. He had a huge chip on his shoulder.


Obama was in my opinion an easty-going Empty-Suit who didn't really have the courage of his convictions. His ascendancy into the role of POTUS is historic yes, but looking back it was an unnecessary and politically convenient ploy by the Democratic Party to wrestle the White House from the Republicans who I think you and I agree coddle a certain demographic of white base voters who aren't comfortable with non-White leadership UNLESS said non-White leaders tout the philosophical/religious/socio-economic dogma that they themselves subscribe to. Dr. Ben Carson is a classic example of this "type" of acceptable non-White leader who has openly equated slavery to immigration and cognitively disassociates his own impoverished/welfare dependent youth with the people today (of all colors and creeds) who rely on welfare benefits.

I wish Obama had the skills to negotiate with the moderate Republican establishment but instead he allowed them to define his own positions which in turn created subgroups like The Tea Party and more recently the Alt-Right, which in my opinion Trump fully embraces, even though he's mostly mum on their dogma.


EXACTLY!!! Obama was WEAK on racial issues and showed NO convictions. People like SnagsWolf were always going to be paranoid of him lol


And people like MadamShogun will always be useful idiots.


Obama is a moderate Democrat. I knew that within hours of his presidency when he appointed men from Wall Street as his advisors to maintain the status quo.

He probably needed to downplay being black because of people like Snagswolf. Don't forget he had to deal with racists who refused to accept that he was even an American. He also had to send the message that he was president for ALL Americans.


Yeah, President for "all Americans" , har dee har har!!" "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon Martin" (either that or he'd look like Michelle in pants).

Sorry to say but our last President played the race card at every turn, every chance he got.

"Downplay being black"?? Duh! , he needed to downplay being a socialist who wanted to destroy the American way of life.

Never had a problem with his race, never gave a hoot about it. My problem was the fact that he seemed to hate America and wanted to "radically transform it." No thanks buster. Go "reform Kenya", if you are of a mind to change a country.

You need a strong dose of reality!!


He needed to downplay being black because of racist like yourself.

You need to educate yourself instead of remaining a narrow-minded bigot and repeating propaganda you hear from white supremacists media.


How in the hell do you know who is racist. You have to be the most narrowed mined person on this site. Glad I don't have your hatred. Makes for a dull life.


What a bizarre question since it's easy to know who a racist is. The birtherism gibe was a dead giveaway.




"Colin Powell Is Right: Birtherism Is Racism

...“the whole birther movement was racist. That’s what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn’t keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate (Obama’s birth certificate) noted that he was a Muslim.” Powell went on to describe Donald Trump as “a national disgrace and international pariah.”

...Powell is right. Birtherism is racism. The lie that the president was not born in America was an attack on the legitimacy of America’s first black president. The lie that the president is a Muslim is a play for votes based on bigotry against Muslims and fear of Muslims..."


keelai strikes again---- My first response is to call you an ignoramus! Okay, honestly it was my next ten responses! LOL

So.... are you a Millennial who was raised to "feel" and not educated to think? Or did you come by your ignorance naturally? The lack of any critical thinking displayed by you and other left-wingers l does not bode well for the future of our nation!!

How the freak does one "downplay" being black? I wish he had downplayed his hatred for America and his socialist plans to remake it. For the record, I would have loathed Obama's policies no matter what color he was. You are obviously aware by now that I loathe Hillary and she's as white as I am. YOU folks on the left are the ones who always see things through a prism of color.
I wish that the numb nuts of Illinois would have chosen Dr. Alan Keyes over Obama to be their Senator. Maybe then Dr. Keyes, a highly principled man of conscience, could have been in the running for President. instead we got Chicago's organized crime candidate of choice.

I totally disagreed and feared the policies of Barack Obama? So that makes me a racist?? Duh, you put a lot of "deep thought" into that, didn't you??

White supremacist media? Now I know your mommy must've dropped you on your head as a child.

I guess I should consider the source and not be bothered, but you 'holier than thou' lefties are a real pain in the a$$ with your "superior" beliefs!


Wow! I must have hit a nerve by calling you a racist. LOL! "Go reform Kenya" was racist because it harkens back to birtherism which in itself is racist. He's American. Period.

I guess you're not aware that your anti-liberal diatribe is bigotry, too. BTW, I never identified myself as liberal.

The OM did an excellent job defining how one downplays being black. I suggest you reread it.

Dr. Keyes? "A highly principled man of conscience" who is supporting a pedophile for senator? I guess the Republican Party doesn't want to be the party of "family values" anymore.

"I totally disagreed and feared the policies of Barack Obama?"
That's fine. But, you never name which policies or why you feared them. I didn't like appointing Wall Street guys as his advisors because I knew where that would lead. Continued nation-building in Libya made me ill.

"I wish he had downplayed his hatred for America and his socialist plans to remake it." "Radically Transform America" You never explain what he was doing that makes you believe this.

Perhaps you're unaware or it's how I'm interpreting it, but it seems like sound bites from radio or TV that you're mindlessly repeating. I literally know people who mindlessly repeat that stuff. A coworker who wanted Obamacare to end, but then said she believed all people should have healthcare. See the contradiction? She's like the people who hated Obamacare, but were on ACA.

Perhaps I need to start my own political party, but I believe in lowering the deficit, less taxes for all with smarter spending, make business campaign donations illegal & limit individual donations so politicians are accountable to people, no unnecessary wars(ex. Iraq) or nation-building, complete free enterprise (no government sponsored monopolies or limiting competition in healthcare, media, etc. which drives up prices), find real solutions for new tech economy to employ people at higher wages.


Now don't faint, but I would join a party you described in your last paragraph.

Sorry no, I don't listen to "sound bites" and "mindlessly repeat" them. But if that makes you sleep better at night to think that, okay!!

I agree with your co-worker who said Obamacare should end but she believed all people should have health care. You see a contradiction there? I am not surprised because you have bought into the leftwing belief that GOVERNMENT should be in charge and take care of all of us. I can't think of anything more frightening or stupid!

You contradict yourself. You want to start a party of smaller government, yet you seem to want GOVERNMENT to be in charge. So which is it??

If you have any interest at all in what a conservative like myself thinks, I suggest you get a copy of "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat. It was published in 1850. it's not exactly a book, more of a pamphlet. it's only about 75 pages. I'm sure you could get through it in one or two sittings.

Page 32- A Confusion of Terms- "Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by the government, the socialists conclude that we object to it being done at all".
Like your co-worker, yes I believe everyone has the right to obtain health care, but not with the government putting its boot on the necks of the health care industry.

And BTW, how is telling Obama to go "reform Kenya" racist? His daddy came from there. I'm sure he feels roots there. So what!! I am an American TOO and I don't like the idea of a socialist who wanted to "radically transform the USA" That makes me a racist? No, that makes me a realist. People like you just seem to love throwing around the racist label in the hopes that other people will cower, apologize and shut up. Well sorry no. Throw those labels around all you want. They are no substitute for thought.


The Party will never happen since the public won't fight and corporations too powerful.

"...because you have bought into the leftwing belief that..."
This is the what I meant by mindlessly repeating and sound bites. You're stereotyping and making assumptions about me which are wrong by the way.

My coworker is a Republican who voted for Trump.

I work and pay taxes. Taxes are spent on goods and services. I am paying for those goods and services - not government. If I am not going to receive goods and services, then don't take taxes out of my paycheck. That's MY money.

Healthcare wouldn't be so expensive if the politicians hadn't been bought by lobbyists. Government put policies in place that keep healthcare expensive so the industry can make a huge profit.

"You contradict yourself. You want to start a party of smaller government..."
Reread it. I didn't write smaller government. I wrote lower the deficit which means stop wasteful spending Example: unnecessary wars. They waste billions in taxes. Lowering the estate tax will increase the deficit. Create competition by allowing Americans to buy Canadian drugs which will lower health costs and lower the deficit.

Bastiat was similar to a Keynsian. But, Trump and the Republican party don't practice that. And Trump is against free-trade which is opposite of what Bastiat supported. He was also against the powerful influencing government for their own self interest and greed which you support by being for the estate taxes change. Why vote for a party/candidate that doesn't support any of your values or goals?

You haven't named one thing that Obama was "radically transforming" that you had a problem with.You even said you supported national healthcare like my coworker.

You don't have the racial sensitivity to understand why your remark is offensive because of its context. Trump's Pocahontas comment was racist and offensive too.


Pocahontas was a Native American. Elizabeth Warren is NOT! But she tried to pretend she was to get special treatment. If that doesn't offend you, then nothing will.

"Bastiat was a Kensyian". Duh? If you believe that then you have never read Bastiat! Either that or you have no clue what he was talking about!

'''the powerful influencing government for their own self interest..." Yeah I guess you are against that , so I am "sure" you didn't vote for Hillary! LOL

No I don't support "national healthcare" which was a major part of society which your hero Obama was out to transform. I DO NOT want the government in charge of health care! That is one of those things Obama wanted to do which I am against. Sure everyone has a right to get healthcare. But the government running it? You folks on the left are either clueless or nuts! Have you ever dealt with the DMV? Ever dealt with any government bureaucrats? You want those fools in charge of your HEALTH? Okay, good for you. As Dr. Walter E. Williams, economist, said, the leftwing need their own country. And leave the rest of us alone. If you want big daddy government running your life, God love ya! But leave the rest of us with common sense out of it.

And cut the leftwing "sensitivity" crappola about being "racially insensitive". You don't know me or how I treat people on a daily basis, so stick it in your ear! It's just another one of those Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals) approach to attack, insult and make people feel guilty. He taught his followers how to attack and destroy opponents when they had no intellectual or moral grounds to stand on. Sorry he was a fraud and a fool and so are most leftwingers. Those attacks are low and really transparent.


Trump pretended he was Swedish instead of German to get special treatment. If that doesn't offend you, then nothing will.

Typo. Trump is the Keynesian. The Republican Party is giving tax savings to their rich lobbyists who threatened to withhold campaign contributions unless they get a tax break. Are you that brainwashed from your right-wing books to not fight back in order to be treated with respect by elected officials?

"Ever dealt with any government"
Yeah. My local libraries are excellent. Both local Social Security offices run very well - short wait time, only 5 minutes in one. DMV improved. Military keeps the country safe so no complaints there. I wrote a few politicians re: local concerns which were positively addressed - no complaints there. Air became less polluted due to local government regulation, thanks much appreciated - no complaint there. Unlike certain fascists, I was happy with net neutrality. Local government doing their best to provide Obamacare to all despite meddling from Republican greedy grinches who would take from the poor to give to the rich.
Nope, I can't figure out what your problem with government agencies is. The U.S. is the only Westernized country NOT to provide national health care. That will change when Democrats retake control. Alabama's election should be a wake-up call to you.

You're the only one responsible for your own emotions. If you feel guilty about something, then that's on you.



"Pocahontas was a Native American. Elizabeth Warren is NOT! But she tried to pretend she was to get special treatment. If that doesn't offend you, then nothing will."

There is no actual proof or evidence that Warren ever did that---it never seems to have occurred to idiots like you that she was merely making a joke about it. And the fact that trumpf dredged up a joke she made 10 years ago is grasping for straws on his part.


sleepingtiger-- Well it was a "joke" that got her preferential treatment, a clever move on her part. There's no "proof" that you will accept anyway, unless she had an R by her name instead of a whatever.



Enough of the BS about Obama "hating America". Saying that America has problems is not "hating" it, it's merely pointing out the realities that it does. Glossing over our countries' problems sure as hell never solved them or made them go away. You're the numb nut who thinks that it does. And get real----no one ever took Keyes seriously as a candidate--that's why he lost. All the bull**** you're talking about Obama---just admit you were pissed off that a black man got into office, proved he could run the country just as well as anybody else, and get the hell over yourself. I don't know why you're wasting time whining about someone who isn't president anymore anyway---that's what dosen't make any sense to me. Exactly which of Obama's policies did you hate? Be specific.

Of course, you right wing nuts would rather whine about Obama (who's no longer in office, but you still whine about him like he is,duh) instead of dealing with the fact that you elected a stupid,arrogant,dumb-a**, has-been former reality TV-show idiot clown fool whom even the current Secretary of State is said to have referred to as a "fckg moron" in private,and who hasn't accomplished a damn thing so far but pass a new tax law to give his rich buddies and corporations even bigger tax breaks, while the taxes for both poor and middle-class people go up.


Get a grip on reality, tiger. Of COURSE old Dumbo Ears hates America. You can see it in everything that arrogant, lying, narcissistic, racist, Marxist says or does.





How do you know when Obama's lying?
His lips are moving.



No I was p#ssed off that a guy who worshipped "cluelessly" in the church of Reverend "G#$damn America" Wright and was a pal of Bill "let's kill cops and blow of buildings" Ayers got to be President. He had nothing on his resume except the fact that he gave a few good speeches and was slick and shallow enough to appeal to his fellow shallow leftwing sycophants.



You sound ignorant as hell. It would only take you five seconds to find out that Obama was a state senator for 4 years and U.S. rep for three years. So he had enough experience to run for president. Trump dosen't even have that, which is why he dosen't know what the hell he's doing, and keeps looking stupid as hell. And why the hell are you whining about stuff that happened over a decade ago? So what if Rev Wright said what he said? Did you ever bother to watch his entire sermon in which he said that--which I did,btw? It's on youtube---look it up,you idiot. I mean, come the hell on! Only a five minute-clip of what he said was taken out of it (and taken out of context) and that was used to slam Obama,nothing more. It was just a dirty campaign trick. And so what if Wright said it? It was his church, he could say whatever the hell he wanted in it. I had the privilege of hearing him speak in person at an event in Detroit a few years ago---it was very interesting---he was invited to speak on the topic of race relations in this country---it was a really good lecture,btw.

As for Ayres---he and Obama were never even friends---Ayres just was a campaign donor when he ran for state senator. Ayres had already served his sentence decades before he even met Obama---so according to you,everybody in Chicago that knows him must be an accomplice, according to your stupid,ignorant clueless rants. And,btw, this is 2017 soon be 2018---you sound dumb whining about the 2008 election---it's over,stop trying to relive it so you can be mad at a president who's no longer in office. You sound like a crazy nut stuck back in 2008. Get the hell over yourself, please.


sleepingtiger---- Gee if I could only live long enough to have a discussion with a lefty who didn't use words like idiot and stupid. You folks sure have limited vocabularies. ha ha

Yes, Obama served in the State Senate. But after hearing his speeches, he scared me! Our Founding Fathers were not professional politicians. It's not exactly a requirement for holding down the top job. Obama's biggest claim to fame is his ability to read a teleprompter and look good in a suit AND make the left feel SO good and superior about themselves for voting for a black guy.

As the brilliant economist and one of my heroes, Dr. Thomas Sowell has said, "This is a man who has accomplished nothing except advancing his career through rhetoric." An elitist.

Bill Ayers "served his sentence"? Do you live in a state that just legalized pot? Or maybe you just come by your hallucinations naturally. He got OFF on a stupid technicality. He expressed remorse that he didn't do more damage to America.

Call me an idiot all you want, but really I would be insulted if I thought you had an I.Q. higher than room temperature!


To be correct, Keelai, your statement should read: "He needed to downplay being black because of racists like yourself."

Learn the King's English, son. It can take you far.

"White Supremacist media"??? Where the hell did you get that hilarious concept?? The Media is not only biased towards the Left, it IS the Left.



You think in absolutes.

1) I never identified myself as male.
2) Your personal denial about media doesn't change the fact that there are various points of view and biases.

You should find this link very helpful.

To be correct, MovieManCin2, your statement should read: "The Media are..." since the word media comes from the Latin plural of medium.
Learn the King's English. It can take you far.


"To be correct, MovieManCin2, your statement should read: "The Media are..." since the word media comes from the Latin plural of medium.
Learn the King's English. It can take you far."

You really should do some research before you make posts like that. It can stop you from exposing how stupid you are.

From here:

The word media comes from the Latin plural of medium. The traditional view is that it should therefore be treated as a plural noun in all its senses in English and be used with a plural rather than a singular verb: the media have not followed the reports (rather than ‘has’). In practice, in the sense ‘television, radio, and the press collectively’, it behaves as a collective noun (like staff or clergy, for example), which means that it is now acceptable in standard English for it to take either a singular or a plural verb. The word is also increasingly used in the plural form medias, as if it had a conventional singular form media, especially when referring to different forms of new media, and in the sense ‘the material or form used by an artist’: there were great efforts made by the medias of the involved countries about 600 works in all genres and medias were submitted for review.


Don't confuse Americanized English with the King's English. It's normal for the British to use the correct plural. Furthermore, the singular usage is a bastardization. Not acceptable!

We must rise to excellence in speech and correspondence rather than settle for mediocrity endorsed by the masses. Join me! Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare!


Dumbass Keelai: "Furthermore, the singular usage is a bastardization. NOT ACCEPTABLE!"

Oxford Dictionary: "it behaves as a collective noun (like staff or clergy, for example), which means that it is NOW ACCEPTABLE in standard English for it to take either a singular or a plural verb."

Hmm, who to believe? A dictionary, or some clueless idiot on the internet? Tough call. Hahahahaha.

Typical liberal. Can't admit that you're wrong even when provided proof. That's because you're soooo much smarter than everyone else. Hilarious.


Oxford Dictionary:
The word media comes from the Latin plural of medium. The traditional view is that it should therefore be treated as a plural noun in all its senses in English and be used with a plural rather than a singular verb: the media have not followed the reports (rather than ‘has’).

The rest is just a sorry excuse to use poor English. "Medias" indeed!

You're the one obsessed with the "King's English" and now you don't want to use it. Make up your mind!


Actually in that same article it states that "media is" is actually used more than "media are". It also points out that the British like to use "media are", and Americans like to use "media is". Six of one, half dozen of the other.



"British like to use "media are", and Americans like to use "media is"."

That's my point. SnagsWolf wanted me to use the "King's English" which is British, not American.


"SnagsWolf wanted me to use the "King's English""

I never mentioned 'King's English', you dysfunctional retard.


Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!



My bad.

I meant MovieManCin2. All you trolls seem the same to me.


"I meant MovieManCin2. All you trolls seem the same to me."

No, you're just an idiot.


I know you are, but what am I?

What a child, you are! LOL.


"I know you are, but what am I?"

As I've already proven, you're an idiot.


And you're become very fat!

I guess I overfed the troll tonight. No more food for you.


"And you're become very fat!"

And you're correcting others about the proper use of English?


Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room!



Please see Wolf's post and my response. Actually both are used, and thus both are correct. The Brits tend to use "media are". We Yanks tend to use "media is". Six of one, half dozen of the other. Tweedledee, Tweedledum

In any case, you should have used the word racists. Sorry if that offends you.

Sorry if you were offended that I assumed you were a male. You sort of have to assume one or the other for brevity's sake. I shall refrain from insulting you with that heinous label in the future. Okay?


"In any case, you should have used the word racists."

Of course. It's called a typo. I was busting SnagsWolf's chops for being so anal. I'm sure that I make plenty of typos. It's moviechat - not a resume. His/her error was a gift from Heaven, though. LOL.

"Sorry if you were offended that I assumed you were a male."
I didn't say I was female. I like being anonymous because people like to categorize then stereotype.


I didn't say or assume that you were a female. I simply apologized if I offended you assuming you were a male. Actually I don't really care, other than the fact it makes it harder to use a pronoun to refer to you. And if someone asks about you I have to respond "I dunno."



I was never offended.




Amen, PJ!



To be fair, the tea party was "coincidentally" formed before Obama even took office.


Bourbon King:

"Empty suit"? Obama started a national health care plan (which hadn't been done in decades) made gay marriage nationally legal for the first time ever, and deported more illegal immigrants than an other president before him. But, nope, you Obama haters don't want to give him credit for a single damn thing he's done (which would take all of 60 seconds to look up, but you're too lazy to even do that.) And his ascendence wasn't a "ploy" by anyone---it was the fact that folks were getting tired of the Clintons, and that John McCain clearly wasn't going to be a good candidate (especially since he didn't have a single clue about what to do about the economic collapse that year---remember, this is the guy who claimed that he didn't know anything about the economy.) I mean, you're not even giving credit to the voters who recognized him as not only a fresh face, but someone who clearly made the typical election a hell of a lot more interesting, and had a lot to bring to the table. Basically, your opinions about Obama are just that---your opinions, which means nothing to anybody else. Plus, they're stupid, and ill-informed. The Tea Party started (and was funded by the Koch brothers, so they were never a real "grassroots" movement like they claimed) because a lot of racist a-holes couldn't stand the fact that a black man was elected president. It basically fckd up all their ideals or white supremacy and ground them into dust, which was fun as hell to watch,lol. That's why they were really pissed off, and pretty much very few of them who ran for office in 2012 got elected.

And the republicans were so damn mad that a black man got into office, that they spent most of his two terms fighting against and trying to undermine almost every damn thing he did. Remember,it was that weasel Mitch McDonnell who said they were going to make sure that Obama was a one-term president. And the republicans lost the election in 2008 because of the Iraq war/economic collaspe.


Your reply speaks to the problem I see in Politics. Right or Left, each side dominates the conversation with the "you either love it or hate it" mentality with regards to policies and positions.

Again, Obama's an empty suit who didn't fix the problem that ACA had in terms of funding and the overreach it couldn't sustain. He had the opportunity in his second term to fix that but instead retreated into his own camp and nullified the concern by ignoring it. That gave idiots like Trump the fuel to fire up his supporters and motivate them to believe that Obama and the Democrats didn't have their back. You scream Koch Brothers and all the Teabaggers and Trumptards have to do is scream George Soros.

Also, Obama didn't support Gay Marriage when he was campaigning but evolved on the position. He also didn't make it legal, that had to happen through SCOTUS.


Trump hates Obama because Obama was a better man. Educated, professional and not a idiotic braggart like tRump.


Exactly. He'll never be half the president or even half the man that Obama is, and he knows it. That's why trump keeps putting him down every chance he can get, like the whiny, jealous,pathetic hater that he is.


Trump doesn't hate Obama. None of us Conservatives hate Obama. We hate his Marxists policies. And BTW, speaking of hate, the American Left is the largest, and most vile hate group in the world.



I don't disagree with you with regards to Obama being a moderate, I felt he worked too hard to appease to congressional Republicans who made it clear from the start they had no interest in working with him.

But paradoxically maybe, I do have some sympathy for the way he ended up governing. It's questionable whether he could have ever gotten elected if he didn't have the accommodating personality and unique cosmopolitan background that he did, and I find it dubious he would have won re-election had he showed any favoritism in his policies that the demagogues of racial grievance on the right could have exploited for political gain.

The vehement hatred he inspires illustrated by some of the heated and sadly, all to predictable responses you received to post exemplifies why. Cited were two non-policy instances, one very early in his first term when he rose to the defense of his colleague Henry Gates, Harvard prof who police would not believe was attempting to get into his own house, and the other later in his first term where he weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case.

That's it. Two instances that his critics cling to that they cite as their 'proof' he wasn't a moderate instead to smear him as a divisive president.

In comparison to the type of race based incendiary and divisive rhetoric our current president engaged in through his campaign and in just in his first year in office? It really boggles the mind. The hypocrisy is deafening. These people aren't interested in making any effort to understand Obama. For them he's just a racial caricature used to confirm all their worst prejudices with regards to those that share his skin color. It's really quite ironic given how different and unique he was based on his background, and his ability to identity with both minorities and a broad cross section of the white population was I believe imperative to his success. In a country where the toxic racial fault lines have been so obviously exposed to the extent that they have this past year, that he was elected at all just seems all the more remarkable.


SnagsWolf was so incredibly disingenuous, he wasn't even worth debating with.


"SnagsWolf was so incredibly disingenuous, he wasn't even worth debating with."

Translation: I can't come up with any facts to rebut him, so I'll just make up some reason for not debating him.



Obama never did anything I found offensive. Trump, on the other hand...!


You're full of crap. Obama set back race relations in this country 30 years. Every time we criticized his Marxists policies, we were called racists. We got tired of that very quickly and then got pissed off.

Fortunately our man Trump is undoing all the harm done by old Dumbo Ears in his eight years in office. Under DE we never had quarterly economic growth about 1.5 %. And Dumbo Ears told us this was the new norm, and we had to get used to it. He was either ignorant, or was lying to us. Predictions for the fourth quarter of this year are for 4/5%! And the stock market has SOARED from around 18,000 at the end of Dumbo Ears' administration to 24.746.21. And wait until the tax cuts take effect in 2018. You ain't seen nothin' yet!






I agree with you, but the reality is, Obama's growing up with the white side of his family didn't shield him from prejudice, as he makes clear in his biography. What white people never seem to understand is that a black person growing up in a white family still has to deal with prejudice from the outside world, and from within their own family---even Obama said his own grandma was racist, in her own way. Being part of a white family isn't some automatic shield from racism for a black person---not like white people seem to think. To compare him to a white guy just because he grew up in a white family is ridiculous. He even said there was a little racism he had to deal with in Hawaii while growing up---it wasn't some color-blind paradise for him. Read his bio again. And he was definitely liberal---he certainly wasn't a conservative---even as he did keep up Bush-era policies on the war.


Oh boo, hoo, hoo. Cry me a river! So Obama as young Barry Sotero wasn't "shielded" from life. I am so sorry that his life wasn't perfect.

He grew up in freaking Hawaii, for cripes sake! Have you ever been there? I have. It is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse and accepting place in all of the 57 states, er, 50, I was thinking of one of Obama's speeches for a moment.

He attended Punahou school. He left Indonesia at the age of ten to attend that very exclusive and expensive school in Honolulu. Don't know what the tuition was back then, but today it's about $22,000 a YEAR! So spare me the tears for poor suffering little Barry. I know when he was President he liked to put on a sad face and act like a poor kid from the 'hood, but really. Stop being so naïve.

We all have our crosses to bear in life, it's what toughens us up for our grown up years. And it seems like little Barry turned out just fine.


We won! Ha Ha! You lost! Boo Hoo! Get over it, Buttercup!



And then lost again 😆 😎
