MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Islamic State and Hillary Supporters Beg...

Islamic State and Hillary Supporters Beg Hurricane Irma – ‘Destroy Trump’s America!’

To be fair, Greenie Democraps only want Trump's Mar-a-Lago destroyed. It has stone walls attached to bedrock and has survived two major hurricanes. Trump also has a place in Saint Martin, no news on that.

Islamic State supporters have united with their natural allies on the regressive left to celebrate the destructive power of Hurricane Irma on the Great Satan and its wicked, climate-denying president Donald Trump.

Though Islamists and progressives differ as to the cause of hurricanes – one side ascribes them to Allah, the other to Donald Trump and man’s selfishness, greed and refusal to amend his carbon-guzzling lifestyle – they are both unanimous that the damage being done is good thing.


What the hell are you talking about? I know you're talking a bunch of bull**** if you post anything from breitbart. Because breitbart is nothing but a bunch of right-wing bull****, anyway. And that sounds like the dumbest piece of fake news I've heard all damn day.


Libtard head explodes! Doesn't read article. If you did, you couldn't deny it's truth.


Oh what I would give if the latest hurricane dropped a house on Hillary! lol (it's not a tornado, but beggars can't be choosers)


