Melanie looks so much like Caitlyn Jenner
Just saying........
shareWhat a MORONIC thing to say...just saying....It's nice to have a beautiful, classy First Lady again, it just kills the libtards...just saying....
shareone, the resemblance is undeniable
2nd Michelle Obama is he classiest First Lady we had in a long time
mitchell obama is a man
shareI know a lot of people weren't thrilled with W but you would have be pretty bias not to think his wife wasn't a pretty classy lady.
shareThere is something there...and yeah...Mrs. Obama...pretty much first rate First Lady! Honestly I try not to bang on first families...but when comparing Mrs trump to Mrs Obama...unlike their speeches...there is no comparison!
shareThe only thing classy this woman has done is to show open contempt,several times...ON CAMERA...for her favorite is the blatant eye roll...DURING HIS INAUGURATION!!! You gotta be a special kind of asshat to have your BOUGHT AND PAID FOR wife rub your nose in shit on national television...this shit makes W.'s presidency look like fucking Camelot!
shareLOL LOL, I just KNEW nothing would get the leftwing kissy ass folks more upset than to make the slightest hint that Mrs. Obama was not the saint that the left tried to make her into! ha ha
"lifted a speech from Michelle"? so WHO wrote HER speech? Plagiarism did't bother you when it was Joe Biden doing it! (Neal Kinnock's speech, look it up)
Nothing against the woman, but Michelle was hardly the Madame Curie/Mother Theresa/ Model of the Year which the left proclaimed her to be.
"blatant eye roll"_ now I know someone is really reaching for nonsense...or was drunk when watching the Inauguration. Can't blame you though, since Hillary's loss was devastating.
"BOUGHT AND PAID FOR"wife...gee whiz, now we're getting back to Hillary who rode the coattails of a perv into an almost Presidency of her own. Yikes!
The bottom line is the phony, hypocritical leftwing attacks Melania Trump non-stop, but if she were BLACK and/or married to a Democrat, you'd all be tripping over yourselves to praise her. IF Michelle had been married to a Republican, you'd have as much use for HER (and as little respect) that you had for Condoleeza Rice.
What a bunch of hypocritical dopes!!!
Reading a speech written specifically written for you, and lifting a speech word for word with no
Recognition of the original orator are two different know're just being childish...
Yes I would have to be lit like a fucking Christmas tree to watch this chumps inauguration...eye roll was incorrect...that was Barron...melanias was more utter hatered...touché!
And the bought and paid for to say this delicately...not figurative, like the clintons, but a prostitute.
Oh...and the Clinton bashing doesn't hurt me...never voted for one...
Well you went up a few points in my estimation...never having voted for a Clinton! lol But seriously, I mean it.
Funny, "lit like a Christmas tree" to watch PRESIDENT Trump's inauguration. Interesting you call him "chump". I read an article when Obama was in office. Actor George Clooney had a hissy fit when someone didn't call him "President" Obama. I guess the respect for the office only goes ONE way! chuckle....
Actually for the second Obama inauguration I was so heartsick I avoided TV all day and took my dog for a long walk instead. So we all have our heartbreaking moments, it's true.
Barron's eyeroll? I don't get that. He's a little kid who was obviously roused out of bed in the middle of the night to listen to his father's speech.
"Bought and paid for"??? Well who knows what goes on in people's personal lives? Have you seen those news clips of pervert Harvey Weinstein and his hot wife? Like she would give that unshaven, fat pig the time of day if he worked for minimum wage at K-Mart.
Truth is, these people and their lives are WAY out of my world. I just don't get attacking Melania. She aint President!
"Being childish", well I'll admit to times I am. But here and now, I'm just expressing the fact that political speeches don't mean all that much to me, I mean, speeeches from either party.!!! It's just all so much hot air. I barely can get through one.
They are obviously written by PAID speech writers. A few speeches have gone down in history as classics, The Gettysburg Address, Washington's Farewell to the Troops, but otherwise, eh, so what.
Rising in your estimation elevates me to what...bowling alley? At least you admit to being childish...
shareAnd the left seriously tries to act like they aren't sexist. F-cking bigot Trump is going to be your president and you no longer have a say in it, learn some respect.
shareHippo, you do realize that Trump has been a childish dick since the 90s right?
sharePresident Trump has been a great leader ever since he took office and it so great to have a commander in chief who wants to rebuild our economy and repair the horrible foreign relations disaster of the Obama Administration. The problem is the left is acting like political terrorists and is willing to destroy the country just because they don't like him. Grow up and give him the support and respect he deserves. You don't have a say in the matter, he is your president so learn your place which is in the back of the bus.
The left is nothing more than a bunch of sexist, anti-American terrorists.
Are you off your meds
shareNo I am seeing things perfectly clear, President Trump is working his absolute hardest to repair the horrible, horrible damage Obama and the Democrats did to this country and instead of supporting the President the left has decided to engage in a bunch of childish temper tantrums and are actively trying to undermine him. They would rather destroy America than have to admit they were wrong, they are a bunch of political terrorists.
shareHippo- Don't waste your time typing. LOL Any group of people who can still say with a straight face that Hillary was qualified (and "deserving") to be President can't be reasoned with!!!!
shareNot to mention that it's been proven that she stole the primary and colluded with Russia.
shareTime will tell, and from the looks of it, your boy is in trouble, karma is coming his way practically every member of the orange bastards administration has Russian connections. They lie, get found out, then lie some more. Ignoring that , we will see what the outcome as karma will catch up to him. Also, considering the anger this man causes, perhaps impeachment isn't the only way the problem will be solved.
shareBetween Trump and Hillary there is only evidence of wrong doing on one person's part and that is Hillary. Lying, unethical bitch belongs in prison. Trump is not getting impeached, he is not going anywhere, he is going to be your president for at least the next 4 years so suck on it and deal with it.
I find it mind boggling that you are not calling out the obvious sexism of this thread, I thought Democrats were against sexism? I guess they only are if the sexism is against another Democrat? Makes sense considering the left stated that Sarah Palin should have aborted her baby because he had down syndrome, what a bunch of bigoted hypocrites.
The alternate reality of a delusional Trump supporter.